This is the complete Dark Star from 1969-03-29. (It is 21 minutes long, while the previously circulating version was 15 minutes.)
The missing section could come from an alternate cassette copy of the master reel, or from an alternate cassette master.
This file is meant to be patched into the existing Charlie Miller source:
d1t04 - Dark Star 21:01
the cm version plus the missing 6 mins spliced in:
00-> 12.50 cm version
12.50->19.05 4th gen via rich petlock and taperchuck
19.05->21.01 cm version
the additional 6 mins sound brighter but also have hiss
(i assume dolby B misuse)
the cut on the charlie miller version (and all previous ones) was at 13.07
the cassette provided 2 mins overlap
you can seamlessly substitute track4 on the charlie miller version with this track
fixed by
uli teute