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Crooked Still 07/15/06
Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival, Ancramdale, NY
Set I
Orphan Girl
Can't You Hear Me Calling
Railroad Bill
Darling Corey
Enter Casey Driessen
Wind And Rain
Lulu Girl
Come In My Kitchen
Look On And Cry
Oxford Town
Mountain Jumper
Set II
Last Changed By CMFrolio
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
buc2220 (5/5) CDR / 1 A- View   AUD
Jack Warner (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   MAD>CD
groundhog (4/4.7) FLAC / 1 View   Schoeps MK21 > V3 > Casio DA-7 DAT
Notes: 510mb
Kevin Oakhill (4/4) CDR / 2 View  
Crazytigerrabbitman (3/4.8) CDR / 1 A View   Source For 7/15 Set: Schoeps MK21 > V3 > Casio DA-7 DAT
CMFrolio (2/5) flac / 1 View  
Notes: good-quality aud
Marshall (2/5) FLAC / 1 View  
Dan Inglima (2/5) CDR / 1 View   FLAC > Peak > CDR
Dan Goorsky (2/5) flac / 1 View  
Gary Field (1/5) FLAC / 1 View   AUD
Notes: Schoeps MK21 > V3 > Casio DA-7 DAT Transfers: Casio DA-7 > Tascam CD-RW 700 (pass through –2 db) > Audiophile 2496 > @ 24 Bit to WaveLab > 16 Bit > CD Wave > EAC > Flac Recorded by and Transfers by Bill Koucky [060810.1]
D Chase (1/0) cda / 1 View   Schoeps MK21 > V3 > Casio DA-7 DAT
Notes: Originally seeded to July 23, 2006
LossLess Legs (1/0) CDR / 2 View   Schoeps MK21 > V3 > Casio DA-7 DAT
Notes: 11/03/2006 - whynotus
Dan (1/5) CD-R / 1 View   Schoeps MK21 > V3 > Casio DA-7 DAT Transfer: Casio DA-7 > Tascam CD-RW 700 (pass...
Asa (1/5) CD-R / 1 View   Schoeps MK21 > V3 > Casio DA-7 DAT
Dennis Lausier (1/4.8) CD / 1 A- A- View   Schoeps MK21 > V3 > Casio DA-7 DAT> Tascam CD-RW 700 (pass through –2 db) > Audiophile 2496 > @...
Chris (1/5) FLAC / 1 View   Schoeps MK21 > V3 > Casio DA-7 DAT
Terrapin_Tamer (1/0) / 0 View  
Geoff (0/5) cdr / 1 View  
Sinoel Contreras (0/1) cdr / 1 A View  
Geoff (0/0) wav / 1 View