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Zappa Plays Zappa 09/26/07
013, Tilburg, Netherlands
Set I
audience noise
"thank you for coming"
Spontaneous Classical Composition
Dumb All Over
What's New In Baltimore
"fuck the swedes"
Carolina Hardcore Ecstacy
City Of Tiny Lites
intro to advance romance
Advance Romance
"we're playing the music of frank zappa"
Son Of Suzy Creamcheese
Brown Shoes Don't Make It
America Drinks & Goes Home
intro to dog meat
Dog Meat
"you guys get to see it first"
Pygmy Twylyte
"i need a phrase"
"fuck the swedes"
Dupree's Paradise (part one)
Dupree's Paradise (part two)
Uncle Remus
Willie The Pimp
"we have another good song for you"
Joe's Garage
The Central Scrutinizer Speaks
Wind Up Workin' In A Gas Station
San Ber'dino
Zoot Allures
Ship Ahoy
The Illinois Enema Bandit

Cosmik Debris
G-Spot Tornado
Muffin Man

Set II
Last Changed By adam Carter
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Dignesheino (4/0) / 0 View  
Dennis Blom (2/5) / 0 View  
adam Carter (0/0) flac / 3 A- View  
Notes: recorded on MiniDisc by UniMuta - 2 m from the stage - Sony MD Walkman MZ-R37, mono mode - Yoga EM-8 electret condenser clip microphone MiniDisc -> SB Audigy 2 ZS -> HD dBpowerAmp -> FLAC (lowest compression) Traders Little Helper -> md5