String Cheese Incident
UIC Pavilion
Chicago, IL
Source: Neumann TLM 170r (hypers) > Lunatec V2 > Sonic Sense AD2K > Sony TCD-D7
Seed: Sony TCD-D7 > S/PDIF > Echo Mia >
Sound Forge 4.5 (to 44.1k @ highest accuracy; anti-alias filter) > CDWav > FLAC
--No DAE--
Patched, transferred, and seeded by Paul Hofferkamp (
[email protected])
Disc I:
-Set I-
01. Intro
02. Restless Wind
03. 100 Year Flood >
04. Parker's Blues
05. High on a Mountaintop
06. These Waves
Disc II:
01. Sing a New Song >
02. Jam* >
03. San Jose* >
04. Ozomatli Rap* >
05. San Jose* >
06. Drums* >
07. San Jose*
-Set II-
08. Intro
09. This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) >
10. Joyful Sound >
Disc III:
01. ¡BAM!
02. Panama Red
03. Wake Up
04. Black and White >
05. Way Back Home
06. The Mighty Quinn
* with members of Ozomatli.
Enjoy! I know I did!