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Set I
Down By The River
Ain't No More Cane On The Brazos
I've Been Scorned
.44 Blues
Meantown Blues
Drink Up And Go Home
Forgiven Song
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Set II
Blue Skies
Outlaw Blues
St. Patrick's Day Improv
Lay Down Your Weary Tune
Never In All My Days
Isn't It About Time
E:Saturday Night Dueling Guitars
Rich Robinson
Luther Dickinson
Sven Pipien
Rob Clores
Bill Dobrow
Special Guests: Rusty, Patti Smith, Jackson Smith
Last Changed By HEDSPACE
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Jack Warner (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   MAMD>CD
Wiserphil (5/5) / 2 A- View  
gramfan (5/0) cdr / 2 View  
Justin Hillyard (5/5) / 2 View   Sony MZ-NH900 (Hi SP Mode) w/Sony Setero Mic ECM-717 > CD-R > WAV > Flac Level 6
Dr. Gonzo (5/4.1) CDR / 2 A A View  
Nunobaker (4/5) CD / 2 View   Sony MZ-NH900 (Hi SP Mode) w/Sony Setero Mic ECM-717 > CD-R > WAV > Flac Level 6
Sean Moran (4/0) flac / 1 View   AUD
Mick (4/0) CD-R / 2 View  
MoneyMaker23 (4/0) CD(2) / 2 View  
Rogue (3/0) / 0 View  
Notes: Lineage: Sony MZ-NH900 (Hi SP Mode) w/Sony Setero Mic ECM-717 > CD-R > WAV > Flac Level 6 Quality: Very Good Audience Recording Recorded By: UKJ69 Transferred By: UKJ69 on March 19, 2007 Notes: I know there were about 3 other rigs there that were way better than my set up, but since no one else has shared there's yet, I thought I would share mine. I would still love to see an upgrade to the Bowery show I posted in January, seems like there are some hoarders out there. There is some talking that is noticeable during the quieter parts, but does not take away from the recording IMO. Hope you enjoy the show!!!
Travis Autrey (3/5) CDR / 2 A View  
krimpdaddy (3/5) / 2 View  
Tom (2/5) CDR / 2 View  
James Hebert (2/0) 2 CD / 0 View  
Arnesto (2/0) CD/FLAC / 2 A A View  
Notes: AUD
Joe (1/5) FLAC / 0 View   Sony MZ-NH900 (Hi SP Mode) w/Sony Setero Mic ECM-717 > CD-R > WAV > Flac Level 6
Axel (1/5) CD / 2 A- A- View   from Anne
Notes: from Anne
Crow Black Chicken (1/4.9) Flac / 2 View   Sony MZ-NH900 (Hi SP Mode) w/Sony Setero Mic ECM-717 > CD-R > WAV > Flac Level 6
russiancrowe (1/0) / 2 View  
Helder Luis (1/0) / 2 View  
Drew (1/5) flac / 2 View   Sony MZ-NH900 (Hi SP Mode) w/Sony Setero Mic ECM-717 > CD-R > WAV > Flac Level 6
w302nv (1/0) / 0 View   Sony MZ-NH900 (Hi SP Mode) w/Sony Setero Mic ECM-717 > CD-R > WAV > Flac Level 6
HEDSPACE (1/5) cdr / 2 View   AUD
Hoyt Ledet (0/5) flac / 2 A View   Sony MZ-NH900 (Hi SP Mode) w/Sony Setero Mic ECM-717 > CD-R > WAV > Flac Level 6
Israel (0/0) / 2 View  
denis martin (0/0) CDR / 2 A A View  
Nathan (0/0) CD-R / 2 View  
Redlands23 (0/5) CDR / 2 View