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Smashing Pumpkins ??/??/01
Act IV Tribute Covers CD, n/a, n/a
Set I

1. Lost Logic- "Glass and the Ghost Children"
2. Divine Invasion- "Siva"
3. Gloomy Art Rawk- "Starla"
4. Nick Liappis- "Rhinoceros"
5. Interstate 8- "Drown"
6. Ketamine- "Disarm"
7. Lindsey Kuper- "Home"
8. The 4th Phase- "Medellia of the Grey Skies"
9. Sebastian A. Bach- "Stand Inside Your Love"
10. Christophe Thibault- "Moleasskiss"
11. Icarus- "If There is a God"
12. D'arcy (the band)- "Eye"
13. Jo?o Miguel- "Heavy Metal Machine"
14. Slightly Dysfunctional- "Mayonaise"
Set II
Last Changed By Ron Broman
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Bummer. No one with their list here has that show :(