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Aerosmith 12/30/82
Joe Freeman Coliseum, San Antonio, TX
Set I
Back In The Saddle
Mama Kin
Big Ten Inch Record
Three Mile Smile
Reefer Headed Woman
Rock In A Hard Place (Cheshire Cat)
Lord Of The Thighs
Lick And A Promise
Sweet Emotion
Dream On
Lightning Strikes
Walk This Way
Milk Cow Blues
Toys In The Attic
Train Kept A Rollin'
Set II
Last Changed By randy walton
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Steven (5/0) / 0 A View   sdb
Steven Bladt (5/5) / 0 A View   sdb
Rob Garretson (5/5) flac / 1 A- View   SBD>CD-R>WAV>FLAC(LEVEL8)>DIME
Notes: dvd 134
Adam (5/5) CDR / 1 B View   SBD
Notes: Remember The Alamo
gwendibbley (5/0) / 0 View  
Zoooma (5/5) shn / 0 View   Soundboard ("Remember The Alamo" bootleg)
Insider (5/0) FLAC / 0 A View   Remember The Alamo
George Rue (5/5) Flac / 1 View  
Jack Warner (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   MST>?>FLAC
Roy Martin\'s Music Collection (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   Remember the Alamo (FF143)
Notes: Info file says, "The best sounding source from this brief period that I have yet to hear. Definitely a soundboard or (possibly) an FM broadcast."
randy walton (5/5) cdr / 1 a View   sbd
Notes: 78 minutes
Mike Marteny (5/5) cdr / 1 A+ View   SBD>CDR(1)>FLAC>CDR(1)
Notes: 78:14
Slick2007 (5/5) FLAC / 2 A View   SB
Jen Sienkiewicz (5/4.8) CDR / 1 View  
Damian (5/5) CD / 2 View  
Notes: Band: Aerosmith Date: 1982.12.30 Locale: San Antonio, TX Venue: Lineage: Label: Catalog: Title: Remember the Alamo Source: sb Number of disks : 2 Set List: (disc one) intro/Back In the Saddle Mama Kin Big Ten Inch Record Three Mile Smile Reefer Head Woman Rock In A Hard Place Lord of the Thighs Lick And A Promise Sweet Emotion Dream On When the Lightning Strikes Walk This Way (disc two) Milk Cow Blues drum solo Toys In the Attic Train Kept A'Rollin'
Waz (5/5) FLAC / 1 A B View   Soundboard.
Notes: "Alamosmith" - Hard Road HR-R03010 - SBD. Lineage: Original CDR > EAC > WAV > FLAC Frontend > FLAC.
Phil (5/0) Cdr / 1 View  
stephen (5/4.8) FLAC / 1 SBD View  
Jordan Jacobs (5/3) Flac / 0 View   SBD
Tony G. (5/5) CD / 2 A+ View   FM
Troy W. Robertson (5/0) CD-R / 2 View   SBD
G. DeVeau (5/5) Cd / 1 View  
Michael Shilling (4/5) CDR / 1 A- View  
Notes: "Alamosmith" - Hard Road HR-R03010 - SBD. Minus Joe Perry and Brad Whitford, the band plods along. This show demonstrates a somewhat cohesive unit that pumps out the classics with little excitement.
Freebird 63 (4/5) CDR / 1 A View   SBD
Marty (3/4.9) CDR / 1 View  
Notes: flac
Andre (3/0) FLAC / 0 View  
joe m (3/5) SHN / 1 View   The best sounding source from this brief period that I have yet to hear. Definitely a soundboard...
Medley (3/5) CDR / 1 View  
Fred (3/5) CDR / 1 View  
itooktoomuch (2/0) FLAC / 1 View   SBD > ? > CDR(?) > EAC > flac