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Genesis 04/17/80
Sheffield City Hall, Sheffield, England
Set I
Deep in the Motherlode
Dancing with the Moonlit Knight (Opening)
The Carpet Crawlers
One For the Vine
The Story of Albert
Behind the Lines
Guide Vocal
Turn it On Again
Duke's Travels
Duke's End
Set II
Say It's Alright Joe
The Lady Lies
Band Introductions
In the Cage > The Raven
Follow You, Follow Me
Dance on a Volcano
Los Endos
I Know What I Like
Last Changed By Dave M [db.etree admin]
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Collectors With This Show
User (active/rating) Media / # Show Sound Details DB Source User Source
Everett (5/4) cds / 2 View   sbd
bobadams5150 (5/5) CDR / 2 A A View   FM Broadcast
MrSteve (5/5) cd / 2 View  
Notes: sb>fm>c>dat>cd
chris payment (5/3.4) CDR / 2 View  
Notes: #413
John Champion (5/5) 970 MB / 2 View   FM Broadcast
Slick2007 (5/5) FLAC / 2 A+ View   FM-broadcast recording
Waz (5/5) SHN / 2 A A View   FM
Notes: SAB 12: SBD > FM Broadcast > Cassette > CDR > EAC > SHN.
Jordan Jacobs (5/3) Flac / 0 View   FM
Notes: Looks like from FM master
Mike Zielinski (5/4.9) CDR / 2 A A View   Fm
Notes: BURP #1; Fm Broadcast
Steve Blanchard (5/5) SHN / 2 View   FM
Notes: BURP001ms
Steve Blanchard (5/5) SHN / 2 View  
Notes: i4detail01 - Albert in Wonderland
Jeff Rubin (5/5) CDR / 2 View  
newstone (5/4.8) cdr / 2 A A View  
Notes: Hallam Tapes
AJ (5/0) CDR / 2 A View   FM
AJ (5/0) CDR / 2 A A View   FM
testforecho (5/0) CDR / 2 A A View   SBD
Notes: 'Albert In Wonderland'
Tony (5/0) Lossless / 0 View  
Notes: BURP01
Lloyd H (5/5) SHN / 2 View   SBD>FM>CDR
Notes: This recording came from a 1st generation tape from the actual radio broadcast of this gig `radio Trent` and `Hallam` this set includes all the missing stories and most importantly put`s the song`s in the correct running order
kaanjepa (5/5) CDR / 2 View   i4detail 01
Notes: "Albert in Wonderland"
vblake (5/5) SHN / 2 View  
Tamerlane (5/4.6) shn / 2 View  
Courtney (5/0) SHN / 2 View   Liberated Bootleg: "Hallam Tapes"
Notes: Liberated Bootleg: "Hallam Tapes"
Makisupa Mikey (5/5) CD / 2 View  
Tom Buder (5/5) shn / 2 View   See notes
Notes: This recording came from a 1st generation tape from the actual radio broadcast of this gig `radio Trent` and `Hallam` this set includes all the missing stories and most importantly put`s the song`s in the correct running order (If you have the Highland Hallam tapes you will see that that set is all over the place) Before Squonk on disc 1 is the radio D.J. intro and believe me the sound on this set pisses all over the Highland release Believe me you wont hear a better version of this Sheffield gig anywhere.Also disc two from track 2 to 7 are taken from the actual hallam tapes dis because the tape was a bit crappy there soundwise and also Afterglow was not recorded and so the performance from may 5 lyceum show has been added for the sake of completeness. Apperently the tape of this was lying in his loft for the better part of 20 year`s and has only just come to light he forgot he had it and it is as clear as the day it was recorded Except for the middle bit!! Steve h.
Andrew Davies (4/4.5) CDR / 2 A A View  
Tim Devine (4/5) cdr / 2 A a+ View  
Notes: FM GEN800417TM remaster
Tim Devine (4/5) cdr / 2 A A View  
Notes: Fm "Hallem Tapes" on Highland Label
Zionpower (4/0) / 0 View   Broadcast
ccryder (4/4.7) shn / 2 View  
Martin McNally (4/0) shn / 2 View   radio
Notes: i4detail02