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Sources For Umphrey's McGee
Umphrey's McGee Shows

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If there is a source in circulation that is not listed on etree, use this link to place an entry in queue for our approval: Add SHN.

The majority of these SHNs and FLACs can be downloaded from The LIVE MUSIC ARCHIVES (LlaMA) or DISCLOGIC.COM. Please note that Umphrey's has a new taping policy which prohibits the sharing of shows with UM LIVE or Disclogic lineage. You can read more about the policy at UMPHREYS.COM.

Please send any additions or corrections for this list to Tim Henningsen or Jesse Bloom.
Date Venue Circ Date - Added Checksums Comments Last Edit #
Durty Nellie's, Palatine, IL 01/26/2002 - 10/11/2002 all  [ zip for 7055 ] 0  10/11/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Schoeps CMC64 > V2 > modSBM-1 > D8. Taped and transfered by Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Durty Nellie's, Palatine, IL 01/29/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 7095 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS's > Alesis 12R > Apogee AD1000 > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Otto's, DeKalb, IL 01/29/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 7096 ] 1  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 > Alesis 12R > AD1000 > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Mad Frog, Cincinnati, OH 02/07/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 7458 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS > Alesis 12R > PCM-R500 > DA-P1 > CDR. Taped and transfered by Mike Moriconi. EAC (range) > CDWAV > SHN by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Union Bar, Iowa City, IA 03/02/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 7968 ] 1  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG 414B-ULS > Alesis 12R > DA-P1 > RCA OUT > (mod.) SBM-1 @44.1k > M1. Transfer: DA-30 > CD-RW700. Conversion: EAC > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by 'The Wook', Eric Foelske. Conversion, retracking, & fixes done by Timothy Henningsen. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Barrymore Theatre, Madison, WI 02/16/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 7606 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOH) + AKG414B-ULS (Fig. 8, split onstage) > Alesis Studio 12R > Apogee AD1000 > D8. Tranfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning, transferred by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Canopy Club, Champaign-Urbana, IL 02/16/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 7607 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS's (split onstage, Fig. 8) > Alesis Studio 12R > Apogee AD1000 > Sony D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning, tranferred by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Park West, Chicago, IL 02/12/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 7499 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS (FOH) > Alesis 12R > Apogee AD1000. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Cicero's, St. Louis, MO 03/04/2002 - 08/29/2002 d1  d2  all  [ zip for 8005 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Shure SM57 (10' Above Center Stage) > Tascam M35 + AKG414B-ULS (FOH) > Alesis 12R > M1 (48Hz). Conversion: Tascam DA-30mkii > Audiowerk2 > Samplitude 2496 > CD Wave Editor > Soundforge v5 (fades) > SHN. Taped by Bill Burge
Copper Dragon, Carbondale, IL 03/04/2002 - 08/29/2002 d1  d2  [ zip for 8006 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS (FOH) > Alesis 12R > Tascam DA-P1 > M1 (48Hz). Conversion: Tascam DA-30mkii > Audiowerk2 > Samplitude 2496 > CD Wave Editor > Soundforge v5 (fades) > SHN. Taped by Bill Burge
Copper Dragon, Carbondale, IL 12/02/06 - 12/17/2009 ffp  [ zip for 103867 ] 0  12/21/2009 Add
Umphrey's McGee: flac16: FOB CAD Equitek 200 in ORTF (40' from stage) > Graham Patten DMic 20 > Sony D8 > Turtle Beach Fiji > Cool Edit Pro 1.2 > CDR > CDWave > FLAC 
State Theater, Kalamazoo, MI 05/18/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 9468 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS > Alesis 12R > DA-P1. Taped by Michael Moriconi. Conversion: EAC > CDWAV (for retracking) > SHN by The Other Tim. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Axis, Bloomington, IN 03/15/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 8205 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS > Alesis 12R > DA-P1 @ 48k. PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Axis, Bloomington, IN 03/24/2002 - 07/29/2002 all  [ zip for 8338 ] 0  07/29/2002 Add
Irving Plaza, New York, NY 03/07/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 8051 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Unknown, currently awaiting info on this seed, 3/6/02. EAC > SHN from Kap, adjustments done by [email protected]. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
8x10 Club, Baltimore, MD 03/13/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 8173 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Neumann KM184's > AETA PSP-3 > GP ADC-20 > PCM-1 > Marantz CDR500. Taped by Jeff Killion & Q-DOG, EAC > SHN by [email protected]. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Starr Hill, Charlottesville, VA 06-03-2002 - 08/29/2002 d1  d2  d3  [ zip for 9817 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: B&K 4022 > V2 > ad2k > D8 (fob). Taped by Mark Lynn & Craig Davis. Transfer: D8 > Midiman Audiophile 2496 using Hosa Gold 1m coax > SoundForge XP5.0(48 > 44.1) > HD > SHN. Sector boundries and retracking fixed with shntool and CDWave by Adam Heckelsmiller. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Starr Hill, Charlottesville, VA 2003-01-27 - 03/26/2006 md5  [ zip for 33886 ] 0  04/15/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: (FOB) B&K4022 > Lunatec V2 > AD2K+ > Sony TCD-D8 > D8 > Midiman Audiophile 2496 using Hosa Gold 1m coax > SoundForge XP5.0 (48>44.1) > HD > .shn 
Peasant's Cafe, Greenville, NC 04/10/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 8774 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKGC414B-ULS > Alesis 12R > DA-P1 > D8 > CDR. Taped and transferred by Brad & Brian. EAC > CDWAV > SHN by [email protected]. Thanks to Heather & Billy for source CD's! ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Cumberland's, Charleston, SC 06/30/2002 - 04/23/2003 d1  d2  d3  d1wav  d2wav  d3wav  [ zip for 10268 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: ADK 481's > PS2 > Mod.-Sbm > DA-P1 @ 48kHz. Transfer: Fostex D-5 > Audio Magic Presto II (AES/EBU, XLR >&>) > Zefiro ZA2 > Soundforge 5.0 (48 > 44.1 kHz w/anti-alias filter on and setting of 4/4) > CDWav 1.71 > SHNv3. Taped by Wade Cooper, transferred by Tom Watkins. 
