(fob/dfc) Schoeps cmc64(x-y 90 degrees)->Lunatec 316(+30dB)->DA-P1 @44.1kHz on 7' pole; 59ES->Audio Magic Presto II->ZA2->Soundforge 4.5->CDWav->.shn Recorded, transferred, and encoded by Eric McRoberts. master from DA-P1 used in transfer
Club d'Elf 02-25-2001 Columbus Theatre, Providence, RI
(fob/dfc) Schoeps cmc64(x-y 90 degrees)->Lunatec 316(+30dB)->DA-P1 @44.1kHz;
Sony 59ES->Audio Magic Presto II->ZA2->Soundforge 4.5->CDWav->.shn
Recorded, transferred, and encoded by Eric McRoberts
Disk 1
Set I:
1. Duotone->
2. Improv/Gettin' Squinty->
3. Gettin' Squinty (part 2)/ Propellor->
4. Fire in the Brain->
5. Fire In The Brain/Improv->
6. Improv/Left Hand of Clyde (Part 1) ->
7. Left Hand of Clyde (Part 2)->
8. Left hand of Clyde (Part 3)
Disc 2
Set I(Cont'd):
1. Sidi Rabi ->
2. The Tingler->
3. Big Light In Sky
4. Introductions
5. Challaba
Disk 3
Set II:
1. Duotone->
2. Improv->
3. Dark Carnival->
4. Scorpionic->
5. Last Business
6. Chapel Perilous
Club d'Elf players:
Mike Rivard-Bass
Matt Maneri-Electric Violin
Eric Kerr-Drums
Brahim Fribgane-Oud, Doumbek, Karakab, Vocals
John Medeski-Keys
Tom Hall-Sax
DJ C-Turntables
DJ Flack-Turntables
Recording from row 5 for set 1, and row 3 for set 2. DA-P1 line in @3.2, Audio Magic Apprentice xlr-rca from luna 316->p1