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Zappa Plays Zappa 08/20/11
Horseshoe Casino, Hammond, IN
Set I
Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?
Willie The Pimp
Dancin' Fool
Pojama People
Big Swifty
Don't Eat The Yellow Snow
Nanook Rubs It
St. Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast
Set II
Last Changed By CJ
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CJ (5/4.7) FLAC / 1 View  
Jason Grotesque V. (1/5) cd flac / 1 View  
Notes: Zappa Plays Zappa The Venue - Horseshoe Casino Hammond, IN August 20, 2011 **Opening for Return to Forever** CA-14 (Omni) > CA-9100 > Sony M10 (line-in 24/44) > > USB > Cool Edit Pro (slight EQ, fades, gain boost) > iZotope RX Advanced (dither) > CDWAV > FLAC Don't You Ever Wash That Thing? Willie the Pimp Dancin' Fool Cheepnis Pojama People Fifty-Fifty (instrumental with Jean Luc Ponty) Big Swifty Don't Eat the Yellow Snow Nanook Rubs It St. Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast Rollo