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Oingo Boingo 04/26/85
The Palace, Hollywood, CA
Set I
Dead or Alive
Who Do You Want To Be?
What You See
Nothing Bad Ever Happens
Tough As Nails
Cool City
Something Isn't Right
Set II
Grey Matter
Just Another Day
Help Me
Take Your Medicine
Fools Paradise
Dead Man's Party
No One Lives Forever
Last Changed By afterdinnermint
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afterdinnermint (5/5) CDR / 2 A- View  
Notes: This is clearly a soundboard recording, but it has aged a bit. Still sounds fantastic, despite a tiny bit of wear and analog presence. The performance is phenomenal. Recording cuts off abruptly after No One Lives Forever, so it's unclear whether this is complete or not, but it's certainly long enough to be. The only other issues are quick clicks that happen between some songs, either to remove commercials, or to fix a TAO. It isn't distracting, and this show rules just the same. If you love Boingo, look no further.