North Mississippi Allstars
Penn Valley Park
Kansas City, MO
"2001 Kansas City Blues & Jazz Festival"
****a vanillag remaster****
1. intro
2. Po Black Maddie > Skinny Woman > Drums > Po Black Maddie
3. Shake 'Em On Down
4. All Night Long
Luther Dickinson - guitar, vox
Chris Chew - bass, vox
Cody Dickinson - drums, guitar, electric washboard, vox
Source: WFUV-FM ("Beale Street Caravan") > creek receiver > Apogee PSX-100 > SD744t
Transfer: SD744t > firewire > WAV > Sound Forge 7.0(PD&Norm, dj redux) > FLAC
captured & mast/remastered by Bill Mulvey
Note: The announcer mistakenly identifies the performance as from 1997. This is incorrect and has been verified to be from 2001 (from both a DAT clone of the Beale Street Caravan master and the producer of BSC). Still an excellent quality recording and performance. Full set does not circulate but is archived by the band and BSC.