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Blues Brothers 03/09/89
Palatrussardi, Milan, Italy
Set I
Green Onions
Can't Turn You Loose
Band Intro
Peter Gunn
She Caught The Katy
Hold On, I'm Comin'
Hey, Bartender
The Thrill Is Gone
In The Midnight Hour
You Don't Know
Sweet Home Chicago
Raise Your Hand
Stand By Me
My Baby Like The Soaps
Knock On Wood
Soul Man
Everybody Needs Somebody To Love
Set II
Eddie Floyd, vo
Larry Thurston, vo
Steve Cropper, g
Matt Murphy, g
Tom Malone, tb
Alan Rubin, tp
Lou Marini, sax
Leon Pendarvis, key
Donald Dunn, b
Danny Gottlieb, ds
Last Changed By Gabacho
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User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Ron A (5/4.5) Flac / 1 B View  
Gabacho (3/4.7) / 2 A View   AUD
Notes: 449