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Bonnie Raitt 05/09/74
Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, MA
Set I
Baby I Love You
I Feel The Same
I Thought I Was A Child
Write Me A Few Of Your Lines/Kokomo Blues
My First Night Alone Without You
Everybody's Cryin' Mercy
Love Me Like A Man
Don't Fight It
Don't Talk Now
Women Be Wise
I Gave My Love A Candle
Under The Falling Sky
You've Been In Love Too Long
Set II
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band opened
Last Changed By Matthew
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Slick2007 (5/5) FLAC / 1 B View  
Mat Brewster (5/5) / 0 View  
Notes: MP3@192
Marc Dreilinger (5/2.3) FLAC / 1 View   Audience Mono FOB Sony TC-55 with built in condenser mic and auto level control Nakamichi MR-1...
Notes: Archived Box 3 Disc 37
Jordan Jacobs (5/3) Flac / 0 View   FOB
Notes: Sony TC-55 with built in condenser mic and auto level control Nakamichi MR-1 > Tascam DA-20 > Tascam CD-RW900; Master Cassette > DAT > CD > EAC > FLAC
Andy Sato (4/5) CD / 2 A- View  
Notes: AUD
eburgian (2/0) CDR / 2 View  
Mike Kelly (1/4.3) cdr / 1 View  
Ed Izsak (1/5) AUD / 1 View  
Hanf (1/5) Flac / 0 View  
Notes: Sony TC-55 with built in condenser mic and auto level control, SH master cassettes > Nakamichi CR-7A > Sound Devices USBPre2 > Peak 6.0 with iZotope Ozone > .wav (24/96) > resample via iZotope MBIT+ to .wav (16/44) > xACT to FLAC
Matthew (1/4.8) CD / 2 View  
Hugh Owen (1/5) cdr / 2 View  
Tommy Danscuk (1/5) flac / 1 View   Aud
Bill (0/5) cd-r / 2 View  
steve hopkins (0/5) / 0 View   audience mono
Skip Jenkins (0/5) flac, CD-R / 1 View   master cassettes > Nakamichi CR-7A > Sound Devices USBPre2 > Peak 6.0 with iZotope Ozone > .wav...
Notes: Early Show