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Phish 08/21/87
Ian McLean's Farm, Hebron, NY
Set I
Dog Log, Peaches en Regalia, Divided Sky, Funky Bitch, Harry Hood, Clod, The Curtain With, Light Up Or Leave Me Alone, Shaggy Dog, Wilson, Camel Walk
Set II
Mike's Song -> Hold Your Head Up[1], Harpua[2] > Bundle of Joy[3] > Harpua -> Golgi Apparatus > Sparks[4], Flat Fee, Fee, Skin It Back -> Low Rider Jam -> Back Porch Boogie Blues -> The Sloth
Big Black Furry Creature from Mars[3], McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters -> Stir It Up Jam, Makisupa Policeman Jam[5] -> David Bowie[6] > Sanity, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
[1] First known Phish performance.
[2] Restarted after the opening lyric.
[3] First known performance.
[4] Extended intro.
[5] Freestyle reggae rapping from Trey.
[6] Unfinished.

This show is mislabeled on many recordings as 8/27/87. Teases were everywhere, including a Trench Town Rock quote from Trey before Hood, a Whipping Post tease from Fish and a Jingle Jangle Jingle tease from Trey after HYHU, a full band Sneakin' Sally tease before Golgi, a Smoke on the Water tease after Sparks, La Bamba lyrics in the Low Rider Jam, as well as a full band HYHU tease and a Slipknot! tease from Trey before McGrupp. Harpua was played by request and was restarted after the opening lyric, which was repeated. The intro to Sparks was extended while Fish relieved himself. McGrupp was introduced as "The Gala Event." The third set was heavy on jamming and light on lyrics. Trey delivered some freestyle reggae rapping before and during the Makisupa Jam that some fans have labeled the “Mouse House Rap.” Mike's included a DEG tease from Trey. David Bowie contained a Tom Sawyer tease and was unfinished. This show contained the first known performances of Bundle of Joy and BBFCFM and the first known Phish performance of HYHU.
Last Changed By jeff mitchell
(395) View Source   
purportedly sbd > cass > dat, however what circulates is really a high-quality AUD from taper E. Larson, mislabelled as SBD (thanks to M. Pearson, C. Dirksen for correction);? transfer: dat > s/pdif [sb live] > hd [forge 4.0 / cdwav] > shn; via Jon "Ebeneezer"
(397) View Source   
purportedly SBD> Cass> DAT, however what circulates is really a high-quality AUD from taper E. Larson, mislabelled as SBD (thanks to M. Pearson, C. Dirksen for correction); transfer: dat> za2 > soundforge> cdwav; silences between songs removed; very full 3 discs; via J. Sellers; etreed via B. Mohr
(135567) View Source   
flac16, 48kHz; Sennheiser 441's > Sony TC-D5 > Nakamichi Cassette Master > DAT(c); DAT(c) > Tascam DA-20MKII > Canare Coax > Korg MR-2000S > Kimber USB 2.0 > Samplitude > FLAC; Source by Howard Kunz; Transfer by Jeff Mitchell
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Benjamin Ferguson (0/0) CDR / 4 A A++ View   SBD> Cass/0> DAT
Notes: SBD
Steve Hormell (0/0) CDR / 3 A A- View 397
Jon Zilles (0/0) cdr / 4 A A View   SBD>Cass0>DAT>shn
Amy Westervelt (0/0) CD / 4 A- View  
bob (0/4) cdr / 4 A+ View   DSBD>Dat>cdr
Todd Crotts (0/0) cdr / 4 a a View   ?
Marc Janicki (0/0) analog / 0 B+ View  
Andrew Robinson (0/0) CD-R / 4 A+ A+ View  
Brad Welsh (0/0) CD / 3 A- View  
Notes: dogs baarking throughout the show is disturbing but is probably on every copy
Mark Corner (0/0) CDR / 3 View 395
JAY (0/0) CDR / 4 A View  
cj (0/0) / 0 View 397
Special-K (0/0) CDR / 4 View  
Jason Record (0/0) CDR / 3 View 397
Dan (0/0) / 0 View  
bill stubblebine (0/0) tape / 3 View  
jason mayo (0/5) CD / 4 View 395
Phan420 (0/0) CDR / 4 View  
cbauer210 (0/0) cdr / 3 A+ View  
Caleb Epstein (0/3) CD-R / 4 View   sbd > cass/0 > dat > s/pdif [sb live] > hd [forge 4.0 / cdwav] > shn
Notes: This tape has been circulating as 08-27-87 for years due to a handwriting error on the master. Also, a song (Love on the Telephone) frequently follows this show on tape, but it is filler of a band called Off the Cuff.
Peter Caffrey (0/5) CD-R / 4 A View  
Notes: sbd>cass(0)>DAT>cdr
BuckNutty (0/0) SHN / 3 View 395 AUD
Jamie Ippolito (0/5) CDR / 3 A A View 395
Will (0/0) SHN / 3 View 397 SBD>cas>DAT
Ian Coronado (0/0) CD/SHN / 3 View 397
Brett Anderson (0/0) CDR / 4 A+ View   SBD > DAT > CD
damon manetta (0/0) CD-R / 3 A A View   unknown AUD>C>?>CD
Tim O'Shea (0/0) SHN / 0 View 395
Notes: 368M phish87-08-21d2.shnf 213M phish87-08-21d3.shnf
Miller (0/5) CDR / 3 View   441s and a d5 (purportedly SBD> Cass> DAT, however what circulates is really a high-quality...
Jim Heine (0/0) SHN / 3 View 397