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Jethro Tull 01/09/69
Konserthaus, Stockholm, Sweden
Set I
Early Show: My Sunday Feeling, Martin's Tune, To Be Sad is a Mad Way to Be, Back to the Family, Dharma for One, Nothing is Easy, Song for Jeffrey
Set II
Late Show: Nothing Is Easy, Dharma For One, A Song For Jeffrey, My Sunday Feeling, Martin's Tune, To Be Sad Is A Mad Way To Be, Back to the Family
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Brad Foster (4/4.9) FLAC / 1 View   SBD
Max Power (4/5) CDR / 1 A View  
Notes: Early Show - 52 min.
Steve Hemric (4/4.8) SHN / 1 View  
Notes: 1 CDR disc
Peri (4/5) CD / 1 A View  
Notes: Early show only Also includes the 7/17/1970 Randalls Island show
groundhog (4/4.7) FLAC / 1 View  
Notes: 388MB
Anthony Dellacioppa (4/5) CDR / 1 A View   SBD
Notes: "Nothing Is Easy" Early Show
chad (4/4.9) cdr / 1 A A View   SBD
Notes: This is the early show. Nice show, my first Tull.
spcwrg1956 (4/0) / 2 View   SBD
Notes: early & late
Jeff Lacks (4/5) shn / 1 View  
Bill H (4/0) SHN / 1 View   Source SBD>?
Notes: May be a liberated bootleg called "flute cake" 1. Back to the Family 2. Dharma For One 3. Nothing Is Easy 4. A Song For Jeffrey 5. My Sunday Feeling 6. Martin's Tune 7. To Be Sad Is A Mad Way To Be Bonus: 8. Blues for the 18th
brian gathy (4/0) CDR / 1 A View   SBD
Notes: 1st Set
a thomson (4/4.9) / 1 View  
harris moreida (4/0) SHN / 1 B+ B+ View   Sdbd
Notes: Konserthuset Stockholm,Sweden
Bill Clark (4/4.6) CDR / 1 View  
matthew gillman (4/5) SHN / 1 View  
Brien (4/5) cdr / 1 View  
mlouis (4/5) DAT / 0 View   SBD
marty (4/5) cdr / 1 A B View  
James Griffin (4/0) CDR / 1 View   ??? > CD > EAC > SHNv3
Ray (4/0) SHN / 1 A View  
Haze (4/4.8) SHNA / 0 A+ A+ View  
Notes: Great Show, one of my top picks (mostly all deepcuts)
Renee (4/0) shn / 1 View  
Curt Miller (3/0) cdr / 1 A+ A+ View  
Marty (3/4.9) CDR / 1 View  
Notes: early show FLAC
zowie (3/5) cd / 1 a View   sdb
Notes: late show
Dave Lemen (3/0) audio / 1 View  
CMV (3/5) cdr / 1 A+ View   SB
Notes: Nothing Is Easy
ItsAllOneSong (3/0) / 0 View  
Robbie Kellman (3/5) flac / 1 View  
Notes: dvd Yes Moody Tull
hugh (3/5) cd / 1 View