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Frank Zappa 10/24/76
Music Hall, Boston, MA
Set I
Early Show:
Dirty Love
Wind Up Workin' In A Gas Station
Tryin' To Grow A Chin
The Torture Never Stops
City of Tiny Lights
You Didn't Try To Call Me
Mars Needs Yo Mama
Titties 'n Beer
Black Napkins
Advance Romance*
Honey Don't You Want A Man Like Me?
Rudy Wants To Buy Yez A Drink
Dinah Moe Humm
The Purple Lagoon >
Stranded In The Jungle >
Muffin Man >
The Purple Lagoon
Set II
Late Show:
Dirty Love
Wind Up Workin' In A Gas Station
Tryin' To Grow A Chin
The Torture Never Stops
City Of Tiny Lights^
You Didn't Try To Call Me
I'm So Cute
Titties 'n Beer
Black Napkins
Advance Romance%
What Kind Of Girl Do You Think We Are?
Muffin Man
*with "In-A-Gadda-Da-Poodle" lyrics.
^with "Bamboozled By Love" lyrics.
%with "I'm In The Mood For Love", "Isn't It Romantic?", "Any Kind Of Pain", "Tequila".
Last Changed By Aaron Wiedmann
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
GrandVVazoo (1/0) aud / 2 View  
Alec Swensen (1/0) SHN / 1 View  
Notes: Early Show
Kyle Peterson (0/0) / 0 View  
Hoyt Ledet (0/5) CDR / SHN / 2 A A View   SBD>MR>DAT>SHN>CDR
adam Carter (0/0) flac / 2 A View  
Notes: Lineage: AUD(unknown equipment)>master cassette>HD>SForge>CDR>EAC>remastered with Wavelab 5.0 using 32, 48, & 64 bit solution plug ins>normalisation to -0.01 db>CD Wave tracking>Flac Frontend level 8
Ryan Beach (0/5) CD-R / 2 A View   Unknown
Notes: SHN available
Kevin Barrett (0/0) CD-R / 2 View  
Notes: Early Show
Ron Broman (0/5) SHN / 2 View  
Notes: AUD
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