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Grateful Dead 12/31/79
Oakland Auditorium Arena, Oakland, CA
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Source # 126184 Other Sources
Entered by Matt Vernon
Checksums flac-md5 , ffp
Disc Counts 0 / 0
Media Size Compressed: 1.28 GB (1373634560 bytes)
Uncompressed: 2.08 GB (2231000152 bytes)
Date Circulated
Date Added
Source Summary flac16; Matrix 3 Source Mix - SBD1 (shnid=17281) SBD > ?? > Cassette > CD with AUD patches via Darryl Hinko + AUD1 (shn id 88768) Recording by Joani Walker: Sony ECM-250 -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-158/Maxell UDXL-II90) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) -> Samplitude Professional v9.12 -> FLAC/16 + SBD2 (no shn id) low generation video - matrix mixing by Kevin Tobin 
Source Information - Download Text | Download Zip
Grateful Dead
Oakland Auditorium, Oakland, CA
December 31, 1979

SBD + AUD Matrix 3 Source Mix(48%-SBD/52%-AUD)

Set 1:
d1t01 - Jack Straw ->
d1t02 - Franklin's Tower
d1t03 - Mama Tried ->
d1t04 - Mexicali Blues
d1t05 - Tennessee Jed
d1t06 - Looks Like Rain ->
d1t07 - Alabama Getaway ->
d1t08 - The Promised Land

Set 2:
d2t01 - New Year's Eve Countdown ->
d2t02 - Sugar Magnolia ->
d2t03 - China Cat Sunflower ->
d2t04 - I Know You Rider
d2t05 - Samson And Delilah
d2t06 - Ship Of Fools
d2t07 - Lost Sailor ->
d2t08 - Saint Of Circumstance ->
d2t09 - Deal

Set 3:
d3t01 - Althea ->
d3t02 - New Minglewood Blues
d3t03 - Uncle John's Band ->
d3t04 - Drums ->
d4t01 - Space ->
d4t02 - Not Fade Away* ->
d4t03 - Stella Blue* ->
d4t04 - Sunshine Daydream*

d4t01 - Good Lovin'

* with John Cipollina
NOTE: If the encore is moved to either disc 1 or 2, all of set 3 will fit on one 80 minute cd.

Audio Source Information:
SBD1 (shnid = 17281)
SBD > ?? > Cassette > CD with AUD patches
EAC/SHN by Darryl Hinko (flyerfanatic)
[email protected]
SHNtool used to comfirm sector boudries and to reattach wavs
CDwav used to split tracks
Cool Edit Pro used for all splices

Original Patch source : (NOTE: SBD2 was used to replace all patches listed below)
AUD > NAK 700s >Sony TC-158 > MC > DAT > CDR  >
EAC (calibrated, secure mode, test and copy) > SHN

- Between Mexicali and Tennessee tuning was missing added from the
  AUD source
- Tennessee Jed patch for a couple of seconds on
  "Cracked my spine"
- Between d1t05 and d1t06 a lot of audience was missing I spliced
  it in.
- Looks Like Rain was split badly because of a cassette flip
  also about 2 minutes spliced in at the end
- Ship of Fools was missing from the SBD source - AUD source
- Lost Sailor splice from 5:17 - 5:24 has 2 pops they were on the
  audience source.
- Beginning of 3rd set added a bit of audience so the set didn't start
- Stella Blue -  2 splices - first on the line "In every Cheap" -
                             second Towards the end of the song
- Not much crowd time between SSDD and Good Lovin' so I added the
  tuning from the AUD
- Last 2:30 of Good Lovin' was missing patched with AUD

AUD (shnid = 88768)
Recording Info:
Sony ECM-250 -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-158/Maxell UDXL-II90)

Transfer Info:
Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) ->
Samplitude Professional v9.12 -> FLAC/16
(4 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC)
All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
[email protected]
November 20, 2007

Patch Info:
Nakamichi 700 -> Cassette Master -> Dat -> CD (shnid=18589) supplies:
Drums (6:13 - 6:29)

-- Seamless disc change between Set 3 and Encore
-- Move Encore to end of 1st or 2nd Set to fit show onto 3 discs
-- Recorded By Joani Walker
-- Thanks to Joani Walker and Paul Scotton for the tapes
-- Patch source recorded by Steve Rolfe

Audio Source:
SBD2 (no shnid)
Audio from video used to patch the soundboard.
- Mixed by [email protected]
- FLAC conversion 26-NOV-2013 - Trader Little Helper
- Tagged 26-NOV-2013 - Tag&Rename
Multitrack Mixdown Settings


Stereo Matrix
SBD -0.5


Stereo Matrix
SBD -0.5
Audio Patches
1) Between Franklin's Tower and Mama Tried, 1 minute and 42.840 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

2) Also between Franklin's Tower and Mama Tried, 2 minute and 06.265 seconds were missing from the audience and were filled in with audio from the video.

3) Between Mexicali Blues and Tennessee Jed, 1 minute and 37.467 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

4) Also between Mexicali Blues and Tennessee Jed, 1 minute and 24.163 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

5) Between Tennessee Jed and Looks Like Rain, 25.352 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

6) At the end of Looks Like Rain, 2 minute and 05.111 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

7) At the beginning of set 2, 4 minute and 08.290 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video. This includes most of the NYE countdown.

8) At the beginning of set 2, 3 minute and 54.454 seconds were missing from the audience and were filled in with audio from the video. This includes most of the NYE countdown.