Stella Blue, Asheville, NC 03/07/2002 - 08/29/2002 setone  [ zip for 8050 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS > Fostex CR200 > CDR. Taped by Kevin Browning. Conversion: EAC > SHN by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Stella Blue, Asheville, NC 2002-12-11 - 04/23/2006 md5  [ zip for 34086 ] 0  04/24/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: SBD > D8 > [Oade 7-pin > coax] > Midiman CO2 > optical Toslink > Zoltrix Nightengale > CD Wave > .wav > mkwACT >.shn 
Georgia Theater, Athens, GA 03/24/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 8337 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOH) + SBD > Alesis 12R > AD1000 > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and Transfered by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Discover Music/Variety Playhouse, Decatur/Atlanta, GA 03/25/2002 - 04/23/2003 early-all  late-all  [ zip for 8400 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: EARLY SHOW Source: Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 > AD1000 > D8, taped by Jeff Kempka. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN by Skomp. LATE SHOW Source: Matrix Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOB) + SBD > Alesis 12R > AD1000 > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Agusta Levee Festival, Augusta, GA 03/24/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 8350 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: SBD > Alesis 12R > DA-P1 @ 48k. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Warehouse, Tallahassee, FL 03/24/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 8351 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOB) + SBD > Alesis 12R > AD1000 > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Orpheum, Tampa, FL 04/05/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 8671 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOB/DFC) + SBD > Alesis Studio 12R > Apogee AD1000 > Sony D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Culture Room, Fort Lauderdale, FL 04/27/2002 - 08/29/2002 d1  d2  d3  [ zip for 9056 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC 6 > SXM2 >AD 1000 > D8. Transfer: PCM R300 > Audiophile 24/96 > CDWave > MKW. Taped by Sean Yockus, transferred by DCFlood. A T34M PLAYAHS PRODUCTIONS. 
Culture Room, Fort Lauderdale, FL 06/30/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 10273 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOH) + SBD > Alesis 12R > AD1000 > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Freebird Cafe, Jacksonville Beach, FL 03/25/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 8401 ] 1  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOH) + SBD > Alesis 12R > AD1000 > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Bluegrass Brewing Company, Louisville, KY 04/01/02 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 8586 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS > Alesis 12R > DA-P1 > D8. Transfer: D8 > Optical > CDR > EAC > SForge 4.5 > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transfered by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Bluebird, Bloomington, IN 08/22/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 11553 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix AKG 414B-ULS + SBD > Alesis 12R > AD1000. Taped and transferred by Kevin Browning, conversion by Andrew Kaplan (EAC > mkwACT). Special thanks to Nick Demitropoulos for providing source discs! ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
House of Blues, Chicago, IL 05/18/2002 - 04/23/2003 all-fixed  all-original  [ zip for 9462 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Neumann km184s > Sonosax SX-M2 > AD-500e > D7 (FOB/DFC). Transfer: D8 > Prodigital Active > Prodif Plus > Samplitude 5.5 > CDwav > MKW > SHN. Taped and transferred by Mike Fischer. Retracking & fixes done by The Other Tim. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
House of Blues, Chicago, IL 08/04/2002 - 08/30/2002 all  [ zip for 11065 ] 0  08/30/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix AKG414B-ULS (Onstage, Split, Fig. 8) + Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOH, ORTF, DFc) + SBD > Alesis 12R > R500 (SBM on) > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Green Room, Iowa City, IA 04/10/2002 - 08/30/2002 all-original  all-fixed  [ zip for 8773 ] 1  08/30/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKGC414B-ULS > Alesis 12R > DA-P1 > Casio DA-7 > CDR. Taped and transferred by Clint. EAC > CDWAV by Iowa Nate/Sue, EAC > SHN by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Green Room, Iowa City, IA 05/13/02 - 08/30/2002 all-original  all-fixed  [ zip for 9304 ] 0  08/30/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414 > Kev's DAP1 > D8. Transfer: D8 > Monster Cable > Digital Creative Live Drive > Sound Forge 4.5 > SHN. Taped & transferred by Mike Murphy. Adjustments made from original SHNs using shntool by Adam Heckelsmiller. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Fox Theatre, Boulder, CO 06/03/2002 - 04/23/2003 d1  d2  d3  all  [ zip for 9819 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG 414s > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCM-R500 > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > Delta DIO 2496 > Soundforge 5.0 > CD Wave > CD. Taped and transfered by Tim Howard. Conversion: CD(.wav) > EAC > CD(.shn w/mkwACT) by Adam Heckelsmiller. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Aggie Theatre, Fort Collins, CO  - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 9531 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG 414 > Alesis Studio 12R > Sony PCM-R500 > D8. Transfer: Da-20 mkII > Delta DIO 2496 > Soundforge 5.0 > CDWav > CDR. Taped and transferred by Tim Howard, SHN's created by Cory Current. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Gothic Theater, Englewood, CO 05/18/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 9467 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG 414 > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCM-R500 > D8. Transfer: Da-20 mkII > Delta DIO 2496 > Soundforge 5.0 > CDWav > CDR. Taped and transferred by Tim Howard. EAC > CDWav > SHN, by Cory Current. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Belly Up Tavern, Solana, CA 04/22/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 8942 ] 2  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKGC414B-ULS > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > D8 @ 44.1k. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by JFeldman, transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Sixteen Fifty, Los Angeles, CA 06/07/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 10099 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Crowns [CM700 (4' from PA) + SAZZ PZM (at center stage)] > Shure FP42 mixer > DA-P1 @ 44.1k (Monitored with Sony MDR-7506). Taped by Bob Cogswell & Cameron Parker (BnC). Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > CDWAV > SHN by Skomp. Thanks to C-DOG! ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
The Catalyst, Santa Cruz, CA 01/15/2002 - 01/15/2003 all  [ zip for 14502 ] 0  01/15/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Crown SAZZ PZM (at center stage) + 2-Track SBD > Shure FP42 > DA-P1 @ 44.1k. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge 4.5 > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Bob Cogswell & Cameron Parker, transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
The Catalyst, Santa Cruz, CA  - 04/12/2003 all  [ zip for 16594 ] 0  04/12/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Canon XL-1 (video) & Schoeps MK4 (audio). GrooveTV #106. Production done by GrooveTV
