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Black Crowes 07/07/09
Simon Estes Amphitheater, Des Moines, IA
Set I
Wounded Bird
Black Moon Creeping
Under A Mountain
Ballad In Urgency ->
Wiser Time
Bring On Bring On
I Ain't Hiding
Locust Street
Driving Wheel
Wee Who See The Deep ->
Thorn In My Pride
By Your Side
Jealous Again
Soul Singing
- encore -
Mellow Down Easy
Tied Up And Swallowed
Set II
An Evening With The Black Crowes
Last Changed By Crow Black Chicken
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SpiralLightofVenus (1/5) FLAC / 0 SBD View  
Notes: SBD TB15
Crow Black Chicken (1/4.9) Flac / 2 View   SBD Band Archives> Flac
Notes: SBD BC Roadshow download
Jason Wood (0/0) MP3 / 2 View  
Notes: BCRS Soundboard