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Grateful Dead 03/17/95
The Spectrum (soundcheck), Philadelphia, PA
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Source # 1366 Other Sources
Entered by dr.unclear
Checksums shn-md5 , st5
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Source Summary Unbroken Chain Rehearsal & Sound Check; Phil's FM monitor signal intercepted with portable boom box; FM Analog> DAT> Macromedia Sound > Edit> SHN; 10 tracks of UBC plus banter; 8/00: formerly listed in db as 3/19/95- "may be mislabeled as 3/17/95"!- thanks to Tom Bellanca for correction; update 4/03- md5s added thanks to Matt Vernon- may or may not be originals (none were stored in shncirc originally) 
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Grateful Dead
Phili Spectrum
03-17-95 [note may be mislabeled as 03-19-95]
Unbroken Chain Rehearsal & Sound Check

This recording, until now, was coveted by only 4 tapers that I know of.
It was recorded using a portable boom box with a FM radio. The band was
using a low frequency FM signal to power the monitors. What we have here is
Phil's signal intercepted by our Boom box! It was then mastered to DAT.
Enjoy this rare treat, take notice of the banter between band members and
sound people. It will give you a glimps of the dynamics of the worlds
greatest band!

FM Analog>DAT>Macromedia Sound Edit>SHN

Track 1-10 are all different takes of Unbroken Chain. It was debuted that
very night for the first time ever!

James Toland
[email protected]

Additional comments from Cosmic Chuck [email protected]:

> The soundcheck did get around during the late spring of that tour, and
> of course I have an analog tape of it (high gen and lots of hiss).  I
> was specifically told to wait at least a number of months before I could
> trade it in my area (sometimes us tapers have particular rules that are
> forced upon us, although I have gotten a few jems that had these
> "restrictions").
> As for the banter between the band members, rumour has it (from a
> reliable personal friend and dead productions source, whose name I can
> not reveal) that Phil pushed very hard to get Unbroken Chain out during
> this Philly run.  A bunch of the band members were disappointed with
> Jerry at that time due to his "getting" back on the train (heroin), and
> his lackluster performance during the rehearsals and you can actually
> hear hardly any jerry during that recording (yeah, I know it was Phil's
> monitor mix).
Show Checksums
1e90f538331f1e5c0c8e601e9486dc5a *gd95-03-17sndchkt07.wav.shn
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71b07245dea4623b0b8ab89103ce9d0d [shntool] gd95-03-17sndchkt10.wav.shn

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Other Sources (comments)
Phil's Ear Monitor Feed >... (1)
Date User Comment
08/29/2000 Diana Hamilton Following is [email protected]'s remark of 8/24/00, carried over from the former "3/19/95" entry here:

the rehersal is infact 3/17. the debut was 3/19. also the reason jerry was inaudible for 75% of the rehersal is
because he wasn't there. it's fairly obvious when he joins.

06/08/2002 Hamilton, Greg & Diana This entry stamped gray area at request of the server team.
09/22/2004 Diana Given how separately this circulates from the actual show, this shn has now been moved to the separate souncheck gig entry.
02/26/2006 Richard Powell To correct the above comments, this recording was my by my friend Vince and myself on 3/17/95 (we called it "smoke a fatty with St. Patty" day)at the entrance to the left of the "Rocky" statue (which is at the front entrance), which happened to be directlty behind the stage. We picked this entrance for that reason. We had two AOR 1000XLT 'wideband' scanners, one patched into the right and one patched into the left mic input/s of a boom box(for two-channel sound), to both amplify and record at the same time. The frequencies are not "intercepted" with "our" boom box. ()I don't know why James Tolland takes credit for this recording. They are FM, not "low level", but VHF. We had Jerry's monitor frequency on the right (527.050) and Phil on the left (542.000). We amassed a group of 50 people or so around us by the time the soundcheck was over. We were videotaped by a local TV station crew, with Pierre Rober (local radio personality)as the correspondent. Ironically, the area where we were sitting was roped off the next two nights.

These frequencies are still used by Phil/Dead/Rat Dog at present. They do change, but are always in the 510-550 VHF WFM (wideband FM) frequency range, and interceptable by any wideband (high-end) scanner. Nobody has ever prohibited me from bringing my scanner into the venue, but I get a lot of funny looks and "6-up's" from fellow heads.

Unfortunately, somebody taped my wedding music over my copy, but vince still has his first gen. Maybe one day I can get the 2nd gen cassette torrent from the soundboard that circulates on the torrents. Thanks.
08/10/2008 phantomtides "Coveted" by only 4 tapers?! What in the name of Jerry above does that mean? LMAO.