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Aerosmith 03/05/83
Cape Cod Coliseum, South Yarmouth, MA
Set I
Back In The Saddle
Mama Kin
Big Ten Inch Record
Three Mile Smile
Lord Of The Thighs
Lick And A Promise
Sweet Emotion
Dream On
Lightning Strikes
Walk This Way
Milk Cow Blues
Toys In The Attic
Train Kept A Rollin'
Set II
Last Changed By Matthew
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Steven (5/0) / 0 A View   sdb
Steven Bladt (5/5) / 0 A View   sdb
rockcdr (5/5) CD / 2 View  
Notes: SB
George Rue (5/5) CD / 1 A View   Stereo Soundboard
Notes: 79:47 min (Drum solo, slight edit to fit.)
chris payment (5/3.4) CDR / 1 View  
Notes: #250
Jack Warner (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   MSC>CD
Roy Martin\'s Music Collection (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   soundboard source (FF143)
Notes: cdr>eac>wav>flac
Mike Marteny (5/5) cdr / 2 A View   ANA(?)>FLAC>CDR(1)
Notes: D1 67:12 D2 16:24
Slick2007 (5/5) FLAC / 1 A View  
Mat Brewster (5/5) / 1 View   SBD
Notes: Stored on DVD
Douglas Tunstall (5/5) / 1 View   SB>Master cass>
Notes: SB>Master cass> Please Note: I edited out the Drum Solo to fit show onto 1 disc
PAG (5/0) CD/FLAC / 2 View  
Jen Sienkiewicz (5/4.8) cdr / 2 View  
Phil (5/0) Cdr / 2 View  
stephen (5/4.8) FLAC / 1 SBD View  
Tony G. (5/5) CD / 2 A+ View   SBD
Troy W. Robertson (5/0) CD-R / 2 View   SBD
Tuneman55 (5/0) Lossless / 0 A- A- View   SBD
mike (5/0) / 0 A View   SBD
Notes: South Yarmouth, MA
Michael Shilling (4/5) CDR / 1 A View  
Notes: SBD Recording of Excellent Performance. What more can you ask?
Freebird 63 (4/5) CDR / 2 A View   SBD
Kevin P (4/5) CDR / 2 View  
Bill (4/5) CD-R / 1 A- View   SBD
Notes: SBD
Andre (3/0) FLAC / 0 View  
Medley (3/5) CDR / 2 View  
Corey (3/5) Flac / 1 View   SB>Master cass>unknown standalone CDR burner & tape...
Tom Owens (3/5) / 2 View  
Rich (2/5) CDR, FLAC / 2 View  
Notes: DVD-047
itooktoomuch (2/0) FLAC / 2 View   SOUNDBOARD
Lost Sailor (2/0) Flac Sbd. / 0 View