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Average White Band 09/13/75
Palace Theater, Providence, RI
Set I
Cut The Cake
School Boy Crush
If I Ever Lose This Heaven
Work To Do
TLC (spliced)
Pick Up The Pieces
Person To Person
I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Set II
Last Changed By Uwe Z.
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
hazel1183 (5/5) cdr / 2 View  
eddie hazel (5/0) flac / 1 View  
MyLibbyDog (5/4.8) / 1 A+ A- View  
Notes: Nice Audience Tape
ehazel1965 (5/0) cdr / 1 View  
slsnow1183 (5/0) cdr / 1 View  
buc2220 (5/5) CDR / 2 B+ View   AUD
Slick2007 (5/5) FLAC / 2 A- View  
Uwe Z. (3/5) FLAC / 2 A- View   aud>Master Cassette ->Nakamichi CR-3A cassette deck with azimuth correction ->M-Audio...
C Montana (1/4) cdr / 1 A View  
Janaja (1/5) CD / 1 B+ View  
bluibootleg (1/0) FLAC / 0 View   Audience
snow (0/3) cdr / 2 View  
Paul (0/5) / 0 View  
Notes: FM flac