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Grateful Dead 02/12/70
Ungano's Night Club, New York, NY
Set I
Cold Rain & Snow, Beat It On Down The Line (5 beats), Good Lovin'-> Drums-> Good Lovin', Mama Tried-> Black Peter, Hard To Handle, Saint Stephen-> Not Fade Away, Casey Jones
Set II
Setlist above for this date comes from Jay Serafin and his Marin County contact (see his shn set info released for this date).

Contrasting comments from "An ad for this gig appears in the Village Voice. The 16 minute tape fragment sometimes circulated with this label is actually Fleetwood Mac w/ Peter Green, Clapton & Jr. Wells, Tea Party, Boston 2/12/70, the encore of Fleetwood Mac's set. Also, the 45 AUD tape excerpt from the 2/13/70 Early Show sometimes circulates mislabeled '2/12/70 Ungano's;' for more on this tape see 2/13/70a."

Last Changed By Hamilton, Greg & Diana
(5932) View Source    View Archive
SBD > 2-track RTR @ 15 i.p.s. > PCM > ? > D > SSSB; EAC (High, Secure) > WAV > SHNv3 by Patrick Murphy, from Jay Serafin seed discs; see Jay's extensive notes; note could really be 2/13/70 early show- see discussion in pub comments
(88908) View Source    View Archive
SBD > 8 TRACK 1" RTR @ 7.5 I.P.S. > MASTER ARCHIVE 24-BIT D > SSSB (note: a SBE fixed file set also circulates)
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User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Stretch (5/0) / 0 View 5932
libarchiver (5/0) / 0 View  
Will (5/0) / 0 View  
BILL SCARNATI (5/4) CDR / 1 A View  
RamblinBear (5/0) DVD / 1 View 88908 SBD > 8 TRACK 1" RTR @ 7.5 I.P.S. > MASTER ARCHIVE 24-BIT D > SSSB (note: a SBE fixed...
Notes: .88908.
Jeff Schlingbaum (5/5) CDR / 1 A- View 5932 SBD
Jim Bennett (5/5) SHN / 1 View 5932
Notes: Serafin Studio release.
Mike Morrison (5/4.9) CDR / 1 View  
Aaron Starke (5/4) cdr / 1 A View 5932 SBD> 2 TRACK RTR@15 I.P.S>PCM>?>D
qiuniu (5/0) / 0 View 5932
Notes: Grateful Dead Thursday February 12th, 1970 Ungano's Night Club New York, NY Source: SBD > 2-track RTR @ 15 i.p.s. > PCM > ? > D > SSSB 1. Cold Rain & Snow [5:30] 2. Beat It On Down The Line (5 beats) [2:43] 3. Good Lovin'-> [1:46] 4. Drums-> [2:06] 5. Good Lovin' [5:00] 6. Mama Tried-> [2:38] 7. Black Peter [9:12] 8. Hard To Handle [6:37] 9. Saint Stephen-> [6:50] 10.Not Fade Away [9:07] 11.Casey Jones [4:49] Audio Rating: AR-2 Any/all editing, fades, NR, hiss elimination, phase shifting/"time smear" correction, jitter elimination, and +/-2 dB max. EQ were performed using 100% digital-only processing (24-bit/96 kHz data stream) at Serafin Station Studio B EAC (High, Secure) > WAV > SHNv3 by Patrick Murphy From Jay Serafin: All of the information about this show was obtained/confirmed by my Marin County source. This person is as close to being "inside the organization itself" as anyone can be, and this person has NEVER given me bad or erroneous information for the past 5 years! And what a show this is, too! It was actually an unannounced impromptu show in the middle of the Dead's Fillmore East run. The venue only held approximately 500 people, and it was a first-come, first-served show. Most of the seats were removed to allow some additional "SRO" concertgoers. The NYC Fire Department was on hand to enforce the "maximum number of patrons" restrictions, just to play it safe. "We" were lucky that the Dead's audio people brought along one of the spare 2-track RTR decks. "We" were also lucky from the standpoint of having a 95% hiss-free recording to begin with, as the deck was running at twice the normal "regular show" taping speed. This translates into lower levels of analog tape hiss, as well as having more high frequency recording capabilities. This show, for being set up in a hurry, was very well mixed. Jerry and Bobby each had their own channel for their guitars, and listening to how well