John Scofield, John Medeski, Chris Wood & Clyde Stubblefield
Higher Ground, Winooski, VT
Source: FOB Neumann km184 (hung from ceiling)>Symetrix Pre>DA-P1>Marantz PMD430 (Cassette Master)
Transfer: Master Cassette>Sony WA9ES>JB3>Audition (edits)>FLAC
Taped and transferred by Blane Harvey
Notes: I've transferred this because no other copy has ever circulated, though I know there are dats out there.
I patched out of the house system at Higher Ground back in my analog days and don't remember if there were other
tapers there besides me and the house taper, but I think there must have been. The tape didn't have many plays over the
past 7 years, so I feel that the sound is probably still quite close to what the DAT captured. The tape flip is between
songs, so no music was affected.
Unfortunately there was a lot of chatter in the audience (as was so often the case at Higher Ground), and it makes some of
the quiet songs (Kubric) pretty annoying at times.
Edits: Minor noise reduction (sampled) to lower overall noise floor.
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