9) Between I Know You Rider and Samson and Delilah, 1 minute and 23.919 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

10) Also between I Know You Rider and Samson and Delilah, 1 minute and 17.265 seconds were missing from the audience and were filled in with audio from the video.

11) Also between I Know You Rider and Samson and Delilah, 58.092 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the audience.

12) Between Samson and Delilah and Ship Of Fools, 9 minute and 20.028 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video. This includes all of Ship Of Fools.

13) Between Ship Of Fools and Lost Sailor, 47.016 seconds were missing from the audience and were filled in with audio from the video.

14) About 5 minutes into Lost Sailor, 07.653 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

15) About 8 minutes into Drums, 1 minute and 02.277 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

16) About 3 minutes into Not Fade Away, 01.293 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

17) About 6 minutes into Stella Blue, 04.141 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

18) At the end of Stella Blue, 16.164 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

19) At the start of Good Loving, 04.111 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

20) About 5 minutes into Good Lovin', 41.417 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

21) About 7 minutes into Good Lovin', 2 minutes and 45.285 seconds were missing from the soundboard and were filled in with audio from the video.

22) SBD2 was used as the timing reference as the sbd 1 was very fast (about 2 seconds\minute) and the audience was slow (about 1 second\minute). All 3 sources will be used in upcoming matrix and dts project.

Brokedown House Production

    length     expanded size    cdr  WAVE problems  fmt   ratio  filename
     6:05.71       64553036 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d1t01.wav
    19:28.45      206141084 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d1t02.wav
     2:36.50       27636044 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d1t03.wav
     6:37.58       70167260 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d1t04.wav
     9:14.13       97756220 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d1t05.wav
     8:24.10       88929164 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d1t06.wav
     7:01.16       74302076 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d1t07.wav
     4:53.10       51708764 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d1t08.wav
     4:23.59       46532012 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d2t01.wav
     6:03.25       64092044 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d2t02.wav
     7:16.69       77072732 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d2t03.wav
     9:18.48       98544140 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d2t04.wav
     8:21.52       88498748 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d2t05.wav
     9:22.23       99190940 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d2t06.wav
     9:12.43       97473980 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d2t07.wav
     3:11.57       33826508 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d2t08.wav
     5:45.32       60933308 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d2t09.wav
    10:30.17      111172028 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d3t01.wav
     8:52.19       93889532 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d3t02.wav
    15:41.38      166081820 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d3t03.wav
     7:00.62       74233868 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d3t04.wav
     6:41.08       70755260 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d4t01.wav
    14:20.40      151798124 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d4t02.wav
     8:58.42       95002028 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d4t03.wav
     3:41.33       39062060 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d4t04.wav
     7:42.64       81647372 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  gd1979-12-31d4t05.wav
   210:47.29     2231000152 B                            1.0000  (26 files)

Show Checksums
750c2fea30902a34b3c0aba841c626c3 *gd1979-12-31d1t01.flac
269d1392f6dd774ccf736f0f011dfba7 *gd1979-12-31d1t02.flac
2b899f39dc1e4ddd1a8331633f01a82d *gd1979-12-31d1t03.flac
ebf8815127cb9239f0cdc9c3f5fde85b *gd1979-12-31d1t04.flac
72dabb94bf9ba35ba7c96e6ca81c5352 *gd1979-12-31d1t05.flac
aa23fe78f6a14996f61d1ed67303db09 *gd1979-12-31d1t06.flac
cf910bdb285d081a26e5cd5325925a9f *gd1979-12-31d1t07.flac
013e209dbffafefba7a8d099cd1cab08 *gd1979-12-31d1t08.flac
0920a81bd069d7d23569f9cbf7a87fff *gd1979-12-31d2t01.flac
3aa17ada5f0481bf5a16b39689e9f071 *gd1979-12-31d2t02.flac
b44875f2a905c787ca1fc6b1e0e1d2f9 *gd1979-12-31d2t03.flac
521dafc495f67da295ec5a2a838fbfa6 *gd1979-12-31d2t04.flac
eb4c0cb6066b0b146dd228f42f412b5f *gd1979-12-31d2t05.flac
c9a5c2c9b987cc397cf3986d7737d3f2 *gd1979-12-31d2t06.flac
d339b0848ce3d15af70bc2b5cbcb76c5 *gd1979-12-31d2t07.flac
06d01362ebff60599af870afb3255e5f *gd1979-12-31d2t08.flac
95b53043453c8278099b740aa530005d *gd1979-12-31d2t09.flac
3b3f250191c02dffcbf08586cdb45bc2 *gd1979-12-31d3t01.flac
9e3725cc0e4b1d91dc300f4df3528663 *gd1979-12-31d3t02.flac
2786cb73fc898974ac6705d1b36c9ef2 *gd1979-12-31d3t03.flac
2879d71f3c4ef25578bc12cdf9a772bd *gd1979-12-31d3t04.flac
4c1acf29e4fb875d8809b1dcf63c51a0 *gd1979-12-31d4t01.flac
2442843e425281c9d01e8830ec7f18c2 *gd1979-12-31d4t02.flac
22b32325b43809cc2c1e1ca945745a11 *gd1979-12-31d4t03.flac
1dc47e1da31d1f9f7594ba732f29a640 *gd1979-12-31d4t04.flac
0765443b20a364f279ab7aae744a2b10 *gd1979-12-31d4t05.flac

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Other Sources (comments)
Recording by Steve Rolfe:... (1) Recording by Steve Rolfe:... (1) SBD > ?? > Cassette > CD... (4) Recording by Steve Rolfe:... (0) flac16;Recording by... (0) flac16; SBD > ?? >... (0)
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