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Bad Company 03/09/74
Newcastle City Hall, Newcastle, England
Set I
Little Miss Fortune
Rock Steady
Ready For Love
Don't Let Me Down
Easy On My Soul
Bad Company
Deal With The Preacher
Movin' On
Can't Get Enough
Rock Me Baby
Set II
Ticket Stub clearly shows date and venue being March 9th. this is the band's 4th Documented Show.
Last Changed By George Rue
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Ledhed (3/5) CDR / 1 A View   SB
Steve Halliday (3/0) audio / 1 View  
david pirkle (3/5) cd-r / 1 View  
Brian Simmons (3/3) cdr / 1 A= A View  
Crowster2 (3/5) CDR / 1 View  
John Langdon (3/0) CD-R / 1 A- B View   Unknown
keith smith (3/5) cdr / 1 A- View   SBD.
Notes: Good set list. Good version of 'Easy on My Soul'. Show has a couple of spots where it drags a tiny bit, but still quite a good glimpse at early Bad Co.
Svante_B (3/0) CDR / 1 A A View   SBD
Kevin Knight (3/0) CD-R / 1 B+ View   SBD
Tom Owens (3/5) FLAC / 1 View  
Tom Owens (3/5) FLAC / 1 View  
Notes: SBD
Geoff (3/0) wav / 1 View  
purps69 (2/0) FLAC / 1 A 10 View   SB>?> CDR > SoundForge > Wav > flac
Notes: Very first gig
Greg Peters (2/5) cdr / 1 View  
Private Stock (2/5) / 1 Vg View  
Notes: A nice, but short, show. I really don't know, or care, if this is complete. What's here is all good.
ZIP007 (2/5) FLAC / 0 View   SBD
Notes: CDR > SoundForge > Wav > flac
Mighty Little (2/5) / 1 View  
Keith Smith (2/0) CDR / 1 A- View   SBD.
Danjiri (2/5) CDR / 1 A View  
C.T.T. (2/0) / 1 B+ View  
David (1/5) CDR / 1 A View   SBD
Boedi-taper (1/4.8) CDR / 1 A A View   Soundboard Recording
Notes: Soundboard Recording
woodenalligator (1/5) CDR / 1 A A View   SB
J Parzych (1/5) FLAC / 0 View  
C Montana (1/4) CDR / 1 A View  
Brian (1/0) cdr / 1 View  
Notes: SBD
Donny Taylor (1/5) cdr / 1 A- View   SBD
Charlie (1/0) / 0 View  
Charlie (1/0) / 0 View  
Tim (1/0) CDR / 1 View  
Notes: soundboard 56:23