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Black Crowes 11/14/09
Villar Performing Arts Center, Beaver Creek, CO
Set I
Roll Old Jeremiah
Shine Along
Poor Elijah -> Tribute To Johnson
Wiser Time
Good Morning Captain
Darling Of The Underground Press
Bring On, Bring On
Thorn In My Pride
Shady Grove
Soul Singing
Hard To Handle
Been A Long Time (Waiting On Love)
The Last Place That Love Lives
God's Got It
Set II
Last Changed By michael kass
(102972) View Source   
Sound Professionals SP-BMC-1 (modified binaurals) (mounted on stand @ 9) -> Bass Roll Off @ 95hz ->Edirol R-09 -> MacBook Pro built in SD card reader -> Peak for splitting -> Xact
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
cotaper (5/4.3) flac / 2 B+ View  
Notes: 116 minutes
michael kass (5/5) cdr / 2 View  
Jim Hennessy (5/5) CDR / 2 A A View   DAUD
Notes: A show without "I Ain't Hiding" and "What Is Home?" Whoo hoo!!!!!!!
hugh (3/5) cd / 2 B + View  
James Hebert (2/0) 2 CD / 0 View  
Richard Markley (1/5) flac / 1 View 102972
Notes: HD2
SpiralLightofVenus (1/5) FLAC / 0 SBD View  
Notes: SBD TB11
Crow Black Chicken (1/4.9) Flac / 2 View 102972 Sound Professionals SP-BMC-1 (modified binaurals) (mounted on stand @ 9) -> Bass Roll Off @...
Crow Black Chicken (1/4.9) Flac / 2 View   SBD Band Archives> Flac
Notes: SBD BC Roadshow download
russiancrowe (1/0) / 2 View