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Black Crowes 06/11/05
Bonnaroo Music Festival, Manchester, TN
Set I
Don't Do It
Sting Me
Cosmic Friend
Soul Singing
Seeing Things
Thorn In My Pride
Space Captain
Hard To Handle
Ballad In Urgency >
Wiser Time
My Morning Song
Brokedown Palace

E: Remedy
Set II
4th Annual Bonnaroo Music And Arts Festival
Last Changed By old trader grandad
(75079) View Source   
AUD: DPA(B&K)4011s>V2>AD2K>M1>Sony R500>M Audio Audiophile 2496>Soundforge>CDWav>FLAC
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Red (2/5) FLAC / 0 View  
Adam (2/5) CDR / 2 A View   FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
Notes: The Black Crowes What Stage,Bonnaroo Music Festival Manchester, TN 6/11/05 cd # 1 Intro Don't Do It Sting Me Cosmic Friend Soul Singing Seeing Things Jam -> Thorn In My Pride cd# 2 Space Captain Hard To Handle -> Jam Ballad In Urgency -> Wiser Time My Morning Song Brokedown Palace E:Remedy FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1 Conversion:Sony R500 ->M Audio Audiophile 2496 ->Soundforge (record/resample) -> CDWAV (track) ->FLAC. Recorded and converted by Mark Lynn([email protected])
Hard2Handell (1/4.3) CDR / 2 A+ View   Audience
Will Pinner (1/5) CD-R / 2 A A View   DPA(B&K) 4011s > V2 > AD2L > M1 > Sony R500 > M Audio Audiophile 24/96 >...
thegreatdivide6 (1/0) flac / 0 View 75079
Notes: Audience
datdork (1/5) flac / 0 View   DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1 transfer: Sony R500 ->Audiophile 2496 ->Soundforge -> CDWAV > flac
Notes: The Black Crowes What Stage,Bonnaroo Music Festival Manchester, TN 6/11/05 cd # 1 Intro Don't Do It Sting Me Cosmic Friend Soul Singing Seeing Things Jam -> Thorn In My Pride cd# 2 Space Captain Hard To Handle -> Jam Ballad In Urgency -> Wiser Time My Morning Song Brokedown Palace E:Remedy FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1 Conversion:Sony R500 ->M Audio Audiophile 2496 ->Soundforge (record/resample) -> CDWAV (track) ->FLAC. Recorded and converted by Mark Lynn([email protected]) TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd1t01.flac:fe5e0032cc2a4bea419b85083ab1fac4 TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd1t02.flac:991b31b1cddb3345cb390778bfc00746 TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd1t03.flac:af3f18a8276794cefdfcfbef8598e844 TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd1t04.flac:294aec18dcd0220641fc79b814b975aa TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd1t05.flac:9f7dcaf08a9006077b8076280300b0d2 TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd1t06.flac:854baeb03270252de2c89e7d8783a428 TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd1t07.flac:06408c1cb4e01449916a1870acb4f4ab TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd1t08.flac:581d72907e92cf78c68470ba0d839008 TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd2t01.flac:8faa805e2c96280357132eb9bbb9bdb1 TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd2t02.flac:a92b25bae411154ac98a9eb02f6fa3c2 TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd2t03.flac:d32c96d9a19b25a05d353431f694fb6e TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd2t04.flac:aa85df11dfa110c20173e64e30fb02bb TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd2t05.flac:be2cee5ff888a6ade1990b884201d26a TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd2t06.flac:61c386c6de12d9218f1b8bb82e2922f8 TBC 2005-06-11 4011sd2t07.flac:a0b9a03c4f4f051801e8d75e877c69bb
Richard Markley (1/5) flac / 1 View   FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1 Conversion:Sony R500 ->M Audio Audiophile 2496...
Notes: DVD197
KenJacoby (1/5) Aud/FLAC / 2 View  
Notes: FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
Axel (1/5) CD / 2 A A View   Live from
Notes: One of TBC?s best shows ever, my Brokedown Place
SpiralLightofVenus (1/5) FLAC / 0 AUD View 75079
Notes: AUD TB17
Brian (1/0) cdr / 2 View  
Crow Black Chicken (1/4.9) CDR/Flac / 2 A A- View 75079 AUD: DPA(B&K)4011s>V2>AD2K>M1>Sony R500>M Audio Audiophile...
Tony (1/0) FLAC / 0 View  
David Schroer (1/5) cdr / 2 View  
russiancrowe (1/0) / 2 View  
gr8ful_dead75 (1/5) CDR / 2 A- View   seamless
Notes: Aud
Jeffrey Peterson (1/4.9) CDR / 2 A A View   FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
Andy Cross (1/4.8) CDR / 2 View   FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
Maria Reine (1/0) CD-R / 2 View  
Notes: Bonnaroo Festival. Audience recording verson using DPA(B&K) 4011's (FOB) > v2 > AD2K > Sony M1, taped and converted by Mark Lynn. FLAC[max300b]
Matthew Kupchinsky (1/0) CDR-FLAC / 1 View   DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1 Conversion:Sony R500 ->M Audio Audiophile 2496...
George W. Burrows (1/5) CDR / 2 A A- View  
Notes: AUD
spcwrnglr (1/5) cd / 2 View   aud
Helder Luis (1/0) cdr / 2 View  
Victor Pianello (1/5) CD-R / 2 View  
huntr (1/0) Flac / 2 View  
Notes: I Do NOT Collect This Artist
tarkus22 (1/5) FLAC / 2 View  
Notes: FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
moedbt (1/5) CDR / 2 View  
Patrick M. (1/4.9) Flac / 1 View   (B&K) 4011s
w302nv (1/0) / 0 View 75079
HEDSPACE (1/5) cdr / 2 View   AUD