Source # | 28426 |
Other Sources |
Entered by | duggy | ||
Checksums | d1 , d2 | ||
Disc Counts | 2 / 2 | ||
Media Size | |||
Date Circulated
Date Added |
2/10/02 03/03/2005 |
Source Summary | Source: akg 391's +sbm1+ sony tcd8 18th row dfc |
Other Sources (comments) flac16; (FOB) AKG... (0) |
Date | User | Comment | |
06/21/2005 | twatts |
I have a set1 DAT labeled (FOB) AKG391>Oade>SBM1>D8>DA20 - thanks to Larry Fishman for the DATs... Terry Watts |
06/21/2005 | twatts |
Nevermind on having Set 1 - I just saw it was a one set show - I have the whole thing... Terry |
06/22/2005 | duggy |
So, can we assume this circulated source is the same as your DAT copy? Can you possibly do a comparison? thanks I'll add the info above if we can verify this in some manner. |
06/22/2005 | twatts |
No, I can't do a comp., I don't own a copy of these SHNs. I'm just passing on info that I have pertaining to this show. Terry |
06/24/2005 | shackaholic | I know of one other person who has this on DAT with that same source info as well. | |
07/23/2006 | TWATTS |
I'll be seeding my (FOB)AKG source soon. Look for it on BT.ETREE. Terry Watts |
07/26/2006 | TWATTS |
My (FOB) AKG DAT(c) cuts at the end of Bubblehouse and JLIPixIt is missing. Terry |
03/25/2007 | 011968 |
there were 3 sets of akg 391's at this show one run fob by mikey k one run back of room by ernie vogtlein and one run back of house by david and sam the one seeded an shared by larry fishman is from mikey k's dat master or at least should be. enjoy... |
03/25/2007 | 011968 | Also mikey k's dat was not cut as the prevoius sources because he used a 3 hour dat tape not a 2 hour one like the rest because he knew it was going to be a long show as this was the school that medeski went to school at and his music teacher was there to do announcments an tell small stories of the bad man john medeski :) | |
02/11/2009 | duggy | Added confirmed source info the textfile above. |