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Grateful Dead 10/23/71
Eastown Theater, Detroit, MI
Set I
Bertha, Playin' in the Band, Loser, Mexicali Blues, Sugaree, Jack Straw, Big Railroad Blues, El Paso, Ramble on Rose, Me and Bobby McGee, Cumberland Blues, Brokedown Palace, One More Saturday Night
Set II
Casey Jones, Me and My Uncle, Tennessee Jed, Sugar Magnolia, Comes a Time, Truckin', Brown Eyed Women, Not Fade Away-> Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad-> Not Fade Away
FM broadcast WABX; other artist(s): NRPS
Last Changed By Matt Vernon
(10359) View Source    View Archive
SBD>FM>?>C>Sound Forge>SHN; via Walter Schnell; Seeded to etree by J. Cotsman
(18666) View Source    View Archive
SBD>FM>?>CASS>CD>EAC>DC5>CD Thanks to the Wizard; seedeD
(19862) View Source    View Archive
FM C/3; via Uli Teute and Hanno Bunjes
(111673) View Source    View Archive
flac16; Recording Info:SBD -> Master Reel (7 Inch - 1/2 Track) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> FLAC/24; Transfer Info:FLAC/24 -> Samplitude Professional v11.2 -> FLAC/16; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Gary Field (1/5) 111673 / 2 View 111673 SBD
Notes: Recording Info: SBD -> Master Reel (7 Inch - 1/2 Track) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> FLAC/24; Transfer Info: FLAC/24 -> Samplitude Professional v11.2 -> FLAC/16 [110215.1]
Marc Deardorff (1/5) shn / 2 View 10359
Notes: SBD>FM>?>C>Sound Forge>SHN
Marc Deardorff (1/5) shn / 2 View 18666
Marc Deardorff (1/5) shn / 2 View 19862
Notes: FM C/3; via Uli Teute and Hanno Bunjes
Brian C (1/4.7) SHN / 2 A A View   SBD>FM>?>C>Sound Forge>SHN
Notes: w/4/4/69
mike (1/5) Flac / 2 View 111673
CDJones (1/5) SHN/CDR / 3 View 18666
Notes: 18666
CDJones (1/5) SHN/CDR / 3 View 19862
Notes: 19862
CDJones (1/5) FLAC/CDR / 3 View 111673
Notes: 111673
woodenalligator (1/5) CDR / 3 A A View   SB
thegreatdivide6 (1/0) flac / 0 View 111673
Stuart Ferguson (1/4.3) CDR / 2 View   Soundboard
Notes: DVD 1103; lineage: SBD -> Master Reel (7 Inch - 1/2 Track) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> FLAC/24; Transfer Info:FLAC/24 -> Samplitude Professional v11.2 -> FLAC/16; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
KB Larsen (1/5) shn / 2 View 10359
Notes: Thanks Torbjorn! 3 audio
Hanf (1/5) Shn / 0 View 18666
openpath (1/5) FLAC / 0 View 111673 flac16; Recording Info:SBD -> Master Reel (7 Inch - 1/2 Track) -> Sound Devices 744T...
J Parzych (1/5) FLAC / 0 View 111673 SBD -> Master Reel (7 Inch - 1/2 Track) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> FLAC/24
Joe (1/5) FLAC / 0 View 111673
Imetdork (1/0) FLAC / 0 View 111673
Alex Bushe (1/5) CD-R / 2 View   SBD
aikox2 (1/4.9) / 2 View  
Notes: CDR SBD
John Peters (1/0) FLAC / 1 View 111673 SBD: MR (7 Inch - 1/2 Track) > Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) > FLAC/24; FLAC/24 > Samplitude...
michael rosenberg (1/5) flac/cd / 2 a a View 111673 SBD -> Master Reel (7 Inch - 1/2 Track) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> FLAC/24
Geoff MacNaughton (1/5) 2 / 3 A View 111673
Richard Markley (1/5) SHN / 2 View 10359
Notes: DVD249
Richard Markley (1/5) flac / 2 View 111673
Notes: HD2
Richard Markley (1/5) SHN / 2 View 19862
Notes: HD3
SIRMick (1/5) / 0 View 19862
Matt Vernon (1/4.8) SHN / 3 B B View 19862
Notes: FM Hanno/Uli - Listenable but "hissy" off-air FM recording. The music this night is consistenty average. However, the banter in the first set is entertaining. Apparently someone up front was doing something that elicited responses after almost every song. Here are a few I transcribed: Phil (before Mexicali Blues): "This here's kind of a "get-down" song." Jery:"Relax man, we don't respond to that shit". Bob:"Plus ytou'll like this one" (followed by Big Railroad Blues). Jerry: "Shout encouragement..Relax man, we'll get around to all that stuff". Phil:"We have electricity on our side." Jerry:"We can rage louder...where were we?" -> El Paso Bobby:"Hey we gotta a couple of live ones up here in front...meaningful interaction of course the staple of life...I only wish everyone had microphones" Phil:"It all sounds the same to us up here man. You guys keep rapping and won't be able to talk tomorrow..Later..Later"
Matt Vernon (1/4.8) SHN / 3 x x View 18666
Notes: SBD>FM>?>CASS>CD>EAC>DC5>CD Thanks to the Wizard; seedeD
Matt Vernon (1/4.8) SHN / 2 x x View 10359
Notes: SBD>FM>?>C>Sound Forge>SHN; via Walter Schnell; Seeded to etree by J. Cotsman