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Medeski Martin & Wood 05/01/01
Deep Ellum Live, Dallas, TX
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Source # 4255 Other Sources
Entered by duggy
Checksums d1shn-md5 , d2shn-md5 , d3shn-md5
Disc Counts 2 / 3
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Source Summary shn; Source: Audix ADX50 -> DAP1 -> Audiodesk 1.1 -> CD (from Mike Kinch); Retracking by Ross Carlson; d1 tracked for 80 min; shntool check OK 
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MMW 5.01.01
Deep Ellum Live - Dallas, TX
Source: Audix ADX50 -> DAP1 -> Audiodesk 1.1 -> CD (from Mike Kinch)
(Retracking by Ross Carlson)

CD1 (80 min disk)
1. We Are Rolling >
2. Is There Anybody Here That Love My Jesus >
3. Coconut Boogaloo
4. The Dropper >
5. The Lover >
6. Bass Solo >
7. Shacklyn Nights > Open Improv >
8. Partido Alto

9. Macha

1. Note Bleu >
2. Open Improv* >
3. Hermeto's Daydream* >
4. Brigas Nuncas Mais >
5. Big Time > Drum Solo >
6. Toy Dancing >
7. Crosstown Traffic >
8. Hey Joe>
9. Chubb Subb

1. Bass Solo > Swamp Road

* with "Bad Ass" Dominick Placco on trumpet (bus driver)

It has been noted that this show was "w/ DJ Rodriguez" -- Billy announces him at the end of the show, when also mentioning Dominick having played trumpet mid-set, but NOT at the end of Set I so most likely the DJ plays in Set II, if at all. HOWEVER, after re-listening I do NOT here a DJ present *during* the show. I think perhaps he just spun before/inbetween sets and that's what Billy is thanking him for -- Billy does call him a "special guest" who is on the road with Karl Denson though, so this would seem to indicate he played during the show. If somebody at the show can verify whether DJ Rodriguez actually sat in with the band, that would be great, but based on listening I don't hear him.
(note by dug)
Show Checksums
1435c71a4b4e4acd3ebfb68389a7c18c *mmw01-05-01d1t01.shn
ebffb2992f3205f8a41215f64125dad5 *mmw01-05-01d1t02.shn
2eeeb1c035b94aa4f47967297ad59f21 *mmw01-05-01d1t03.shn
1bd97f02e80f42e88a163a5ccfa6191f *mmw01-05-01d1t04.shn
75e29482f6ab992fd0c2bec6ebb6daf9 *mmw01-05-01d1t05.shn
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a0bb984d186701c4b65d9df24aabac8d *mmw01-05-01d2t04.shn
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204a92d43d1cacb762d87d70044fa532 *mmw01-05-01d2t06.shn
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c00427a7dbf797b175b234a27ad0237f *mmw01-05-01d2t09.shn
63aaee46fa22435daee790b188c0aad3 *mmw01-05-01d3t01.shn

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Other Sources (comments)
flac16; Source: FOB... (3)
Date User Comment
06/18/2001 Hamilton, Greg & Diana d1 is over 74 min. For 3x74 tracking, you can put the first song of set 2 (d1t9) onto d3 with the encore. It's not elegant, but it avoids breaking up d2, which is all segues.
12/10/2010 duggy Minor maintenance to setlist (updates, segues, typos, etc.) based on the other source (I don't have this one).

I had to estimate some of the updates, but I presumed the Open Improv out of Shacklyn Niights was most likely tacked onto the end of that track like the other source did; likewise the Drum Solo at the end of Big Time; and the Bass Solo preceding Swamp Road.

Also, DJ Rodriguez was noted as appearing, and Billy does announce his name at the end of the show but I do NOT hear him in my sample listening -- I'll comb the show more closely and post back. Since Billy announces at the end of the show I would presume the DJ was not on stage during Set I, but perhaps he only spun before and between sets ?? I'm not sure ...

12/10/2010 duggy Actually, Ross' textfile above did NOT note the DJ (I added it based off the other source's text file). So, that might be a clue that the DJ did not actually play with the band.

Also, I altered CD2 track 2's name from Illinization to Open Improv as I don't believe it's the tune; it's more of an open intro to Hermeto's.