Weir blended into the entire mix is very well "documented" with this recording. About the only negative I can say about this show's audio quality was that being in the small club, and most likely with the time frame the audio people had to set up, the drums are just a little buried in the mix, especially the cymbals. But, you still are going to get blown away by the audio quality of the show. DeadBase states a few things about this show that are inaccurate, such as "actual date and location unknown". This is not true, according to my source. This show did happen on this date at this venue. Sadly, because of the license and insurance the night club held, the show only lasted a little over an hour an 30 minutes. There are no "breaks" or "tape flips", as the band simply was given a "signal" to cut a song off, so that the RTR could have a new tape put on. All the songs are complete and unedited. The only "exception" to this was my decision to cut off the very opening 20 seconds of the first song, "Cold Rain & Snow", simply because of the fade-in of the copy I received wasn't right. Since the volume levels on the recording I received were very low, when I went to bring everything up to the correct level, the CR&S fade-in would have sounded pretty bad. I opted to just cut off the bare minimum of the opening riff to make things sound "correct". I guess the "topper" to this show, besides the fantastic sound, the good mix, and everything else, is that Phil was just going off into the ozone on a couple of the songs. He wasn't "way out there", but he definitely was trying to travel down that road that made him such an integral part of the "Sound Of The Dead". He's got some very good riffs going, especially during "Good Lovin'" and "Saint Stephen". Garcia and Weir were playing off each other, and you can tell they were in their groove this night. Sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it is quite noticeable, but they just "clicked". The audience, although they weren't "recorded" for ambience, could be heard in the distance between songs, and you can tell that they definitely got their money's worth. I imagine the closeness, proximity-wise, along with the small-club atmosphere, is what brought out the best in everyone's playing for this show. I've seen my fair share of Dead shows over the 30 years they played, and I personally felt that they played their best when they were either being simulcast over the radio, or when they played smaller venues. I've been everywhere in the audience at shows, from the front row at the '94 Soldier Field show to the soundboard at the Rosemont, to back of the Fillmore West, to the front of the crowd at Loyola. Again, I felt the smaller the venue, or any time they were on the FM dial, the shows were better, tighter yet looser, and definitely they seemed to have more fun on stage. Sorry for going off on that little tangent there, but I felt that bit of info may make you deciding to get this show a little easier. I would recommend it to anyone, from a "newbie" to someone with 4,000 hours in their library. This is a pristine copy, and I think that everyone should have this as part of their collection. Seeded by Patrick Murphy. Any flaws, questions, or comments write me at [email protected]
Rudolf E. Zielinski (5/5) CDR / 1 A+ View   SBD
audiohead22 (5/5) / 0 View 88908
VinnyF (5/0) / 1 A+ View  
Notes: rare,impromptu gig
barry bryson (5/4.3) cd / 2 View   sbd.
MattMan_audio (5/0) SHN / 1 View 5932 SBD > 2-track RTR @ 15 i.p.s. > PCM > ? > D > SSSB
RamblinRose (5/5) CD-R / 1 View   SBD > 8 TRACK RTR @ 7.5 I.P.S. > MIXDOWN GD ARCHIVE D > SSSB
Notes: There's been a LOT of controversy over whether this show actually happened; whether it was actually an "early show" at The Fillmore during this run, whether Ungano's actually was an actual club, etc.
