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Zappa Plays Zappa 04/17/10
Nokia Theater, Los Angeles, CA
Set I
Keep It Greasy
Purple Lagoon
Magic Fingers
Plastic Hotelroom
Enchidnas Arf (Of You)
Dont You Ever Wash That Thing?
Don't Eat The Yellow Snow
Peaches en Regalia
Willie The Pimp
Set II
Last Changed By hugh
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CJ (5/4.7) FLAC / 1 View  
hugh (3/5) cd / 1 B+ View  
Notes: Opened for Jeff beck Dweezil Zappa - guitar Scheila Gonzalez - saxophone, flute, keyboards, vocals Pete Griffin - bass Billy Hulting - marimba, mallets, percussions Jamie Kime - guitar, vocals Joe Travers - drums, vocals Ben Thomas - lead vocals, cow bell
Maria Reine (1/5) CD-R / 1 B+ View  
Notes: (Total time = 51:43). Audience recording > Sony ECM-DS70P > Zoom H2 > usb > WAV > Soundforge 10 > FLAC. Taped by klingklang, converted by jmz93. FLAC[sg1500c]