Eureka Theatre, Eureka, CA 05/16/2002 - 08/30/2002 all  [ zip for 9428 ] 0  08/30/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKGC414B-ULS > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > PCM-R500 > D8. Taped by JFeldman. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > CDWAV > SHN. Transferred by Team Leader Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Mt. Shasta Ski Park, Mt. Shasta, CA 05/20/2002 - 08/30/2002 d1-early  [ zip for 9524 ] 0  08/30/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKGC414B-ULS > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > D8 @ 44.1k. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge> CDWAV > SHN. Taped by JFeldman, transferred by SKOMP. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Wild Duck Brewpub (Music Hall), Eugene, OR 04/30/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 9135 ] 1  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: MG 300's > Audio Magic XLR's > Sonosax > SMB-1 > D8 (DFC/FOB-X/Y 90'). Taped by Ian Clark. Transfer: D8 > Coax > U2a > SF5.0 > SHN. Tracking done using CD Wave Editor, by The Other Tim. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Crystal Ballroom, Portland, OR 06/30/2002 - 04/23/2003 all-fixed  all-original  [ zip for 10278 ] 2  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414s > Tascam DA-P1 > DAT > Fostex D-5 > Soundforge > wav > shn. Taped by Leigh MacKenzie, converted by Chip Russell, retracking done by Tim Henningsen. 
Tractor Tavern, Seattle, WA 06/30/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 10267 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKGC414B-ULS > TC D-2 Delay > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+. Transfer: PCM-R500 (w/SBM ON) > D8 > PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > CDWAV. Taped and transferred by Trevor W. Many thanks to 'Seattle Snucka' Reily Love. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Cabooze, Minneapolis, MN 05/05/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 9223 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix AKG414B-ULS (FOH) + SBD (30ms delay via D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 (SBM On) > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Kevin Browning & Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Barrymore Theatre, Madison, WI 05/05/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 9222 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix AKG414B-ULS (onstage/split/figure 8) + Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOH/ORTF/8' High) + SBD (D-Two Digital Delay @ 37ms) > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Apogee AD1000 > Sony D8 @ 48khz. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Kevin Browning & Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Bluebird, Bloomington, IN 05/05/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 9221 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS (FOH) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > DA-P1 > D8. Transfer: D8 > Optical > EWX324 > CD WAVE > Soundforge 4.5 (48khz > 44.1khz). Taped and transferred by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Blue Nile, New Orleans, LA 12/07/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13554 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414b-uls (@ sbd) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1). Conversion: D(c) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped by Kevin Browning, transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Schuba's, Chicago, IL 05/20/2002 - 08/29/2002 early-all  [ zip for 9557 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Schoeps MK4 > KC5 > CMC6 > V2 > MOD SBM-1 > D8 @ 48khz. Transfer: Sony A7 > Sony CDRW-33 (Analog w/SBM on) > EAC > CDWave > MKW. Taped and transferred by Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Schuba's, Chicago, IL 06/17/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 10097 ] 1  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKGC414B-ULS > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > PCM-R500. Transfer: DA-P1 @ 48k > PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > Samplitude 48 > 44.1 > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks 'Schubonic Plague' SHN
Schuba's, Chicago, IL 06/17/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 10098 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Schoeps MK4/KC5/CMC6 > Lunatec V2 > TC Electronics D2. Transfer: Mackie 1202 Mixer > AD2K > DA-P1 > TB Montego II > SForge > CDWAV > SHN. Field recording and CD mastering by Mike 'KB' Yurkus, SHNs by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks 'Schubonic Plague' SHN
Schuba's, Chicago, IL 2005-12-16 - 03/26/2006 md5  ffp  [ zip for 33993 ] 0  08/05/2009 Add
Umphrey's McGee: FOB CAD Equitek 200 in NOS > Graham Patten DMIC 20 > Sony D8 > Turtle Beach Montego II > Soundforge 6.0 > CDR > FLAC 
Canopy Club, Champaign-Urbana, IL 06/03/2002 - 08/29/2002 d1  d2  [ zip for 9818 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS > Mackie Mixer > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1). Conversion: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz > 44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Spring Hookahville, Buckeye Lake, OH 08/04/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 11071 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Neumann KM-184 > Lunatec V2 > Sony SBM-1 with Oade 24 bit modification > DAT. Transfer: DAT > HD via Prodiff Plus using Samplitude Project, tracks split using CD Wave, converted to SHN using mkw Audio Compression Tool. Taped by Scott Cervin, transferred by the Rev. Kevin A. Robbins. 
Big Wu Family Reunion, Black River Falls, WI 06/26/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 10227 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (ORTF, Onstage, DFC @ 3') > Mackie 1202-VLZ > Apogee AD500E > Sony D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Durty Nellie's, Palatine, IL 06/07/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 9948 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Schoeps (MK4 for set 1, MK4v for set 2) > KC5 > CMC6 > V2 > MOD SBM-1 > D8 @ 48khz (mics FOB-40 feet from stage). Transfer: Sony A7 > Sony CDRW-33 (Analog w/SBM on) > EAC > CDWave > MKW. Taped and transferred by Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Durty Nellie's, Palatine, IL 06/07/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 9950 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (delayed 18ms via D-Two) + AKG414B-ULS (FOH) > Allen & Heath Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Tascam DA-P1. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Mike Yurkus, transferted by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Beachland Ballroom, Cleveland, OH  - 01/17/2003 all  [ zip for 14568 ] 0  01/17/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414b-uls > Allen & Heath Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1). Conversion: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Wright's Landing, Plymouth, IN 06/30/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 10274 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS > Alesis 12R > PCM-R500 > DA-P1. Taped by Michael Moriconi, retracking & conversion (EAC > WAV > SHN) by Tim Henningsen. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Belmont/Sheffield Music Festival, Chicago, IL 06/07/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 9949 ] 0  04/22/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: SBD > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1). Conversion: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz > 44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN. (Unknown MKW conversion. This is perhaps the same transfer as this source, just as mkw files rather than shn.) 
