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Grateful Dead 06/22/69
Central Park, New York, NY
Set I
Dancing In The Streets > Casey Jones, Hard To Handle, Me And My Uncle, Sittin On Top Of The World, Silver Threads And Golden Needles, Dark Star > The Other One > St. Stephen > It's A Sin, Turn On Your Love Light
Set II
Last Changed By Hamilton, Greg & Diana
(8836) View Source    View Archive
AUD low gen (complete show), plus alternate SBD MC> C> D> CD (only 20 minutes circulate); via Hanno Bunjes (see notes in info file); with thanks to Julian and Uli
(17892) View Source    View Archive
SBD>MC>C>D>CD>EAC>Cool Edit 2000>CD Seeded by Seth Kaplan, only the first 22 minutes of the show
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Brad Foster (4/4.9) / 0 View   SBD>MC>C>D>CD>EAC>Cool Edit 2000>CD
Notes: partial recording
shakedown80 (4/3.5) / 0 View 17892
shakedown80 (4/3.5) / 0 View 8836
chris carter (4/5) shn/1 / 2 View 8836 aud
Michael Hughey (4/0) shn / 1 View 8836
Notes: thewheel
Mac (4/5) SHN / 2 View 17892 SBD>MC>C>D>CD>EAC>Cool Edit 2000>CD Seeded by Seth Kaplan
Friedemann Rothfuchs (4/5) SHN / 1 View 8836 AUD low gen (complete show), plus alternate SBD MC> C> D> CD (only 20 minutes circulate)
Friedemann Rothfuchs (4/5) SHN / 1 View 17892 SBD>MC>C>D>CD>EAC>Cool Edit 2000>CD (1st 22 minutes only)
bob (4/5) cdr / 1 View  
Notes: sbd
Matt Stevenson (4/5) / 0 View 8836
Rev_St_Penis (4/0) / 0 View 8836
Ingo Benzler (4/0) CDR / 2 View   SBD MC>C>D>CD (only 20 minutes circulate); AUD low gen (complete show)
Notes: AUD song order rearranged to match the order Jim Powell suggests in Deadlists, except for Me & My Uncle being placed after Silver Threads: there simply was no gap between these two songs on the cassette. If Jerry didn't play pedal steel on one song and electric guitar on the other, you'd think there was a seamless segue. Thanks to Julian for the SBD and Uli for the AUD AUD EQ'ed and slowed down by 4% mastered by H.B., 03/02
John (4/0) / 1 View 17892 SBD>MC>C>D>CD>EAC>Cool Edit 2000>CD
Notes: DVD 50
Chuck Gannon (4/5) CDR / 2 B+ View   MAC>?>CD
Notes: MAC>?>CD
tom (4/0) SHN / 1 View  
JoeC (4/0) / 2 View  
Carl (3/0) SHN / 2 View 8836 AUD low gen (complete show), plus alternate SBD MC> C> D> CD (only 20 minutes circulate)
Carl (3/0) SHN / 1 View 17892 SBD>MC>C>D>CD>EAC>Cool Edit 2000>CD Seeded by Seth Kaplan, only the first 22...
Boisedeadhead (3/0) / 0 View  
joe m (3/5) FLAC / 1 View 17892
Michael (3/0) SHN / 1 View 17892
Jeff Kaisershot (3/5) SHN / 1 B+ View 8836 AUD low gen (complete show), plus alternate SBD MC> C> D> CD (only 20 minutes circulate)
zowie (3/5) cd / 1 a View 17892 sbd
cbass (3/5) / 0 View 8836
Richard Warren (3/5) shn / 1 View 17892
Notes: 17892
Richard Warren (3/5) shn / 1 View 8836
Notes: 8836
J (3/0) / 0 View 8836
J (3/0) / 0 View 17892
Pierluigi Tomaselli (3/5) cd / 2 View  
Ken Berry (3/5) SHN / 1 View 8836