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Jeff Beck 03/25/72
Beat Club, Bremen, Germany
Set I
Got The Feeling
Morning Dew
Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You
Going Down
Definitely Maybe
Set II
Jeff Beck: Guitar, Magic/Wizardry
Bobby Tench: Vocals
Clive Chaman: Bass
Max Middleton: Keyboards
Cozy Powell: Drums
Last Changed By nick22
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Notes: Jeff Beck Group Beat Club, Germany 1972-03-25 Jeff Beck: Guitar, Backing Vocals Bob Tench: Vocals Max Middleton: Keyboards Clive Chaman: Bass Cozy Powell: Drums Audio: LPCM 1536Kbps Video: 7,35 Mbps NTSC Source: Pro-Shot (japan TV) Lineage: CS-TV > DVD MovieWriter > DVD-R > PC > You! 01: Got The Feeling 02: Situation 03: Morning Dew 04: Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You 05: Going Down 06: Definitely Maybe TT: 35:45
bluibootleg (1/0) ISO / 1 View   TV