Belmont/Sheffield Music Festival, Chicago, IL 2003-02-17 - 03/26/2006 md5  [ zip for 34049 ] 0  04/22/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: SBD > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1) > D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN 
Higher Ground, Winooski, VT 07/31/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 11024 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: AKG 391s > PS-2 > D8 (@ 44.1kHz). Transfer: D8 > Fostex D5 > optical cable > HOSA ODL-276 > digi coax cable > EgoSys Waveterminal 2496 > CoolEdit 2000 (fades) > CD Wave v1.71 > mkwACT 0.97b1. Taped and transferred by Jason Sobel, retracked by The Other Tim. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Higher Ground, Winooski, VT 2003-11-14 - 03/26/2006 md5  [ zip for 34052 ] 0  04/22/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: AKG 391s > PS-2 > D8 (@44.1kHz) > D(m) > Fostex D5 > optical cable > HOSA ODL-276 > digi coax cable > EgoSys Waveterminal 2496 > CoolEdit 2000 (fades) > CDWave v1.71 > mkwACT 
Knitting Factory, New York, NY 06/30/2002 - 08/29/2002 mpeg  [ zip for 10270 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Video Source: MPEG, Sony PD-150 3 chip digital camera. Audio Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414s > PD-150 via XLR cables. Transfer: Sony GV-D900 > Apple Final Cut Pro3.0 > Quicktime mpeg1. Videotaped and transferred by T34m Mulletz
Knitting Factory, New York, NY 2003-11-16 - 03/26/2006 md5  [ zip for 33893 ] 0  04/15/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Umphrey's McGee Sbd Matrix + AKG414s->PD-150 via XLR cables@ 48Khz > Sony GV-D900->Apple Final Cut Pro3.0->Quicktime Wave->shn. 
The State Theatre, Falls Church, VA 09/30/2002 - 09/30/2002 all  [ zip for 12245 ] 0  09/30/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (Delayed via TC D-Two) + AKG414B-ULS > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > PCM-R500 > DA-P1 @ 48k. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Team Umphreaks EAST COAST, transferred by [email protected]. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
The Vogue, Indianapolis, IN 07/07/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 10347 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Unknown > EAC > SHN. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
The Vogue, Indianapolis, IN  - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13317 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (Delayed via TC D-Two) + AKG414B-ULS > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+>DA-P1 @ 48k. Transfer: (SET I) D8 > EWX326 > CDWAV > SHN, (SET II) PCM-R300 > ZA2 (48>44.1) > SForge > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Skomp, SET I transferred by Kap, SET II transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Southgate House, Newport, KY 06/26/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 10193 ] 1  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS > Allen & Heath Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Tascam DA-P1. Transfer: D8 > Optical > EWX > CD WAVE > Soundforge 4.5 (48 > 44.1 KHz) > MKW. Taped by Skomp, transferred by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Bell's Brewery Summer Solstice Festival, Kalamazoo, MI 07/26/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 10871 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix AKG414B-ULS (FOH) + SBD (delayed 57ms via D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Apogee AD1000 > Sony D8 @ 48khz. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Backyard Bash, Chicago, IL 07/26/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 10870 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: SBD > Sony R500 (w/sbm on) > Sony D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Kevin Browning & Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Little Brother's, Columbus, OH 06/26/2002 - 04/23/2003 all (with filler)  all (no filler)  [ zip for 10199 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix AKG414B-ULS + SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 > D8. Transfer: D8 > Optical > EWX326 > CD WAVE > SF 4.5 (48 > 44.1)> CDR. Taped and transferred by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Bonnaroo Music Festival, The Theatre, Manchester, TN 06/30/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 10276 ] 1  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: AudioTechnica AT-KP Studio Mics > Samson Mixpad 4 > MZ-N707 > Soundforge 4.5 > CD WAV > MKWACT. Taped and transferred by Mike Train
Bonnaroo Music Festival, The Theatre, Manchester, TN 07/04/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 10333 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: AKG C3000 (Card) > EDirol UA-5@24/48 > Sony VIAO FX-A36 > WavLab > WAV 44/16 > CDWAV > MKW > SHN (mics smack in the middle of the room just behind the soundboard). Taped and transferred by Dail Reed
Bonnaroo Music Festival, The Theatre, Manchester, TN 08/22/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11555 ] 3  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (Delayed via TC D-Two) + AKG414B-ULS > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > PCM-R500 > DA-P1 @ 48k. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Transferred by Skomp, special thanks to Mike Niven for the DAT Master. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Bonnaroo Music Festival, The Theatre, Manchester, TN 09/24/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12145 ] 1  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS cardioids > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ delay > Apogee AD1000 > DA-P1 (@ 44.1). Transfer: DA-P1 > HP8565 > Cool Edit Pro > WAV > Mitsui 80min CDR. Taped and transferred by Mike Pedersen
Summerfest, Milwaukee, WI 06/30/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 10266 ] 1  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Schoeps MK4 > KC5 > CMC6 > V2 > MOD SBM-1 > D8 @ 48khz (FOB/DFC). Transfer: Sony A7 > Sony CDRW-33 (Analog w/SBM on) > EAC > CDWave > MKW. Taped and transferred by Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Summerfest, Milwaukee, WI 07/27/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 10939 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOH/ORTF) + SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > AD1000 > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Terrace, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 08/02/2002 - 04/23/2003 d1  d2  all  [ zip for 11044 ] 2  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS > Allen & Heath Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1). Conversion: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Terrace, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 12/06/06 - 12/13/2006 flac.ffp  [ zip for 80880 ] 0  12/14/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: FOB CAD Equitek 200 (10' Omni Split) > Graham Patten DMic 20 > Sony D8 > Turtle Beach Fiji > Cool Edit Pro 1.2 > CDR > FLAC 
