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Aerosmith 03/28/78
Music Hall, Boston, MA
Set I
Rats In The Cellar
I Wanna Know Why
Big Ten Inch Record
Walk This Way
Sight For Sore Eyes
Seasons Of Wither
Sweet Emotion
Lord Of The Thighs
Kings And Queens
Chip Away The Stone
Get The Lead Out
Get It Up
Draw The Line
Same Old Song and Dance
Toys In The Attic
Milk Cow Blues
Train Kept A Rollin'
Set II
Last Changed By Matthew
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Kevin (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   FM
Notes: glasnostrd19 Master / WBCN-FM Re-Broadcast
Kevin (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   FM
Notes: "Boston 1978 FM Reel Master" (ZODIAC)
Adam (5/5) CDR / 1 A- View   SBD
Notes: FM Broadcast
gwendibbley (5/0) / 0 View  
Jack Warner (5/5) FLAC / 0 View   FMD>FLAC
John Champion (5/5) 495 MB / 2 View   master FM broadcast tape
Mike Marteny (5/5) cdr / 1 A+ View   FM>DAT(1)>FLAC>CDR(1)
Notes: 75:20
Slick2007 (5/5) FLAC / 2 A View  
Notes: FM
PAG (5/0) CD/FLAC / 2 A+ View   FM
Notes: Rats In The Cellar I Wanna Know Why Big Ten Inch Record Walk This Way Sight For Sore Eyes Seasons Of Wither Sweet Emotion Lord Of The Thighs Kings And Queens Chip Away The Stone Get The Lead Out Get It Up Draw The Line Same Old Song and Dance Toys In The Attic Milk Cow Blues Train Kept A Rollin'
Jen Sienkiewicz (5/4.8) cdr / 1 View  
Phil Shrout (5/4.1) CD-R / 1 A A View  
Jordan Jacobs (5/3) Flac / 0 View   FM
Notes: WBCN-FM broadcast > Yamaha 500 reciever >Naka. BX-100 cassette recorder (dolby off) >90 min. Maxell XLII-S cassette > soundforge 4.5 (to WAV) >FLAC 6
Jordan Jacobs (5/3) ALL / 0 View   Flac
Notes: FM
Paul Conlon (5/4.9) cdr / 1 A A View  
Notes: Excellent vintage stuff!! Small "clips" between tracks.
Scott (5/0) CD-R / 1 A- View  
johnbutler (5/5) CD-R / 1 A A- View   SBD FM
Glenn (5/5) cdr / 1 View   sbd
John Fritz (5/4.5) CDR / 1 View  
Notes: pre-FM
Jason Kaufman (5/0) FLAC / 1 View  
gary t, (5/4.5) cdr / 1 View   pre fm
aerohead (5/5) cdr / 2 View  
Dylan (5/5) CD / 2 A A View   Great quality, great show!!!
Jason (5/5) CDR / 1 A+ View  
Lee Leff (5/0) CDR / 1 A- A- View  
sunnybunny (5/0) CDR / 0 View  
Michael Shilling (4/5) CDR / 1 B+ View  
Notes: WBCN-FM Broadcast: "Aerosmith Comes Home to Boston". Vintage Aerosmith Prior to Band Break-up. Sound Quality is nice, but not Fantastic. Band is Playing in a Frenzy.
BobCarpenter (4/0) FLAC / 0 View  
John Cook (4/5) FLAC / 1 View   FM > DAT > DAT > 60ES > M-Audio Audiophile USB > WAV > Flac
Notes: 561 MB, 75:35
Max Power (4/5) CDR / 1 B+ View  
Notes: 79 min.
ART (4/5) CDR / 1 A+ A View  