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Grateful Dead 04/04/71
Manhattan Center, New York, NY
Set I
Bertha, Me & My Uncle, Next Time You See Me, Morning Dew, Truckin', Hard To Handle, Deal, Sugar Magnolia, Casey Jones
Set II
Good Lovin'-> Drums-> Good Lovin', Cold Rain & Snow, Saint Stephen-> Not Fade Away-> Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad-> Not Fade Away-> Johnny B. Goode

'Dance Marathon' - Other artist(s): NRPS
Last Changed By System
(10358) View Source    View Archive
AUD>?>C>Sound Forge>SHN; via Walter Schnell; Seeded to etree by J. Cotsman
(35252) View Source    View Archive
flac16; MSR>C>DAT3x>Delta DiO 2496>SoundForge 7.0>cdwav>Flac
(76807) View Source    View Archive
flac16; source: MSR > C >DAT3 > Delta DiO 2496 > SoundForge 7.0 > cdwav > flac > wav > flac; this is a partial clean up of shn id 35252. see text file (note: this source was originally seeded with some files out of order)
(110325) View Source    View Archive
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Master Reel -> CD Transfer Info: CD -> Adobe Audition v3.0 -> Samplitude Professional v11.03 -> FLAC All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
J Parzych (1/5) FLAC / 0 View 76807 MSR > C >DAT3 > Delta DiO 2496 > SoundForge 7.0 > cdwav > flac > wav > flac
J Parzych (1/5) FLAC / 0 View 110325
OldNeumanntapr (1/5) FLAC / 2 A View 35252 Master Soundboard Reel >Cass >DAT (3) >Delta Di0 24/96 >Soundforge 7.0 >CD Wave >FLAC
Joe (1/5) FLAC / 0 View 35252
Imetdork (1/0) FLAC / 0 View 110325
Alex Bushe (1/5) CD-R / 2 View   SBD
aikox2 (1/4.9) / 2 View  
Notes: CDR SBD
John Peters (1/0) FLAC / 1 View 110325 SBD: MR > CD; CD > Adobe Audition v3.0 > Samplitude Professional v11.03 > FLAC
Geoff MacNaughton (1/5) 2 / 2 A View 110325
Richard Markley (1/5) flac / 2 View 35252
Notes: DVD355
Richard Markley (1/5) flac / 2 View 110325
Notes: HD3
Richard Markley (1/5) SHN / 2 View 10358
Notes: HD3
Richard Markley (1/5) flac / 2 View 76807
Notes: HD3
Richard (1/5) CD-R / 2 View 110325
Notes: GD/Garcia spindle I
SIRMick (1/5) FLAC / 2 View 35252 MSR>C>DAT3x>Delta DiO 2496>SoundForge 7.0>cdwav>Flac
Notes: MSR>C>DAT3x>Delta DiO 2496>SoundForge 7.0>cdwav>Flac
SIRMick (1/5) 2 / 2 View 76807
SIRMick (1/5) / 0 View 10358
Matt Vernon (1/4.8) SHN / 2 B+ B/C View 10358
Notes: aud - Jeff Cotsman notes "This is a low generation recording of what was probably one of the weaker audience masters of that era. Recommended only for the completists." The TC review by B. Dyke gives thi slow marks as a performance but I thought it had some goof moments and if a better recording was available this show would be placed as a good 71 show. I don't think there is anything transcendent that would diminish your life if you don't listen to it in its present format. This might also have the last recorded version of Easy Wind with with MAMU and H2H are highlights of set 1. Set 2 Truckin' is cut and missing a solid part of the closing jam it would appear. What's there is tasty for this period. Good Lovin' in well jammed and doesn't have an extended Pigpen rap. Shades of some of teh E72 versions. The GDTR/NFA/St/Stephen is also energetic with a UJB to close with no encore. Good candidate for a download release from the Vault.
Matt Vernon (1/4.8) FLAC / 3 B+ A- View 35252
Notes: sbd [2006-07-23] This sbd surfaced ~ May 2006 and its superb sound quality and mix. The show has some banter and is typical of the tour. I like the wah-wah on Sugar Mag. No particular jamming of note.
Matt Vernon (1/4.8) FLAC / 2 B A- View 76807
Notes: partial clean up of shn id 35252 by sirmick [2007-03-01]Stanrd show for this era - features mostly standalone tunes from WD and AB. Set 2 has Good Lovin and the NFA>GDTRFB>NFA as the "jam" tunes. Nothing to make this date standout or are any tunes performed worth special mention. Sound quality and mix are quite good except the few places where the vocals are low.
Matt Vernon (1/4.8) FLAC / 2 B+ A- View 110325
Notes: flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Master Reel -> CD Transfer Info: CD -> Adobe Audition v3.0 -> Samplitude Professional v11.03 -> FLAC All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller [2010-12-19]Very good sound. This show has lots of standalone tunes and doesn't have any killer jams that are a must hear. It is representative of the material in rotation at this time.
SpiralLightofVenus (1/5) FLAC / 0 SBD View 35252
Notes: SBD TB4
Mark Diamond (1/3) / 2 View 10358
Mark Diamond (1/3) / 2 View 76807
Brian (1/0) cdr / 2 View 76807
Notes: SBD
jetydo (1/5) FLAC / 2 9 View 35252 MSR>C>DAT3x>Delta DiO 2496>SoundForge 7.0>cdwav>Flac
Notes: 146 min
GratefulBrad (1/5) flac / 0 View 35252
Craig S (1/0) CDR / 2 View 35252
winterland121072 (1/0) / 0 View 10358
winterland121072 (1/0) / 0 View 76807