Weed Street Summer Fest, Chicago, IL 08/01/2002 - 04/23/2003 d1  d2  all  [ zip for 11040 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: SBD > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1). Conversion: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz > 44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds, Quincy, CA 07/10/2002 - 08/29/2002 early-all  [ zip for 10414 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: EARLY SHOW. Source: Schoeps MK4 > KC5 > CMC6 > V2 > MOD SBM-1 > D8 @ 48khz (FOB). Transfer: Sony A7 > Sony CDRW-33 (Analog w/SBM on) > EAC > CDWave > MKW. Taped and transferred by Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds, Quincy, CA 07/18/2002 - 07/10/2003 early-all  late-all  [ zip for 10588 ] 1  07/10/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: EARLY SHOW Source: Matrix Neumann TLM170's (onstage, split omni's) + SBD > Sonosax SX-PR Mixer > Apogee AD1000 > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Bill, Scott & Jeff, transferred by Jeff Kempka. LATE SHOW Source: Matrix SBD (delayed via D-Two) + Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (ORTF/FOH) + AKG 414B-ULS (onstage/split/fig. 8) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ Mixer > Apogee AD1000 > Sony D8 @ 48khz. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
High Sierra Music Festival, Quincy, CA 07/10/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 10415 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Schoeps MK4 > KC5 > CMC6 > V2 > MOD SBM-1 > D8 @ 48khz (FOB). Transfer: Sony A7 > Sony CDRW-33 (Analog w/SBM on) > EAC > CDWave > MKW. Taped and transferred by Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
High Sierra Music Festival, Quincy, CA 07/18/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 10583 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: SBD > Sony R500 (w/SBM on) > Sony D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
High Sierra Music Festival, Quincy, CA 07/20/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 11026 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: NMOR SEED! Source: Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 > Apogee AD1000 > D8 (FOB/DFC/ORTF). Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Crystal Ballroom, Portland, OR 08/19/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11470 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (Delayed 56ms via TC D-Two) + AKG414B-ULS > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > PCM-R500 > DA-P1. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Wild Duck Brewpub (Music Hall), Eugene, OR 08/19/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11471 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (Delayed 37ms via TC D-Two) + AKG414B-ULS > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > PCM-R500>DA-P1. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Wild Duck Brewpub (Music Hall), Eugene, OR 12/15/2002 - 12/15/2002 all  [ zip for 13813 ] 0  12/15/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Neumann KM184's > Lunatec V2@30db > Apogee AD1000 > Tascam DA-P1. Transfer: Panasonic SV 3800 > Prodif+ card > Samplitude Producer 6.0 (fades) > CDWav (tracks) > mkw > shntool (boundaries varified). Taped and transferred by Chris Shepherd
Wild Duck Brewpub (Music Hall), Eugene, OR 06/03/2009 - 06/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99288 ] 0  06/05/2009 Add
Umphrey's McGee: flac16: AKG 481 ortf 40' from stage, dfc > Graham-Patten DMIC-20 > DAT (44.1) ; DA-302 > Audiophile USB > Wavelab (fades) > CDWave > flac 
Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA 08/07/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 11144 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Crown (PZM, onstage + MP condensers, PA - 4') to Shure FP-42 Preamp / Mixer > DA-P1. Transfer: SoundForge v4.5 > CDWAV > MKWact. Taped by Bob Cogswell, transferred and tracked by Cameron Parker. 
Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA 08/22/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11558 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (Delayed 51ms via TC D-Two) + AKG414B-ULS > Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > PCM-R500 > DA-P1 @ 48k. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 (48 > 44.1) > SForge > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Veterans Memorial Hall, Santa Cruz, CA 08/04/2002 - 04/23/2003 d1  d2  d1wav  d2wav  [ zip for 11063 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD w/TC Electronics Digital Delay + AKG414 > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 @ 48K > S/PDIF > VX Pocket V2 (no datgen) > Soundforge 5.0(edits, and resample to 44.1K at highest quality setting w/ anti-alias filter) > cdwav 1.53 > mkw0.97b > .shn. Taped and transferred by Jamie Lutch
Jim Kelley's Nugget Outdoor Amphitheater, Crystal Bay, NV 07/26/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 10869 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD w/TC Electronics Digital Delay + AKG414 > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 @ 48K > S/PDIF > VX Pocket V2 (no datgen) > Soundforge 5.0(edits, and resample to 44.1K at highest quality setting w/ anti-alias filter) > cdwav 1.53 > mkw0.97b > .shn. Taped and transferred by Jamie Lutch
Zephyr, Salt Lake City, UT 10/23/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12642 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (w/TC Electronics Digital Delay) + AKG414B-ULS > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 > Fostex CR 300 CDR. Compression: EAC > shn v3. Taped and transferred by Kevin Browning, retracked by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Gothic Theatre, Englewood, CO 08/26/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 11684 ] 0  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: AT-3528 > AD-20 > M-1 (Set I), AT-3528 > AD-20 > AL96-Multiset > PCG-C1VN (Set II). Transfer: DAT > CD (via standalone) fades applied to the begining and end of each disc. Taped by Mark ("Big MO"). Conversion: CD > EAC (range) > CDWave > .shn (w/mkwACT) by Adam Heckelsmiller. Many thanks to Thom Lippert for the source CD's! ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Cicero's, St. Louis, MO 08/02/2002 - 04/23/2003 d1  d2  all  [ zip for 11046 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS > Allen & Heath Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1). Conversion: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Axis, Bloomington, IN 07/31/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11028 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD w/TC Electronics Digital Delay + AKG414 > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 @ 48K > S/PDIF > D8. Transfer: Soundforge 4.5 (resample to 44.1K) > cdwav 1.53 > mkw0.97b > .shn. Taped and transferred by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Skyline Stage at Navy Pier, Chicago, IL 08/22/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11556 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (ORTF/FOH) + SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Kevin Browning, transferred by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Skyline Stage at Navy Pier, Chicago, IL 07/31/2002 - 08/29/2002 all  [ zip for 11025 ] 1  08/29/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Schoeps MK4 > KC5 > CMC6 > V2 > MOD SBM-1 > D8 @ 48khz (FOB). Transfer: Sony A7 > Sony CDRW-33 (Analog w/SBM on) > EAC > CDWave > MKW. Taped by Iron Man Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Skyline Stage at Navy Pier, Chicago, IL 08/22/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11557 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (ORTF/FOH) + SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Kevin Browning, transferred by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
