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David Cassidy 02/14/14
Grand Falls Casino, Larchwood, IA
Set I
Partridge Family Theme
I Can Feel Your Heartbeat
Point Me In The Direction of Albuquerque
I'm A Believer
Daydream Believer
I'll Meet You Halfway
Brass In Pocket (drummer on vocals)
Band Solos
On Broadway
Doesn't Somebody Want To Be Wanted
I Woke Up In Love This Morning
In My Life
I Think I Love You
Set II
Last Changed By Boedi-taper
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Boedi-taper (1/4.8) CDR / 2 A A- View   Source 1: Coresound CSB Mics > Bass Roll-off > Tascam DR-05 16/44 Source 2: Bassist's onstage...
Dan Anderson (1/4.9) CD-R / 2 View   MATRIX