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Set I
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere (Neil Young)
The Man In Me (Bob Dylan)
Bang Bang Lulu (Boney M)
Mississippi Kid (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Rockin' Chair (The Band)
Boomer's Story (Ry Cooder)
Just Wanna See His Face (The Rolling Stones)
Mommy, What's A Funkadelic (Parliament Funkadelic)
Leave It Alone (Rich Robinson)
Veil (Rich Robinson)
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight (Bob Dylan)
Set II
Yet to be Identified song w/Patti Smith guesting on lead vocals**
Mean Old World (Eric Clapton)
Spoonful (willie Dixon)
.44 Blues w/Santo Mud Shoes Fazzio (Magic Slim & The Teardrops)
Meantown Blues (Johnny Winter)

Sunday Night Buttermilk Waltz (The Black Crowes)
Places (Rich Robinson)
Stray Cat Blues (The Rolling Stones)
**The song with Patti Smith as guest has yet to be identified.

Aditional musicians were Sven Pipien, Rob Clores & Bill Dobrow
Last Changed By Redlands23
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