The Vogue, Indianapolis, IN 09/07/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11866 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + AKG414B-ULS > Allen & Heath Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Oade Modified SBM-1. Transfer: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz > 44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Bluebird, Bloomington, IN 09/24/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12149 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix AKG414B-ULS + SBD (delayed via T.C. Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > modSBM-1 > D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Joe's, Chicago, IL 08/22/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11554 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix AKG414B-ULS (FOB) + SBD (delayed via D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Oade Modified SBM-1 > Sony D8 @ 48khz. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
North Star Bar, Philadelphia, PA 09/12/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11987 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Neumann KU-100 > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2 mixer > Sony SBM-1 > Sony D8. Transfer: Sony D8 > Echo Audio Gina 24 > Cool Edit Pro > CDWav > mkwACT (shn). Taped and transferred by Steve DeAngelis, fixes and retracking done by The Other Tim. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Beachland Ballroom, Cleveland, OH 09/07/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11865 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Neumann KU100 (on-stage) > Allen & Heath Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCM-R500 (w/ SBM-1). Transfer: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz > 44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Little Brothers, Columbus, OH 09/12/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11966 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Neumann KU100 + SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2 > Sony R500 > D8. Transfer: D8 > Optical > EWX324 > CD WAV > Soundforge 4.5 (48 > 44.1) > CD WAV > shn. Taped and transferred by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
20th Century Theatre, Cincinnati, OH 09/12/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11967 ] 1  04/22/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Neumann KU100 + SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 > D8. Transfer: EWX324 > Optical > CD WAV > Soundforge 4.5 (48 > 44.1) > CD WAV > shn. Taped and transferred by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Salmonfest at Bearcat's Getaway, Lesterville, MO 04/04/2006 - 04/21/2006 ffp  [ zip for 34076 ] 0  04/23/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: SBD> Tascam DA-20mkii > master DAT> Tascam DA-20> JB3> USB> SoundForge 7> FLAC FrontEnd 
Salmonfest at Bearcat's Getaway, Lesterville, MO 04/04/2006 - 04/21/2006 ffp  [ zip for 34081 ] 0  04/23/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: SBD> Tascam DA-20mkii > master DAT> Tascam DA-20> JB3> USB> SoundForge 7> FLAC FrontEnd 
Mishawaka Brewing Company, Mishawaka, IN 09/24/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  d3filler  [ zip for 12147 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (delayed 44ms via D-Two) + Neumann KU-100 > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2 > PCM-R500 > Analog XLR out > DA-P1. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > Samplitude (48>44.1) > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Canopy Club, Champaign-Urbana, IL 09-10-2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 11907 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Neumann KU100 (FOH) > Allen & Heath Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Apogee AD 1000. Transfer: Tascam DA-20 > Prodiff Plus Soundcard with Samplitude Project. Taped and transferred by the Rev. Kevin A. Robbins
Durty Nellie's, Palatine, IL 09/24/2002 - 11/19/2002 all  [ zip for 12148 ] 0  11/19/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Neumann KU100 + SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 > TU Patch Bay! > D8. Transfer: Sony A7 > Sony CDRW-33 (Analog w/SBM on) > EAC > CDWave > MKW. Taped by Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Durty Nellie's, Palatine, IL 10/11/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12517 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Neumann KU100 + SBD (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Apogee Mini-Me > Sony D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning
Durty Nellie's, Palatine, IL 10/02/06 - 10/03/2006 ffp  [ zip for 78566 ] 0  10/03/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: flac16; CAD Equitek 200 in NOD > Graham Patten DMic 20 > Sony D8 > Turtle Beach Fiji > Cool Edit Pro 1.2 > CDR > WavMerge 2.1 > CDWave > FLAC 
The Magic Bag, Ferndale, MI 10/10/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12365 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Schoeps Mk4's > kc-y active > VMS-5u > [email protected] > D8 (FOB/DFC, ~20ft back, ~7ft high). Transfer: D8 > Audiowerk II > Coaster > Peak 3.1 VST. Taped by Sam Lincoln; conversion, tracking & fades done by The Other Tim. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
State Theatre, Kalamazoo, MI 10/10/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12366 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Schoeps Mk4's > kc-y active > VMS-5u > [email protected] > D8 (FOB/DFC, ~50ft back, ~7ft high). Transfer: D8 > Audiowerk II > Coaster > Peak 3.1 VST. Taped by Sam Lincoln; conversion, tracking & fades done by The Other Tim. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
State Theatre, Kalamazoo, MI 10/10/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12404 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) + Neumann KU100 > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1). Transfer: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz > 44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Buskirk-Chumley Theater, Bloomington, IN 10/10/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12405 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) + Neumann KU100 > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1). Transfer: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz > 44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Union Bar, Iowa City, IA 10/27/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12736 ] 2  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) + Neumann KU100 (FOH) > Allen & Heath Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCMR-500. Transfer: Tascam DA-20 > Prodiff Plus Soundcard with Samplitude Project > CD Wave > Sound Forge XP > shn (via mkw). Taped and transferred by The Rev. Kevin A. Robbins
Mississippi Nights, St. Louis, MO 10/29/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12780 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Neumann KU100 + SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 > TU Patch Bay! > M1. Conversion: Panasonic SV3800 (optical) > Card Deluxe Digital card > Soundforge 6.0 > SHN. Taped and converted by Jerry Meyer, tracked by Brooks Williams. 
