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Sources For Gov't Mule
Gov't Mule Shows

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Date Venue Circ Date - Added Checksums Comments Last Edit #
Stubb's BBQ, Austin, TX  - 02/18/2009 md5  ffp  [ zip for 97503 ] 0  02/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: AKG 481 DFC, Dina @ 9' > Oade ACM Mod Marantz PMD-671 > Soundforge 9.0 (fades, resample, MBIT+ dither) CDWave (tracking) > flac level 6
Taped and transferred by Lee Hart 
Stubb's BBQ, Austin, TX  - 04/01/2009 ffp  [ zip for 98224 ] 0  04/06/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: AKG 483 > Oade UA5 Wmod> Microtrack 24/48
Location: DIN @ 9'
Transfer: Microtrack > Wavelab 5.0 (resample, dither) > CDWave (tracking) > flac level 6
Taped, Transfered and Seeded by Larry Pillman 
Stubb's BBQ, Austin, TX  - 04/01/2009 ffp  [ zip for 98225 ] 0  04/06/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Sennheiser MKH-8040 > Oade Concert Mod Edirol R-44
Location: DFC, DINa @ 9'
Transfer: PMD-671 > Soundforge 9.0 (fades, resample, MBIT+ dither) CDWave (tracking) > flac level 6
Taped and transferred by Lee Hart leehookem at texastapers dot org 
House of Blues, Houston, TX  - 02/18/2009 ffp  [ zip for 97505 ] 0  02/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: (ORTF) Nuemann ak40 FOB, 30' from stage @ 10' > ac3 > km100 > Lunactec V3 (analog out) > 722 > firewire > Wavelab (dither, resample, fades) > CD wave (tracking) > .flac
Taped and Transfer by Brad Wolf  
House Of Blues, Dallas, TX  - 02/19/2009 ffp  [ zip for 97516 ] 0  02/20/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Milab VM-44 Link dfc @ 9' -> Apogee Mini-MP -> Korg MR-1000 (1bit/2.8MHz DSD) -> AudioGate (16/44) -> CD Wave -> FLAC  
House Of Blues, Dallas, TX  - 03/14/2009 ffp  [ zip for 97890 ] 0  03/14/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: DPA 4021 (ORTF) > ACM V3 > 744 + SP LSD2 (MidSide) > 744
Location: FOH, DFC, 10'
Transfer: 744 (24/48) > SoundForge 9.0e (MBIT+) > CDWave > FLAC (6)
Taped and Transferred by OFOTD  
Cain's Ballroom, Tulsa, OK 02/27/2009 - 02/27/2009 ffp  [ zip for 97655 ] 0  03/01/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: AKG 483s > Hydra Audio Cable > W-Mod UA-5 > PMD671 24/48
DFC FOB ~50ft from stage mics ~8ft @90°
24/48 wave files > Cool Edit Pro > CD Wave > flac24 recorded & transferred by Brian Heath [email protected]  
Cain's Ballroom, Tulsa, OK  - 03/07/2009 ffp  [ zip for 97758 ] 0  03/08/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: AKG 483s > Hydra Audio Cable > W-Mod UA-5 > PMD671 24/48, DFC FOB ~50ft from stage mics ~8ft @90°, 24/48 wave files > Cool Edit Pro > CD Wave > flac16
recorded & transferred by Brian Heath 
Granada Theater, Lawrence, KS  - 02/19/2009 ffp  md5  [ zip for 97519 ] 0  02/20/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: JW Mod AKG 463s FOB/ROC/DIN 90° @ 10.5 ft. / approx. 40 ft. from stage > W-Mod + UA-5 > R-09HR @ (24/48) > Steinberg Wavelab 5.0 > .Wav > .Flac16, Taped and Transferred by: kcmoejoe 
Granada Theater, Lawrence, KS 03/08/2009 - 03/08/2009 ffp  [ zip for 97777 ] 0  03/08/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: AKG 483s > Hydra Audio Cable > W-Mod UA-5 > PMD 671 24/48 DFC FOB ~35ft from stage mics 9ft @ 90°
24/48 wave files > CD Wave > Flac24
By Brian Heath 
Granada Theater, Lawrence, KS 02/12/2009 - 06/23/2009 md5  [ zip for 99712 ] 0  06/23/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source- MBHO603a/ka500(DIN,FOB,DFC)>R-44@24/44.1
Lineage- Wavelab(dsp,tracking,dither to 16bit)>flac 
The Fillmore Auditorium, Denver, CO 02/16/2009 - 02/16/2009 ffp  [ zip for 97441 ] 0  02/16/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: source: Schoeps MK4 > CMC-6 > Sound Design 702 @24/96
Samplitude 9 to Dither down.