jfresh (5/4.3) cdr / 1 View  
phoompapa (5/5) / 1 View  
Daylan White (5/0) shn / 1 View   SBD>2-Track RTR @ 15 i.p.s.>PCM>?>D>SSSB
Notes: Grateful Dead February 12, 1970 Ungano's Night Club New York, NY Source: SBD > 2-track RTR @ 15 i.p.s. > PCM > ? > D > SSSB Thanks to Jay Serafin for the disks! Audio Rating: AR-2 Any/all editing, fades, NR, hiss elimination, phase shifting/"time smear" correction, jitter elimination, and +/-2 dB max. EQ were performed using 100% digital-only processing (24-bit/96 kHz data stream) at Serafin Station Studio B EAC (High, Secure) > WAV > SHNv3 by Patrick Murphy Disk 1 [56:18] 1. Cold Rain & Snow [5:30] 2. Beat It On Down The Line (5 beats) [2:43] 3. Good Lovin'-> [1:46] 4. Drums-> [2:06] 5. Good Lovin' [5:00] 6. Mama Tried-> [2:38] 7. Black Peter [9:12] 8. Hard To Handle [6:37] 9. Saint Stephen-> [6:50] 10.Not Fade Away [9:07] 11.Casey Jones [4:49] From Jay Serafin: All of the information about this show was obtained/confirmed by my Marin County source. This person is as close to being "inside the organization itself" as anyone can be, and this person has NEVER given me bad or erroneous information for the past 5 years! And what a show this is, too! It was actually an unannounced impromptu show in the middle of the Dead's Fillmore East run. The venue only held approximately 500 people, and it was a first-come, first-served show. Most of the seats were removed to allow some additional "SRO" concertgoers. The NYC Fire Department was on hand to enforce the "maximum number of patrons" restrictions, just to play it safe. "We" were lucky that the Dead's audio people brought along one of the spare 2-track RTR decks. "We" were also lucky from the standpoint of having a 95% hiss-free recording to begin with, as the deck was running at twice the normal "regular show" taping speed. This translates into lower levels of analog tape hiss, as well as having more high frequency recording capabilities. This show, for being set up in a hurry, was very well mixed. Jerry and Bobby each had their own channel for their guitars, and listening to how well Weir blended into the entire mix is very well "documented" with this recording. About the only negative I can say about this show's audio quality was that being in the small club, and most likely with the time frame the audio people had to set up, the drums are just a little buried in the mix, especially the cymbals. But, you still are going to get blown away by the audio quality of the show. DeadBase states a few things about this show that are inaccurate, such as "actual date and location unknown". This is not true, according to my source. This show did happen on this date at this venue. Sadly, because of the license and insurance the night club held, the show only lasted a little over an hour an 30 minutes. There are no "breaks" or "tape flips", as the band simply was given a "signal" to cut a song off, so that the RTR could have a new tape put on. All the songs are complete and unedited. The only "exception" to this was my decision to cut off the very opening 20 seconds of the first song, "Cold Rain & Snow", simply because of the fade-in of the copy I received wasn't right. Since the volume levels on the recording I received were very low, when I went to bring everything up to the correct level, the CR&S fade-in would have sounded pretty bad. I opted to just cut off the bare minimum of the opening riff to make things sound "correct". I guess the "topper" to this show, besides the fantastic sound, the good mix, and everything else, is that Phil was just going off into the ozone on a couple of the songs. He wasn't "way out there", but he definitely was trying to travel down that road that made him such an integral part of the "Sound Of The Dead". He's got some very good riffs going, especially during "Good Lovin'" and "Saint Stephen". Garcia and Weir were playing off each other, and you can tell they were in their groove this night. Sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it is quite noticeable, but they just "clicked". The audience, although they weren't "recorded" for ambience, could be heard in the distance between songs, and you can tell that they definitely