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Black Crowes 06/11/05
Bonnaroo Music Festival, Manchester, TN
Set I
Don't Do It
Sting Me
Cosmic Friend
Soul Singing
Seeing Things
Thorn In My Pride
Space Captain
Hard To Handle
Ballad In Urgency >
Wiser Time
My Morning Song
Brokedown Palace

E: Remedy
Set II
4th Annual Bonnaroo Music And Arts Festival
Last Changed By old trader grandad
(75079) View Source   
AUD: DPA(B&K)4011s>V2>AD2K>M1>Sony R500>M Audio Audiophile 2496>Soundforge>CDWav>FLAC
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
MrSteve (5/5) cd / 2 View   FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1
Notes: Audience
michael kass (5/5) cdr / 2 View  
Notes: instant download - not for trade
Lester's Soundroom (5/5) CDR / 2 View  
Notes: / FLAC 672MB - 4011s
chris payment (5/3.4) CDR / 2 View  
Notes: #234
afterdinnermint (5/5) CDR / 2 B+ View  
Notes: Really clean audience recording with no interference. Great performance, as always, and a very cool setlist.
Shin (5/5) CDR / 2 A View   AUD
kindnoodles/chris helmick (5/5) cdr / 2 View  
Wiserphil (5/5) / 2 A View  
Wiserphil (5/5) / 2 A+ View  
Howie (5/4.9) lossless / 2 View   DSBD---Offical Live Download
mirkman (5/1) / 0 View  
Notes: sbd
Mark Brut (5/5) CD / 2 A A- View   Af:D
Dave (5/1) CDR/AUD / 2 A+ A- View  
Notes: Great show! A cover of The Band's "Don't Do It" to open the set and a "Brokedown Palace" too.
Clay Hart (5/4.9) CD / 2 A+ View  
Justin Hillyard (5/5) / 2 View  
niccolo mugnaioni (5/5) cdr / 2 View   (fob)b&k4011's dpa>v2>ad2k>m1>sony r500>m audio audiophile...
molexn (5/5) audio cdr / 2 View  
Dr. Gonzo (5/4.1) CDR / 2 A A View  
John (5/4.3) / 2 View  
Notes: book 2
davyp (5/4.3) flac16 / 1 View   FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1; Conversion:Sony R500 ->M Audio Audiophile 2496...
Spike (5/4.1) CD / 2 A- A- View  
Charlie M. (5/5) CD-R / 2 View  
MeltN2aDream (5/5) cdr / 2 View   DAUD
Notes: also have SBD
Josh (5/5) CDR / 2 A- View  
Notes: Each disc recorded as one track
Richie (5/5) FLAC / 1 View   FOB:DPA(B&K) 4011s->V2->AD2K->M1; Sony R500 ->M Audio Audiophile 2496 ->Soundforge...
Notes: 2CDR
Headinlot (5/0) FLAC / 2 A A View   AUD
Brad Eppert (5/5) cdr / 2 A A View  
Matt (5/5) CDR / 2 View   DAUD
jake (5/5) SHN / 2 A+ A+ View   DSBD---Offical Live Download
K_Wood (5/0) cdr / 2 View