CuCu's Nest Stage, HarvestFest, Fairburn, GA 10/11/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12407 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: AKG 480/ck61 > dmic 20 > AD2K > D8. Transfer: D8 > EWX 24/96 > CD WAVE > SF 4.5 (48 > 44.1) > SHN. Patched and transferred by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Main Stage, HarvestFest, Fairburn, GA 10/16/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12516 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: DSBD > DAP1 > D8. Transfer: D8 > EWX 24/96 > CDWAVE > SF 4.5 (48 > 44.1) > CDWAVE > shn. Taped by Chris Ventura, transferred by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Jake's Roadhouse, Decatur, GA 10/11/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12408 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: SBD > Sony MZR30. Transfer: Sony MZR30 (via DSOH pro-audio cables) > SoundForge 5.0 (48kHz > 44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped & transferred by Matt Steadman
House of Blues, Chicago, IL 10/11/02 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12406 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Neumann KU100 + SBD (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 > Patchbay > Sony D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Barrymore Theatre, Madison, WI 10/16/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12641 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Neumann KU100 + SBD (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Apogee Mini-Me > Sony D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Martyr's, Chicago, IL  - 04/16/2004 all  [ zip for 23501 ] 0  04/16/2004 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: SBD > CD-R. Conversion: EAC > CDWAV > MKW > SHN. Taped by Kevin Browning, archived by Tim Henningsen. Huge thanks to Jon McLennand for the source CDs! Project OSU [Round II, BONUS], ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Ziggy's, Winston Salem, NC 06/11/2003 - 06/11/2003 all  [ zip for 17805 ] 0  06/11/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: SBD > d100. Transfer: d100 > oade 7-pin > coax > tascam cdr-w 2000 > eac > mkwact. Taped by Anthony Radford, tracked and shn'd by TomK. 
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro, NC 10/16/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 12508 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Microtech Gefell M210 > Sound Devices MP-2 > modSBM-1 > Sony D8. Transfer: Sony D8 > Sony 7-pin to optical cable > EgoSysWaveterminal U2A > Spark LE > CDWave > MKW. Taped and transferred by Jamie Lycos, tracked and SHN'd by Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro, NC 12/11/2002 - 12/11/2002 all  [ zip for 13697 ] 0  12/11/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Neumann KU100 + SBD (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 > Patchbay > Sony D8. Transfer: Sony D8 > Sony 7-pin to optical cable > EWX 24/96 > SF 4.5 > CDWave > MKW. Taped by Tim Fraley, tracked & transferred by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Music Farm, Charleston, SC 05/15/2006 - 05/22/2006 ffp  [ zip for 34760 ] 0  05/22/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: flac16; Matrix Neumann KU100+SBD(Delayed via TC Electronics D-2)-> Allen & Heath WZ 14:4:2+->Sony R500->Patchbay->SPDIF->Sony D-8(48kHz) Transfer: D-8->SPDIF Audiophile 2496->Sony Soundforge->flac lvl6 
Blue Cats, Knoxville, TN 01/15/2002 - 06/04/2003 d1  d2  d3  [ zip for 17656 ] 0  10/07/2007 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Neumann KU100 + SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > ?? > Mini-Disc. Transfer: Mini-Disc > Analog Mini-Cable > Cool Edit2000 > CD Wave > .shn (MKW 0.97). Taped by Kevin Kirk, transfer and conversion done by [email protected], tracking done by [email protected]
Club Dada, Dallas, TX 12/07/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13555 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) + Audix SCX-1's > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1). Conversion: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped by Cory Current, transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Garden in the Heights, Houston, TX 12/03/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13526 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Audix SCX-1c's + SBD (50ms delay via TC Electronics D-Two) > R500 > Patchbay > D8. Transfer: D8 > Audiowerk2 > Cool Edit Pro > Sound Forge 6.0 XP Studio Pro > CDwave > mkwACT. Taped by Gary Hartman & Dr. Dan Reese, transferred by Rick Mayberry, tracking & cover done by Tim Henningsen. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Vibe, Austin, TX 12/07/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13557 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) + Audix SCX-1's (for first 20 mins. only) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1). Conversion: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped by Cory Current, transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Monster Bash, Chicago, IL 11/08/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13004 ] 1  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: SBD > Sony R500 > D8. Transfer: Sony A7 > Echo MIA > Samplitide (48>44.1 on the fly) > CDWave > MKW. Taped and transferred by Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
The Fillmore Auditorum, Denver, CO 11/08/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13003 ] 2  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Neumann KU100 (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > PCM-R500 > DDA-5 > M1 @ 48k. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > Samplitude (48>44.1) > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Weimer, transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Aggie Theater, Fort Collins, CO 11/08/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13007 ] 1  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Neumann KU100 (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > PCM-R500>DDA-5 > M1 @ 48k. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > Samplitude (48>44.1) > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Weimer, transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Fox Theatre, Boulder, CO 11/27/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13406 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Neumann KU100 (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > PCM-R500 > DDA-5 > M1 @ 48k. Transfer: PCM-R300 > ZA2 > SForge > Samplitude (48>44.1) > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Weimer, transferred by Skomp. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Bluebird, Bloomington, IN 12/07/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13558 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) + Neumann KU100 (ceiling hung) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony PCM-R500 (with SBM-1). Conversion: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
