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Medeski Martin & Wood 09/17/95
CBGB's 313 Gallery, New York, NY
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Source # 1454 Other Sources
Entered by duggy
Checksums d1shn-md5 , d2shn-md5 , d3shn-md5
Disc Counts 2 / 3
Media Size
Date Circulated
Date Added
Source Summary most likely AKG 451's > dat (all that circulates); 12/6/97 filler; tracked by Marcus Pearson 
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Medeski, Martin & Wood
New York, NY

source:  most likely AKG 451's > dat since
it is the only known source to circulate
D1 61:00.25
(early show)
1. "Oscillation"
2. Lifeblood
3. Lonely Avenue
4. Jelly Belly > Drum Solo [@10:51]
5. Is There Anybody Here That Love My Jesus

D2 67:34.24
(late show)
1. [intro/tuning]
2. Dracula* >
3. Henduck*
4. Think
5. LCTDT(P) intro # > Improv * [@6:05] >
6. Last Chance to Dance Trance (Perhaps)


D3 20:13.08
(late show cont.)
1. Pakalolo
2. Crosstown Traffic

* with Marc Ribot on guitar
# Chris blew his bass amp head during the beginning of LCTDT(P). They brought Ribot back onstage for the jam while Chris tried to fix the amp head. They never did get it fixed properly, and Chris ended up playing the rest of the show through Ribot's guitar amp. This was officially billed as an early show and a late show, but in actuality it was set I and set II.

(filler:  12.6.97)
3. Improv ->
4. Basso Profondo ->
5. Improv

Tracked by Marcus Pearson
Hosted by Louie Rendek
Show Checksums
4fa37c8cc2918fe48f3667733ae050b5 *mmw1995-09-17d1t01.wav.shn
f0f71aeb5a4b3ea73a3ce0469469d5a8 *mmw1995-09-17d1t02.wav.shn
1823a56d2fc57eabc28b1477af926426 *mmw1995-09-17d1t03.wav.shn
18bfe8f27ad6efe82d820e6c45f79204 *mmw1995-09-17d1t04.wav.shn
326b92643c20ca18fc89c80a508d3996 *mmw1995-09-17d1t05.wav.shn
531a56b3ee5d87e54a58c12412ac5ca7 *mmw1995-09-17d2t01.wav.shn
476cfadda63a9067ef507cf8c2e94da7 *mmw1995-09-17d2t02.wav.shn
2693a87179644294de705bef1e10b4fd *mmw1995-09-17d2t03.wav.shn
41cf1cc68ef6b1ffb957486fa4d0c1b7 *mmw1995-09-17d2t04.wav.shn
c84fbc1e7aa8d66d1364087b4cc276d3 *mmw1995-09-17d2t05.wav.shn
9a3a10b321789d7fd2bf8b47c6b42062 *mmw1995-09-17d2t06.wav.shn
ecdf0c927b87f471acfa3233538814ec *mmw1995-09-17d3t01.wav.shn
9c6b5f021da0ca54098cff30d5ae87f5 *mmw1995-09-17d3t02.wav.shn
1dc173d381007173f8398ae6dd6ff901 *mmw1995-09-17d3t03.wav.shn
12d0a3832f3580b8617e380efb68ae7f *mmw1995-09-17d3t04.wav.shn
3cbfb2608d2403c43bd953897f9efa36 *mmw1995-09-17d3t05.wav.shn

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Date User Comment
11/19/2004 Diana This fileset also circulates without the filler.
08/03/2005 Terry Watts I have a AGK 451 DAT(c) that I may transfer soon.

04/26/2010 duggy Minor maintenance to setlist (updates, segues, typos, etc.)