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Steppenwolf 07/08/81
Bottom Line, New York, NY
Set I
Rock Me Baby
I'm Movin' On
Hot Box
Hey Lawdy Mama
Every Man For Himself
Snowblind Friend
A Hot Night In A Cold Town
Band Intros
Surprise Package
Sookie Sookie
Ain't Nothin' Like It Used To Be
Magic Carpet Ride
News I Can Use
Move Over
Business Is Business
Born To Be Wild
The Pusher
Forty Days And Forty Nights
Set II
Last Changed By randy walton
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
randy walton (5/5) cdr / 1 a View   fm
Notes: 68 minutes
Shin (5/5) CDR / 1 A View   SBD
Doug Rozsa (5/4.5) CDR / 1 A View   FM
Bluesthinker (2/4.9) CDR / 1 View   FM
Notes: FM
Private Stock (2/5) / 1 Vg View  
Notes: There is a bit of trouble with the audio right at the beginning, but it gets better pretty quick. This show rocks after that.
Brian C (1/4.7) CDR / 1 A A- View   FM
Notes: muddy@start