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Grateful Dead 06/16/74
Des Moines State Fair Grandstand, Des Moines, IA
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Source # 17701 Other Sources
Entered by dr.unclear
Checksums shn-md5 , st5
Disc Counts 2 / 4
Media Size
Date Circulated
Date Added
Source Summary S : MR > DAT > CDR > EAC > SHN; Editing by Alan J Fink; See info file for details; Note- This shn set was submitted by Alan Fink himself  
Source Information - Download Text | Download Zip
Grateful Dead
Des Moines State Fair Grandstand
Des Moines, IA

S : MR > DAT > CDR > EAC > SHN

Disc 1:
Set I
1. Bertha
2. Mexicali Blues
3. Row Jimmy
4. Beat It On Down The Line
5. Scarlet Begonias
6. Black Throated Wind
7. Sugaree
8. El Paso
9. It Must Have Been The Roses
10. Jack Straw

Disc 2:
1. China Cat->
2. I Know You Rider
3. Around

Set II
4. U.S. Blues
5. The Race is On
6. Eyes Of The World->
7. Big River

Disc 3:
1. Playin' In The Band

2. Tennessee Jed
3. Me & My Uncle
4. Deal
5. Greatest Story Ever Told
6. Ship Of Fools

Disc 4:
1. Truckin'->
2. Nobody's Jam->
3. Wharf Rat->
4. Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad
5. E: Casey Jones

Original Notes:
d1t01 Bertha- splice @ 4:04; serious mix problems prior to this
d1t07 Sugaree- MR flip @ 3:59
d3t01 Playin'- d/o @0:01, d/o @3:16
d3t02 T.Jed- <1 sec. digi-noise @0:02
d4t03 W.Rat- MR flip @2:50

Original SHNs,,  
via Robert Naylor, Popi, not seekable

March 9th, 2003
Editing by Alan J Fink "[email protected]" using Cool Edit Pro
d2t04 U.S. Blues- 0:00 - 0:21 patched with SBD : ? > C
d3t01 Playin'- 0:00 - 0:13, 3:25 mix patched with SBD : ? > C
d3t02 T. Jed- < 1 sec. digi-noise @0:02 mix patched with SBD : ? > C
New SHNs created by Alan J Fink ([email protected]) MKW.
Sector boundaries verified via shntool.

April 1-5, 2003  CoolEditPro 2.0  steve windsor ([email protected])
  Manual detection and correction only.

D1T1  Bertha        Removed Pops at 4:05.344, 4:05.431; splice remains
D1T3  Row Jimmy     Reduced Pops at 0:17.084, 0:19.873
D1T5  Scarlett      Removed Pops at 0:13.(951, 970, 975), 2:00.225
D1T6  BTW           Reduced Pop at 0:10.006
D1T7  Sugaree       Reduced Pops at 0:22.302, 0:35.(310, 319)
                    Copied right channel to partial missing left channel at 0:36.110 for 0.040.
D1T8  El Paso       Removed pop at 2:44.214; smoothed out remaining pop
                    Removed pop at 3:15.841 for 0.030
                    Reduced pop at 3:12.884 for 0.025
                    Removed pop at 3:20.156 for 0.054
                    Removed pop at 3:21.197 for 0.030
                     Note these last 4 were horrendous; no music or anything
                     remotely important was removed. The same type of pops existed
                     in Sugaree, but were not removed in order to preserve continuity.
D1T9  Roses         Bad Pop around 0:13.553, but much more so in the left channel than right;
                      copied the right to left channel from 0:13.451 for 0.260,
                      then removed pop at 0:13.553.
                    Bad Pop around 0:16.514, but much more so in the left channel than right;
                      copied the right to left channel from 0:16.464 for 0.125,
                      then removed pop at 0:16.514.
                    Removed pop at 1:02.905
D1T10 Jack Straw    Removed pops at 2:46.112, 4:06.648, 4:12.084, 5:11.237

D2T1 China Cat      Removed pop at 7:31.743
                    Copied Right to Left channel at 7:22.177 for 0.148, then removed pop at 7:22.222;
                      some wierd sound persists in the left channel
D2T6 Eyes           Removed dual crackles at 7:22.400
                    Removed pops at 10:53.766, 10:58.919, 12:29.013(R), 12:32.878,
                      14:07.574 (confirmed not music; it's off beat), 15:56.229, 16:18.350, 17:37.464
                    Digital noise in right channel @ 14:07.890; copied no-noise left channel to
                      right channel from 14:07.865 for 0.200.
D2T7 Big River      Removed pops at 4:29.784, 4:34.691

D3T1. Playin'     Removed pop at 6:14.904
D3T4. Deal          Removed pops at 3:06.424(R), 3:08.831, 3:10.461
D3T5. Greatest      Removed pops at 0:21.914, 0:22.147, 0:23.266(R), 0:39.644, 0:50.171,
                    Wierd left then right channel noise. Copied right to left 3:34.328 for 0.035
                      then left to right 3:34.364 for 0.033.  Smoothed remainder at 3:34.361.
                    Removed noises at 4:51.081 for 0.021, 4:56.880 for 0.018.
D3T6. Ship          Dropout at 0:39.639 for 0.892.  No action taken.
                    Dropout in left channel at 1:22.015 for 0.022; since right channel was better,
                      copied right channel to left channel 1:22.004 for 0.050.  Slight warble remains.

