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Ween 07/25/03
Club Laga, Pittsburgh, PA
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Source # 19338 Other Sources
Entered by Justin Weiss
Checksums d1 , d2
Disc Counts 0 / 2
Media Size
Date Circulated
Date Added

Source Summary schoeps mk41>vms>sbm1>d8 transferred: d8>spdif in>wavelab>cd wave>shn FOB Tabed by PW and JKeats 
Source Information - Download Text | Download Zip
club laga
pittsburgh, pa

schoeps mk41>vms>sbm1>d8
transferred: d8>spdif in>wavelab>cd wave>shn
Tabed by PW and JKeats

For some killer photos from the show go to and where it says enter member name = "jkeats".  They are in a folder called "pittsburgh ween"
Email: [email protected] with any comments, etc. or if you are interested in CD trades and/or SHN trades through FTP
my trading list is at:

(editors notes)
This source was downloaded off of furthurnet and was tracked 1-27, as if it were for DAT. I split the discs between Reggaejunkiejew and Zoloft.
I have done no editing of the original files, other than to change the naming to reflect the split, and edited the md5's to reflect the naming change.
If there are any questions, please feel free to email me (Patrick Marshall, [email protected]).

track listing:
Disc 1 (69:12)
1. buckingham green
2. stallion pt. 3
3. happy colored marbles
4. the grobe
5. take me away
6. transdermal celebration
7. springtheme
8. voodoo lady
9. i don't want it
10. roses are free
11. the mollusk
12. what deaner was talking about
13. reggaejunkiwjew

Disc 2 (76:04)
1. zoloft
2. ocean man
3. wavin my dick in the wind
4. u fucked up
5. tick
6. pandy fackler
7. i can't put my finger on it
8. piss up a rope
9. booze me up and get me high
10. spinal meningitis
11. crowd cheering to win a fucking encore

12. captain
13. mr. would u please help my pony
14. lmlyp
Show Checksums
aa8675949a550f4090c05f0ee669789c *ween2003-07-25d1t01.shn
eeb73db58a47b0630df404955367c6b9 *ween2003-07-25d1t02.shn
9f9f668cf1d7e45740b48fd9e1f24479 *ween2003-07-25d1t03.shn
3260ffbe5531f48015fad33296683d86 *ween2003-07-25d1t04.shn
15130dbfff9b675f2ff2b4832f843124 *ween2003-07-25d1t05.shn
a9259b3116c19b4aee52cf75b220b65b *ween2003-07-25d1t06.shn
5aadf15912e3f3bcfff35237f6000687 *ween2003-07-25d1t07.shn
0a6a618156dead48fda221bdff3787a7 *ween2003-07-25d1t08.shn
cdbdf5468b05ae83e96e782badc242cc *ween2003-07-25d1t09.shn
7d4154c3af8d678a7a434e0e1ed42426 *ween2003-07-25d1t10.shn
a818ae8fc22c239e770a1411ccf16d94 *ween2003-07-25d1t11.shn
3ee34fd61f071205754732f243b6b0c2 *ween2003-07-25d1t12.shn
376f0cce319ce1309889b83b128a73b7 *ween2003-07-25d1t13.shn

739009b8da493c4f314ddb680c9698dc *ween2003-07-25d2t01.shn
a31a2b9c808ac86708d3e5769e5f1b2b *ween2003-07-25d2t02.shn
a718cfed9b39b6b0f4efe0227944be4a *ween2003-07-25d2t03.shn
5dec7e15bc3fa27d41a111c747d3a295 *ween2003-07-25d2t04.shn
866012b95c9e0ec1b629fc59facd50e3 *ween2003-07-25d2t05.shn
fdafee0677408b39fdbdff93291e95c5 *ween2003-07-25d2t06.shn
4968713dae81dd49c269741db3c37f8a *ween2003-07-25d2t07.shn
cb70c1591f37dd99f6276d41d733ff18 *ween2003-07-25d2t08.shn
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a0a97fac2a79bed371cb61200fc1972b *ween2003-07-25d2t10.shn
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0faab5b319f488a96f4de68fe41084bd *ween2003-07-25d2t13.shn
c0ac98804c48fa641cf7c3c4b8925512 *ween2003-07-25d2t14.shn

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Date User Comment
11/01/2003 twatts SBE on last track... I have fixed this set and will post new info when I gethome from FLA!