got their money's worth. I imagine the closeness, proximity-wise, along with the small-club atmosphere, is what brought out the best in everyone's playing for this show. I've seen my fair share of Dead shows over the 30 years they played, and I personally felt that they played their best when they were either being simulcast over the radio, or when they played smaller venues. I've been everywhere in the audience at shows, from the front row at the '94 Soldier Field show to the soundboard at the Rosemont, to back of the Fillmore West, to the front of the crowd at Loyola. Again, I felt the smaller the venue, or any time they were on the FM dial, the shows were better, tighter yet looser, and definitely they seemed to have more fun on stage. Sorry for going off on that little tangent there, but I felt that bit of info may make you deciding to get this show a little easier. I would recommend it to anyone, from a "newbie" to someone with 4,000 hours in their library. This is a pristine copy, and I think that everyone should have this as part of their collection. Seeded by Patrick Murphy. Any flaws, questions, or comments write me at [email protected]
Jeff Riney (5/5) cdr / 1 View 5932
Notes: SBD MSR on same disc as 5/23/69
CTDEADHEAD (5/5) SHN / 1 View 5932
Notes: SBD
Ian Sawers (5/4) CDR / 1 A A View   SBD > 8 TRACK 1" RTR @ 7.5 I.P.S. > MASTER ARCHIVE 24-BIT D > SSSB
Notes: SBD > 8 TRACK 1" RTR @ 7.5 I.P.S. > MASTER ARCHIVE 24-BIT D > SSSB
Mike Lorenz (5/0) / 0 View  
Hank Schandel (5/5) CDDA / 1 View   SBD > 2-track RTR @ 15 i.p.s. > PCM > ? > D > SSSB
Hank Schandel (5/5) SHN / 1 View   SBD > 8 TRACK 1" RTR @ 7.5 I.P.S. > MASTER ARCHIVE 24-BIT D > SSSB
Notes: Also circs as the 02.13.70 early show;
Richie Sasala (5/0) Shn / 1 A+ View   SBD > 8 TRACK 1
Notes: GRATEFUL DEAD DATE: 02-12-1970 VENUE: UNGANO'S NIGHT CLUB NEW YORK CITY, NY SET(S): ENTIRE SHOW LINEAGE: SBD > 8 TRACK 1" RTR @ 7.5 I.P.S. > MASTER ARCHIVE 24-BIT D > SSSB DISC 1 d1t01 05:30.573 Cold Rain & Snow d1t02 02:43.013 Beat It On Down the Line (5) d1t03 01:46.354 Good Lovin' -> d1t04 02:05.722 -> Drums -> d1t05 05:01.140 -> Good Lovin' d1t06 02:38.594 Mama Tried -> d1t07 09:11.844 -> Black Peter d1t08 06:35.072 Hard To Handle d1t09 06:49.754 Saint Stephen -> d1t10 09:07.647 -> Not Fade Away d1t11 04:48.734 Casey Jones Total Time: 0:56:18.447 Originally uploaded exclusively to by John "Jay" Serafin, owner & chief audio engineer of Serafin Station Studio B "Making Kindness Dubs For Everyone!" No Copyright Infringements... EVER! Web Info: E-Mail: [email protected] GRATEFUL DEAD 02-12-1970 UNGANO'S NIGHT CLUB NEW YORK CITY, NY ENTIRE SHOW SBD > 8 TRACK RTR @ 7.5 I.P.S. > MIXDOWN GD ARCHIVE D > SSSB AUDIO RATING: AR-1a MEDIA REQUIRED: DAT: 1x120 CD-R / MINI DISC: 1 RELEASED ON: 09/03/02 OFFICIAL SHOW NOTES: LINEAGE: SBD > 8-track 1" RTR @ 7.5 i.p.s. > GD Archive D > SSSB; any/all editing, fades, NR, hiss elimination, phase shifting, time smear correction, digital jitter elimination, EQ, and quantization noise elimination (when up/down-converting audio for CD-R or DVD mastering), were all performed using 24-bit / 96 kHz digital realm processing at Serafin Station Studio B [using the "code name Harpoon" editing software V1.001.04 Build 499] [this show was released 09/02] JAY'S PERSONAL COMMENTS: There's been a LOT of controversy over whether this show actually happened; whether it was actually an "early show" at The Fillmore during this run, whether Ungano's actually was an actual club, etc. Let me give you the "arguments" about this show: Dick Lavatla said that there WERE early shows at the Fillmore East during this run (02-11-70 through 02-14-70)... Dick can't say anything, as he's deceased... Bear says that Dick is being untruthful (right on Bear's own site), and that NO Fillmore East shows during this run had and "early shows"... The Village Voice (newspaper for New York) ran an advertisement for this show, as well as a review of it... Bear says "This show did not happen", simply because he didn't run the board or record it... DeadBase has this show listed as "Ungano's Night Club"... Bear says "(Bill) Graham wouldn't have allowed this show to take place"; Bill G. is no longer