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Medeski Martin & Wood 05/19/00
State Theatre, Portland, ME
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Source # 26103 Other Sources
Entered by duggy
Checksums d1shn-md5 , d2shn-md5
Disc Counts 1 / 2
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Source Summary flac16; Source update: DFC Balcony row 1 AKG c3000b->Sony MX-p42->Beach Tec DXA-4p->Sony TCD-D7; extensive cleanup by Ross Carlson; there is a re-tracked version of this source. 
Source Information - Download Text | Download Zip
MMW 2000-05-19
State Theater Portland, ME
Source: DFC Balcony row 1 AKG c3000b->Sony MX-p42->Beach Tec DXA-4p->Sony TCD-D7
Sound Quality: A**

**Notes: This show was obtained on CD from someone who knew
nothing about the lineage. For some unknown technical reason
it had literally _hundreds_ of phase reversals and subsequent
pops throughout both discs. I lovingly took way too much time
out of my life to fix these. Unfortunately there are still two
known very tiny, sub-second errors in the quiet ending part of
Swamp Road. Besides these issues the show is wonderful (typical
of that awesome tour), was recorded very well and is a pleasure
to listen to. Enjoy!  
- rossta1  

1. Olde Wyne > Open Improv [@6:11] >
2. Open Improv > Drum Solo [@3:50] >
3. Worms >
4. Norah 6 > Bass Solo [@5:46] >
5. Rise Up
***end of set two***
6. Swamp Road
7. Acht O'Clock Rock

1. Open Improv >
2. Seven Deadlies
3. Brigas Nunca Mais >
4. No Ke Ano Ahiahi >
5. Afrique
6. Tubby >
7. Blue Pepper >
8. Where's Sly?

Show Checksums
e89adc733ba4aa97a2d3d320867ae1fe *mmw00-05-19D101.shn
96994ae981d667099703e614e939c414 *mmw00-05-19D102.shn
f295fdcefd1786029ac675908063ec06 *mmw00-05-19D103.shn
bdf0f1ac68491e139fdbf84da11125cb *mmw00-05-19D104.shn
9ca6e588bb930f254cc59fe39a7a860b *mmw00-05-19D105.shn
0c408befa37ef62e8b28659bf064ca6a *mmw00-05-19D106.shn
3bce989c3273f3a39cd5fb8aef7d42e7 *mmw00-05-19D107.shn
854b9c3810480b5e7f799d0b66761836 *mmw00-05-19D201.shn
60c35087312365774b6f717118aae977 *mmw00-05-19D202.shn
088ac65e146ce952bd4d9056c0cd1f7b *mmw00-05-19D203.shn
7685e7be9dbe7b0fa93f747c31faf8a4 *mmw00-05-19D204.shn
09bc9ac928bc962db4826444c4c5b273 *mmw00-05-19D205.shn
d9dac49356370a54b0afcef89015b137 *mmw00-05-19D206.shn
f5d6507b8795027b6ef8a8b5cb3386d2 *mmw00-05-19D207.shn
2f05267e70d8022c3e45ca782f8ac248 *mmw00-05-19D208.shn

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Other Sources (comments)
flac16; Source... (4) flac16; AKG 481 >... (2)
Date User Comment
02/02/2005 Andrew Knowles I believe I taped this show, well, I know I taped it, but I believe this is my source. There was one other taper there, but the talk of phasing issues tells me this is mine. That and the tracking on the original discs was how I had mine when I got them back from convesion.

I had it converted by Alex Coluzzi and then only sent it to one guy who had given me blank discs at the show. So, that is two copies that could have spread, and both would have had limited info. I normally wouldn't have spread it at all, but the guy in canada really wanted it and I knew he would never see another copy. I don't remember what exactly went wrong, never had that problem before or after, running that same setup for a couple of years. I actually only thought it was bad for the first few songs.

The only other taper had sennheisers, and he is a local taper who, even though he is uasually at shows, I have never seen any of his stuff anywhere.

I ran DFC Balcony row 1 AKG c3000b->Sony MX-p42->Beach Tec DXA-4p->Sony TCD-D7.

Hope this helps, I could dig out the master discs and check if anyone cares enough to have me do so, I probably still have the dat too somewhere. Thanks, Andrew
09/08/2005 duggy Thanks Andrew! I've updated the source info above.
01/13/2010 duggy Minor maintenance to setlist (updates, segues, typos, etc.)