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Black Crowes 06/11/05
Bonnaroo Music Festival, Manchester, TN
Set I
Don't Do It
Sting Me
Cosmic Friend
Soul Singing
Seeing Things
Thorn In My Pride
Space Captain
Hard To Handle
Ballad In Urgency >
Wiser Time
My Morning Song
Brokedown Palace

E: Remedy
Set II
4th Annual Bonnaroo Music And Arts Festival
Last Changed By old trader grandad
(75079) View Source   
AUD: DPA(B&K)4011s>V2>AD2K>M1>Sony R500>M Audio Audiophile 2496>Soundforge>CDWav>FLAC
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Ian (5/0) / 0 View   FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
Tyler Bruce (5/4.3) cdr / 2 View  
Sal (5/0) CDR / 1 View  
nick (5/5) / 2 View  
Kyle Martz (5/5) CDR / 2 View  
Derreck (4/4.6) CDR / 2 View  
Notes: *
Brad Foster (4/4.9) FLAC / 1 View   [FOB] DPA (B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
Gringo (4/5) CD / 2 View  
Ruben (4/5) CD-R / 2 View   FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
Notes: Conversion:Sony R500 ->M Audio Audiophile 2496 ->Soundforge (record/resample) -> CDWAV (track) ->FLAC. Recorded and converted by Mark Lynn([email protected])
Chris Mitchell (4/5) audio / 2 A View   FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
Notes: Conversion:Sony R500 ->M Audio Audiophile 2496 ->Soundforge (record/resample) -> CDWAV (track) ->FLAC. Recorded and converted by Mark Lynn([email protected])
groundhog (4/4.7) FLAC / 1 View   DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
Notes: 673mb
Anthony Dellacioppa (4/5) CDR / 2 View   FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
KenWah (4/5) Aud/FLAC / 2 View  
Notes: FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
bob (4/5) cdr / 2 View  
Rob E (4/5) FLAC / 1 View   DAUD
Chad Rieder (4/5) FLAC / 1 A+ A View   FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
thanxmikey (4/0) / 2 View  
Timothyjh18 (4/5) mp3 cdr / 1 View   DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
mymorningsong19 (4/0) cdr / 2 View  
mymorningsong19 (4/0) / 0 View  
Matt Bailey (4/5) CDR / 2 A View  
Phil Trautman (4/5) cd-r / 2 B View   FOB, DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
Notes: .flac
Mike (4/0) / 0 View  
Zach Hill (4/0) CDR / 2 View  
Rob K. (3/0) 2 flac / 2 View 75079 Lynn
Notes: d2t07 bad
Wave Milor (3/5) CDR / 2 View  
timmy b (3/5) cdr / 2 A View 75079
Rogue (3/0) / 0 View 75079
zowie (3/5) cd / 2 a- View 75079 aud
Travis Autrey (3/5) CDR / 2 A View