around to say this is a fact or a falsehood... There is no other show with the songs played in the order that these were played this show... My Marin County Source has shown me pictures, taken in the Vault, of the 3 boxes which contain the original and the safety reels for this show... My MCS was at this show... Here's a way to make an INFORMED decision about this show: listen to the MIX as well as the AUDIENCE as compared to the actual Fillmore East shows (all of which DID happen only at night, according to the NYPD). They are totally different! In this show, Pigpen's Hammond and such were buried in the mix, but in the Fillmore shows it was much more present. Neither I (nor anyone else) cannot alter a 2-track mix to change how individual instruments and/or vocals are panned, except to make the stereo mix more monophonic! This show, as well as the Fillmore run shows, have distinct mixes and distinct audience sounds, and unless I had the actual 8 track RTR tapes (which I do not), I cannot alter the mix, I can't change the audience ambience and the sound of the audience without altering the sound of the show itself (it's a physical impossibility to do!). Ungano's had a maximum legal capacity of 1,217 persons... the Fillmore East was able to accommodate thousands more. So, you can choose what you believe to be truthful. All I can say is that when I release one or more of the Fillmore shows (which will be done in 2002 or early 2003), I think that your ears are going to be they key to you making the right choice. OK, this is out of the way. On to the show itself. To me, it seemed like both Jerry and Bobby weren't "into" this show, only as far as their vocals go. They played their guitars like whirling dervishes, going into some excellent jams, taking the music low to loud, easy to frantic, all within the same song. NFA is a great example of this. It just "sounds" like no one wanted to sing, they wanted to PLAY. Pig was the exception, as he really got into the songs and the parts of the harmonies he sung. It's a shame that his organ and such were really LOW in the mix. The Hammond was almost non-existent for a great deal of the show. During NFA, when Weir was doing the guitar intro, you'd almost think that he was going to play "Hey, Mona". The chordswere there, and you're kind of hoping it would break into that song, but it still wound up being a highly energetic NFA. When Jerry and Bob were doing their "dueling guitar" jam in the solos sections, it really showed how much they could play like each other. If you were just played this section, and you didn't hear any other part of the show, you just might NOT be able to tell who was who on guitar! It's priceless, and it's just sheer energy (not to mention how good each of these two musicians really were, 30 years ago!). The only problems with this show were on Track 09, there's one spot which has a 0.002 second digital jitter spot which could not be removed without introducing a click into the audio, so it was left alone (it's really quiet, anyway). On T07, during the last 2 minutes, you can hear where the original RTR tape is beginning to deteriorate. It's a shame to hear things like this, but this is why many of these reels were restored using many different provem methods. And, due to the fact that the original tapes are so fragile, at one time, reel #2 broke, and was spliced back together with a 5 second long "blank audio" section of new tape. Where this break occured, I took and cross-faded the 2 sections together. This happened during Track 08 at about the 00:38.00 time spot. PERSONAL RATINGS: (on a 1 to 10 scale with 10 being excellent) Audio Mix: 9.4 (Pigpen's instruments are not high in the mix) Audio Quality: 10 (original low-level RTR hiss left in release) Energy Level: 8.5 for vocals... 10 for instrumentals Show "Completeness": 10 Song Selection: Typical for the time Surprises: The show itself!
barney rubble (5/3.5) cd-r / 1 View   SBD > 2-track RTR @ 15 i.p.s. > PCM > ? > D > SSSB
Maurizio Tirassa (5/5) shn / 1 View 5932 Soundboard
Notes: Converts to 1 audio disc.
Mark Blaze (5/4.7) shn / 1 View  
Eric Mohl (5/0) SHN / 1 View 5932 SBD > 2-track RTR @ 15 i.p.s. > PCM > ? > D > SSSB