D4T1. Truckin'      Removed pop at 4:38.612
D4T2. Nobody's      Removed pops at 0:0.052, 0:25.533, 2:25.243, 3:20.522, 8:51.835,
                      8:57.577, 11:06.545, 11:34.349, 12:10.636.
D4T4. Goin' Down    Removed pops at 1:00.378, 6:17.059, 6:59.405, 7:00.447
D4T5. Casey Jones   Dropout in left channel at 0:4.489.  Digital noise in different channels
                      Copied right channel from 0:4.05
Show Checksums
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779efa37f34ee426da21d24fa28ddc73 *gd74-06-16d2t02.shn
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37f23a3bee3390d7d14d0d5c88f3b0b8 *gd74-06-16d2t05.shn
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ffb2cbe4c710a2a5cf6b6bee8af491d9 [shntool] gd74-06-16d1t08.shn
7d497c6681da82d3ca78f1d3fb2ce385 [shntool] gd74-06-16d1t09.shn
769b94863b20097f84d206ece69d1fbd [shntool] gd74-06-16d1t10.shn
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24b7063c6d97d84675a80c99c23265cd [shntool] gd74-06-16d2t02.shn
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8cae303b04baada1a20dc47b170b2699 [shntool] gd74-06-16d2t04.shn
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4b25a0e92a65680a49a4e3cc4b09390e [shntool] gd74-06-16d2t06.shn
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61798e5504400eadf70bda518ed52a09 [shntool] gd74-06-16d3t02.shn
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0fd34d107583c475695ced0d123b3429 [shntool] gd74-06-16d3t05.shn
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34e158d9a7b21b7fef9e3c79e3ead1ae [shntool] gd74-06-16d4t03.shn
0c66160f7b7934eb0395b9bd7e088e54 [shntool] gd74-06-16d4t04.shn
77c9727b50864fc81fff0a78725aba6c [shntool] gd74-06-16d4t05.shn

Add Comment
Other Sources (comments)
SBD (could be MR> C> D);... (1) S : MR > DAT > CDR > EAC >... (0) mixed SBD sources: Set 1:... (3) flac24; source: aud... (0) flac16; source: aud... (0) flac16; Matrix 2... (0) DTS-Audio-CD 5.1... (0) flac16/48kHz; 5.1... (0)
Date User Comment
06/06/2003 Alan J Fink May 28th, 2003
SBE found on gd74-06-16d1t08 "El Paso" and shns not seekable.
SBE fixed via shntool and new SHNs created by
Alan J Fink ([email protected]) using MKW,
appending seek table to end of Shorten files.


length expanded size cdr WAVE probs filename
5:28.63 58007420 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d1t01.shn
6:31.46 69080636 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d1t02.shn
8:07.66 86062076 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d1t03.shn
5:29.73 58207340 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d1t04.shn
9:49.26 103960796 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d1t05.shn
7:32.48 79845740 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d1t06.shn
5:54.74 62619692 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d1t07.shn
8:37.46 91307036 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d1t08.shn
6:26.29 68158652 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d1t09.shn
6:06.66 64717676 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d1t10.shn
8:20.03 88207100 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d2t01.shn
7:10.35 75934364 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d2t02.shn
4:57.05 52402604 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d2t03.shn
6:03.15 64068524 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d2t04.shn
4:02.29 42757052 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d2t05.shn
18:46.27 198689948 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d2t06.shn
7:30.02 79384748 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d2t07.shn
29:17.42 310033628 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d3t01.shn
8:10.61 86579516 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d3t02.shn
3:15.43 34499180 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d3t03.shn
5:54.18 62487980 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d3t04.shn
5:31.28 58454300 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d3t05.shn
6:53.49 72968492 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d3t06.shn
8:17.65 87823724 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d4t01.shn
12:54.12 136561868 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d4t02.shn
8:52.64 93995372 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d4t03.shn
8:19.22 88075388 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d4t04.shn
7:17.57 77220908 --- -- -xx gd74-06-16d4t05.shn
231:40.64 2338.52 MB (totals for 28 files, 0.5742 overall compression ratio)

06/18/2003 None of these seeds of 6/16/74 are from a SBD>MR>DAT source. The correct lineage of this show is:

Set One: SBD>MR>Cass>DAT>CD
Set Two & Three: SBD>MCass>DAT>CD

There are noticeable differences in the mix and sound quality between the Reel & Cassette Masters. Rob Eaton's list shows a SBD>MR>Cass>DAT source for the complete show but AFAIK it does not currently circulate.