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Tyrannosaurus Rex 04/04/70
Sporthalle "Progressive Pop Festival", Cologne, Germany
Set I
Elemental Child (?)
Organ Blues
Summertime Blues
Pavilions Of Sun
One Inch Rock
By The Light Of A Magical Moon// (cuts)
Set II


This seems to be the correct running order

Hot Rod Mama
Pavilions Of Sun
One Inch Rock
By The Light Of A Magical Moon// (cuts)
...improvisational jam
Organ Blues
Summertime Blues
Last Changed By phil
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Jack Warner (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   MAR>R>C>FLAC
Rick Martin (5/5) Flac / 1 A- View   unknown WDR-FM reel to reel tape recorder (probably a Uher Report) with unknown microphones...
Notes: FM
Dwayne (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   STAGE MICS
Steve K (4/5) FLAC / 1 A View   Aud
Max Power (4/5) WAV / 1 A A View   unknown WDR-FM reel to reel tape recorder
Notes: 44 min.
phil (1/5) flac / 0 a- View   audmaster reel>reel>c>flac
Hanf (1/5) Flac / 0 View  
Notes: unknown WDR-FM reel to reel tape recorder (probably a Uher Report) with unknown microphones placed on stage -> master stereo "audience" reel