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Medeski Martin & Wood 02/04/00
Love Auditorium, Davidson College, Davidson, NC
Set I
Open Improv > Improv > Bass Solo > Improv > We Are Rolling, Tubby > Open Improv > Partido Alto > Buster Rides Again, Hey-Hee-Hi-Ho
Set II
Acht O'Clock Rock > Seven Deadlies, Ancora > Bass Solo > Improv > Shacklyn Knights > Philly Cheese Blunt > Spy Kiss > Piano Solo > Rise Up > Hey Joe, Gonzo

E: Blue Pepper
Last Changed By duggy
(1001) View Source   
shn: DFOB (Mics 5' high above lip of stage) B&K 4022's> Lunatec V2> Apogee AD 1000> Hhb> D8> ZA2> Soundforge XP> CD Wav editor> SHN; update: taped by Chaffe McIlhenny; transfer, tracking shn by Mike Ayers from Chaffe's clone; upload by Byron Poland; 1 click, 1 pop at d2t1 1:27-1:31
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
marty (4/5) cdr / 2 A A View  
Woody (4/5) CDR / 2 A View  
Tyler (4/0) CD-R / 3 View  
benjamin (4/0) shn / 2 A A View  
Notes: *acoustic
Donnie Howard (3/0) CD-R / 2 View  
Mike Vescovo (3/4.9) SHN / 2 View 1001 DFOB (Mics 5' high above lip of stage) B&K 4022's>Lunatec V2>Apogee AD...
Mike Vescovo (3/4.9) SHN / 2 View   AKG 480/CK61's ->Beyer MV100->DA-P1
Joey (3/5) SHN / 2 View   DFOB (Mics 5' high above lip of stage) B&K 4022's>Lunatec V2>Apogee AD...
Derrick Boissiere (3/0) cd / 2 View  
Matt Sottile (3/0) CDR / 1 View  
Notes: Incomplete?
Tom Luhrs (3/0) SHN / 2 View 1001 DFOB(Mics 5' high above lip of stage)B&K 4022's>Lunatec V2>Apogee AD...
scotty (3/0) / 0 A B View  
Kevin Leaton (3/5) CDR / 0 A View   DAUD
Jason Emery's Sleepyhouse (3/0) CD-R / 3 3 View  
Stephen Rains (3/4) cdr / 3 View  
Ryan Porter (3/0) CDR / 2 A View   AUD
dylan wolfe (3/5) SHN / 2 View 1001 DFOB (Mics 5' high above lip of stage) B&K 4022's> Lunatec V2> Apogee AD 1000>...
Notes: Cut for three discs but will easily fit on 2 80mins
shacklyn75 (3/0) cdr / 3 A View   f.o.b. akg 480s>dmic 20>d8>cdr (see notes)
Notes: level craziness&cable change in & after we are rolling
Heikki (3/4) CDDA / 3 View   DFOB (Mics 5' high above lip of stage) B&K 4022's>Lunatec V2>Apogee>AD 1000>Hhb
Dustin Hassenstab (3/0) cdr / 3 A- View 1001 B&K 4022's->Lunatec V2->Apogee AD 1000->Hhb->D8->ZA2->Soundforge XP->CD Wav...
Notes: .shn
Dail Reed (2/5) DAT/SHN/CD / 90 A+ A+ View   AKG C3000 > Sanosax > DAP1@44k > Zoltrix Nightingale > CDWAV > SHN
Notes: Kick Azz Show
gruven42 (2/4.7) CDR / 2 View 1001 DFOB (Mics 5' high above lip of stage) B&K 4022's> Lunatec V2> Apogee AD 1000> Hhb>...
Notes: Encore on d1
Lenny Herold (2/5) shn / 3 View 1001
Brent Wallace (2/5) / 2 A View  
Notes: encore is on disc 1
mike wase (2/0) cdr / 2 View  
Chris Hearn (2/0) SHN / 0 View 1001
Notes: Arc
Matt (2/0) FLAC / 2 A+ View 1001 DFOB (Mics 5' high above lip of stage) B&K 4022's> Lunatec V2> Apogee AD 1000> Hhb>...
Notes: 767 MB
Ryan Sanford (2/0) CDR / 2 View  
JamesB. (2/0) CDR / 2 View   B&K 4022s>Hhb>D8>ZA2>SHN
Notes: Audio
Mad Milo (2/0) shn / 2 View 1001