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The Beatles - Get Back
Recorded January 1969
The long wait is over ! Picture Perfect is back with its brand new 2 DVD release: GET BACK…
Years in the making, we proudly offer collectors a truly comprehensive collection of Get Back material as its never been seen before!
Get Back - Stereo Video Album: We’ll get to the new outtakes in a moment, first we want to inform you that this DVD set includes a full length 13 track Get Back video LP with each track remastered in glorious stereo. Why just listen to the LP when you can watch it? You can’t beat visuals!
Upgraded DVD Features – Picture Perfect has overhauled the old static menus by adding interactive menus screens and Chapter pages that are easy to navigate and read. Artwork themes from several Get Back / Let It Be covers have been combined to create unique artwork with special detail given to correct colors and special fonts.
The Get Back recording sessions: Headlining the package are 46 minutes of recording sessions from two productive days at Apple Studios January 23 & 25, 1969. January 23 was devoted almost entirely to creating the song “Get Back” and here we get a fly on the wall view into the recording process. Here we see the Beatles chat, joke, tune, rehearse and try some serious attempts at recording the song. Over 75% of this footage has not been seen in this form, meaning inferior copies of some of this footage has circulated, but contained few moments of audio that matched the film. Here we proudly present all the footage with correct audio painstakingly researched from hours of Nagra audio reels. This process required studying silent footage and finding the bits of sound required to sync to film. A tedious process indeed, but one that comes with a big pay off …46 minutes of Beatles recording footage!
Highlights include: Paul showing Billy Preston the piano chords to “Let It Be” for the first time, John imitating Yoko, The “I’ve Got A Feeling/Help!/Please Please Me” segment that now runs longer then ever before. The sessions for the 23rd also include some very long control room segments. We see and hear the excitement over the “Get Back” recording progression, with comments about getting it out as a single NOW. Even George expresses his excitement over the song. The Beatles can be seen and heard saying that they are packing it in for the night and thus ends the day’s session.
For You Blue: A real rarity, a recording session devoted to George’s new song! Completely new to DVD are the following segments: George introduces the song and explains its origins. Long rehearsal segments that include George naming the song at John’s request. John experiments with different objects to play the slide guitar. George inquires about piano sounds and how to make it sound like an old honky-tonk. Take 2 with several false starts, control room segment with George Martin and more.
Note: The recording sessions listed above now appear for the first time from the master source tape for this material. Any previous release of this material has come from a 3rd generation VHS with incorrect audio. Also please note, this is not the Get Back session footage that concentrates on John and Yoko. This footage contains shots of all four Beatles from both A&B cameras.
-Gripweed |