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Widespread Panic 12/31/99
Philips Arena, Atlanta, GA
Set I
Space Wrangler, Blue Indian, Blackout, Driving Song > Party At Your Mama's House > Driving Song, Pickin' Up The Pieces*
Set II
Porch Song > Pilgrims, Love Tractor** > Dying Man** > Red Hot Mama***, Tall Boy**** > Testify**** > Tall Boy****
Wonderful World****, Ain't Life Grand****, Respect Yourself*****, Chilly Water****** > Barstools and Dreamers****** > Satisfied****** > Barstools and Dreamers****** > Chilly Water******, Pusherman****** > Drums****** > Drums & Bass****** > Papa's Home > Diner > Papa's Home, E: All Time Low****, Feelin' Alright*****
* with Kevin Harris (Dirty Dozen Brass Band) on saxophone, Roger Lewis (Dirty Dozen Brass Band) on baritone saxaphone, ** with Colin Butler (Big Ass Truck) on turntables, *** with Dirty Dozen Brass Band on horns, **** with Dottie Peoples and the People's Choice Choir on vocals, ***** with Dirty Dozen Brass Band on horns, Dottie Peoples and the People's Choice Choir on vocals, ****** with Terrence Higgins (Dirty Dozen Brass Band) on percussion, Unknown on percussion [Only 'Respect Yourself', Only 'Testify', Only 'Wonderful World'
Last Changed By System
(6910) View Source   
AKG 483 (FOB, XY, about 40-50 feet from stage, DFC) > Oade M248 > HHB
(6911) View Source   
fob Schoeps MK2H > KC2.5 > CMC6 > Sonosax SX-M2 > HHb >
(97576) View Source   
[FOB] Schoeps B5D + mk2H > KC 2.5 > cmc6 > Sonosax SX-M2 > HHb PortaDAT, Remaster: DAT (m) > HHb PortaDAT > Behringer DSP 8000 > Sony R500 > DAT, Taped & Remastered by: Ethan Lee, Transfer: Tascam DA-20 > natural gut dental floss > Roland UA-30 > Wavelab [normalization]> CDWav > FLAC, Transfer: Stagger Lee (Josh Evans)
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
dave solomon (1/0) mp3 / 1 View  
TPH (1/0) CDR / 4 A A View  
Andrew (1/5) CDR / 4 A View  
Notes: Great show w/Dirty Dozen Brass Band & People's Choice Choir
Luke (1/5) CD-R / 4 A A View   AKG 483 (FOB, XY, about 40-50 feet from stage, DFC) > Oade M248 > HHB
Alison Griffith (1/0) / 0 View  
Jim Carson (1/0) CDR / 4 A+ View   AKG 483 (FOB, XY, 40-50 ft. from stage, DFC)>Oade M248>HHB Portadat>Zefiro ZA2>CD
Scott Ratzmann (1/3) cdr / 4 View   FOB Schoeps CMC6>Sonosax SX-M2>Taascam DA-20
Kyle Wallace (1/5) cdr / 4 View  
Eric Carlson (1/0) CD-R / 4 A+ View   FOB>AKG 483>Oade>HHB>CD
Mike Nelson (1/5) Audio / 4 A View   AKG 483 (FOB, XY, about 40-50 feet from stage, DFC) > Oade M248 > HHB Portadat > Zefiro...
Notes: See comments for guests
FATDADDY30 (1/5) CDR / 4 A+ View   DAT>CD
Scott Oatman (1/0) CDR / 3 A A View  
Justin Rumbach (1/0) CD-R / 4 A- View 6910
Raydawg (1/5) cdr / 3 View  
Notes: mp3?
Thomas Key (1/0) shn / 3 View 6910
BillBo (1/0) CDA / 4 View   AKG 483 > Oade M248 > HHB Portadat; DAE>SHNs
Notes: Taper: Julian Eldridge - DAT CD: Alan Schwartz - Seed: Drew Boyles - AKG 483 (FOB, XY, about 40-50 feet from stage, DFC) Oade M248 HHB Portadat Zefiro ZA2 CD
Bridget (1/5) CDR / 4 A View  
jk rider (1/5) CDR / 4 View  
Steve Johnson (1/0) SHN(CDR) / 2 A- B+ View   AKG 483>Oade m248>ad500e>DAT>audiophile 2496
MikesSongs (1/3.5) SHN/CDR / 4 View 6911
Brock (1/0) / 0 View  
Billy Kendall (1/5) CD-R / 4 A+ View 6910 AKG 483 (FOB, XY) > Oade M248 > HHB Portadat > Zefiro ZA2 > CD
Jeffrey Grunt (1/0) CD-R / 4 A- View  
Jeffrey Grunt (1/0) CD-R / 4 A- View  
BJ (1/5) CDR / 4 View  
Lee Wagner (1/0) cd-r / 4 View  
Matt Stueve (1/0) CDR / 4 A B View   AKG 483 (FOB, xy, about 40-50 ft from stage, DFC) -> Oade M248 -> HHB Portadat -> Zefiro...
Ray Boswell (1/0) cdr / 3 View  
Notes: post New Years
Dave (1/0) CDR / 3 View  
greg gwiasda (1/5) CDR / 4 A- View