20th Century Theater, Cincinnati, OH 11/22/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13316 ] 1  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Neumann KU100 (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > PCM-R500 > DDA-5 > D8. Transfer: D8 > Optical > EWX 24/96 > CD WAVE > SF 4.5 (48>44.1Khz). Taped and transferred by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Park West, Chicago, IL 11/22/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13315 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Audix SCX-1c's + SBD (50ms delay via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Apogee Mini-Me > Sony D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning, transferred by Jeff Kempka. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Park West, Chicago, IL 11/27/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13407 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Schoeps MK41 > KC5 active cables > CMC6 > Lunatec V3 (@38 db) > D8. Transfer: Sony A7 > Sony CDRW-33 (analog w/sbm on) > EAC > CDWave > MKW. Taped and transferred by Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
The Blue Note, Columbia, MO 08/01/2003 - 08/21/2003 all  [ zip for 19066 ] 0  08/21/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix KB Master (exact mic source unknown). Conversion: D(c) > M-Audio Audiophile 2496 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped by Kevin Browning, converted by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
People's, Ames, IA 08/01/2003 - 08/21/2003 all  [ zip for 19067 ] 0  08/21/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: SBD > DA-P1. Conversion: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and converted by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Cabooze, Minneapolis, MN 12/07/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13559 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: SBD > DA-P1. Conversion: D(m) > Seagate CTD8000 > SoundForge 4.5 (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CDWave > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jon McLennand. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Otto's, DeKalb, IL 01/01/2003 - 05/19/2003 all  [ zip for 16618 ] 0  05/19/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: CAD Equitek 200 in NOS > Apogee MiniMe > Sony D8 > Soundforge 6.0 > SHN. Taped, converted, and tracked by Jacob Kosakowski
Otto's, DeKalb, IL 2003-11-08 - 03/26/2006 md5  [ zip for 34055 ] 0  04/22/2006 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Disc 1 & 2: Neumann KU100 + SBD (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 (with SBM1) > KBCD > EAC > CDWave > MKW. Disc 3: CAD Equitek 200 in NOS > Apogee MiniMe > Sony TCD-D8 > Sounforge > SHN > See Source 
Rave II, Milwaukee, WI 12/11/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13665 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Schoeps MK4 (FOB/DFC) > KC5 active cables > CMC6 > Lunatec V3 (@34 db) > D8. Transfer: Sony A7 > Sony CDRW-33 (analog w/sbm on) > EAC > CDWave > MKW. Taped and transferred by Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Rave II, Milwaukee, WI 12/15/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13812 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD (delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) + Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOH/ORTF) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Apogee AD1000 > Sony D8 @ 48khz. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
State Theatre, South Bend, IN 06/27/2003 - 06/27/2003 all  [ zip for 18141 ] 0  06/27/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix SBD + Audix SCX-1c's > DA-P1. Taped and converted by Mike Moriconi
The Vogue, Indianapolis, IN 12/18/2002 - 04/26/2003 all  [ zip for 13911 ] 0  04/26/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Neumann KU100 + SBD (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 > Patchbay > Sony D8. Transfer: Sony D8 > Sony 7-pin to optical cable > EWX 24/96 > SF 4.5 > CDWave > MKW. Taped, transferred & tracked by Andrew Kaplan. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Canopy Club, Champaign-Urbana, IL 12/18/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 13908 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Neumann KU100 + SBD (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Apogee AD1000 > Sony D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka & Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Canopy Club, Champaign-Urbana, IL  - 12/24/2007 um2002-12-13.CAD.FLAC.ffp  [ zip for 89211 ] 0  12/26/2007 Add
Umphrey's McGee: flac16: FOB CAD Equitek 200 in AB (Cards in 6' Split ) > Apogee MiniMe > Sony D8 > Turtle Beach Fiji > Soundforge 6.0 > CDR > Wavmerge > CDWave > FLAC 
Mississippi Nights, St. Louis, MO 01/29/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 14870 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Neumann KU100 + SBD (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Apogee AD1000 > Sony M1 (48Hz). Conversion: Tascam DA-30mkii > Digigram VXPocket2 > Samplitude 2496 > CD Wave > Soundforge v5 (fades) > .shn v3. Taped by Bill Burge, tracked by Brooks Williams. 
Vic Theatre, Chicago, IL 01/03/2003 - 01/04/2003 all  [ zip for 14183 ] 0  01/04/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Schoeps MK4 > KC5 active cables > CMC6 > Lunatec V3 (@33 db) > D8. Transfer: Sony A7 > Sony CDRW-33 (analog w/sbm on) > EAC > CDWave > MKW. Taped and transferred by Brett Saul. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Vic Theatre, Chicago, IL 01/06/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 14304 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOH) + SBD (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Apogee Mini-Me > USB out to Fujitsu Lifebook 2110 > Steinberg Wavelab 4.00c @ 24/48 > resampled/dithered via Apogee UV22HR plugin to 16/44.1 > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka, mixed by Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
Vic Theatre, Chicago, IL 01/06/2002 - 04/23/2003 all  [ zip for 14305 ] 0  04/23/2003 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Source: Matrix Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 (FOH) + SBD (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Apogee Mini-Me > USB out to Fujitsu Lifebook 2110 > Steinberg Wavelab 4.00c @ 24/48 > resampled/dithered via Apogee UV22HR plugin to 16/44.1 > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka, mixed by Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN
UM COMPILATION 02, Various, Various 10/16/2002 - 10/18/2002 all  [ zip for 12518 ] 1  10/18/2002 Add
Umphrey's McGee: Umphrey's McGee Compilation Vol. #02. Compiled, transferred and spread by Cory Current. ...a Team Umphreaks Distribution

Please send any additions, corrections, comments, or questions regarding this list to Timothy Henningsen or Jesse Bloom.

Huge thanks to Kevin Browning, anyone and everyone who's ever taped UM, & last but certainly not least ALL of Team Umphreaks! (Jesse Bloom, Cory Current, Adam Heckelsmiller, Tim Henningsen, Andrew Kaplan, Tom Kasperski, John Joyce, Jeff Kempka, Jamie Lutch, Kevin McKormack, Jon McLennand, Mike Murphy, Mike Niven, Matt Quint, Brett Saul, Jeremy Welsh, Skomp, and TALL)!!!
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