CDWave to slipt tracks
Location: At the Soundboard
taper: Jim Rehill  
The Fillmore Auditorium, Denver, CO 02/14/2009 - 02/17/2009 flac.md5  ffp  [ zip for 97459 ] 0  02/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Recording Info: FOBH Schoeps MK-41 17 cm @ 90* 35' Center 6'6" > Schoeps KCY Active > Schoeps VMS 5u > Kind Kables Chameleon > Korg Mr-1000 @ 1 bit 2.8Mhz.
Transfer Info: Korg Mr-1000 Usb > Windows XP > Audio Gate, Bit depth & Sample rate conversion, > CD wave > Flac
Taper: human mic stand 
The Fillmore Auditorium, Denver, CO 02/14/2009 - 03/06/2009 ffp  [ zip for 97731 ] 0  03/06/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: SOURCE: Beyerdyamic MC930 > Kind Kables > Fostex FR2LE (@24/48)
CONVERSION: FR2LE > Wavelab 5.01 (slight EQ) > CD Wave (tracking) > r8brain (convert to 16/44.1) >Traders Little Helper (FLAC level 6) 
The Fillmore Auditorium, Denver, CO 11/24/2009 - 12/11/2009 ffp  [ zip for 103353 ] 0  12/13/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 16 BIT Source: MBHO 603a>actives>KA500N(TS) > V3(24/48) > HD-P2(digital in)
Transfer: HD-P2 > Firewire > Sound Forge Pro 10(Normalize/Fades/Dither/Resample) > CDWave > FLAC16(8) > Foobar(Live Show Tagger)
Taped & Transfered by: Eric Foelske 
The Fillmore Auditorium, Denver, CO 11/24/2009 - 12/11/2009 ffp  [ zip for 103356 ] 0  12/13/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 24 BIT Source: MBHO 603a>actives>KA500N(TS) > V3(24/48) > HD-P2(digital in)
Transfer: HD-P2 > Firewire > Sound Forge Pro 10(Normalize/Fades) > CDWave > FLAC24(8) > Foobar(Live Show Tagger)
Taped & Transfered by: Eric Foelske 
Dobson Arena, Vail, CO 02/15/2009 - 02/17/2009 flac.md5  ffp  [ zip for 97460 ] 0  02/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Recording Info: FOB Schoeps MK-41 17 cm @ 90* 45' 2' right of center 7'6" on stand > Schoeps KCY Active > Schoeps VMS 5u > Kind Kables Chameleon > Korg Mr-1000 @ 1 bit 2.8Mhz.
Transfer Info: Korg Mr-1000 Usb > Windows XP > Audio Gate, Bit depth & Sample rate conversion, > CD wave > Flac
Taper: human mic stand 
Dobson Arena, Vail, CO  - 02/28/2009 ffp  md5  [ zip for 97679 ] 0  03/01/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: flac1648 uher m534 mics fob marantz pdm670 16bit 4800hrz
Taper: the madtaper peter schobert 
Dobson Arena, Vail, CO 02/15/2009 - 03/06/2009 ffp  [ zip for 97732 ] 0  03/06/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: SOURCE: Beyerdynamic MC930 > Kind Kables > Fostex FR2LE (@24/48)
CONVERSION: FR2LE > Wavelab 5.01 (Waves Q8-Paragraphic EQ / increase gain by 3.75db) > CD Wave (tracking) > r8brain (convert to 16/44.1) > Traders Little Helper (FLAC level 6)  
The Belly Up, Aspen, CO 02/16/2009 - 02/17/2009 flac.md5  ffp  [ zip for 97461 ] 0  02/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Recording Info: FOB Schoeps MK-41 17 cm @ 90* 15'center 7' on stand > Schoeps KCY Active > Schoeps VMS 5u > Kind Kables Chameleon > Korg Mr-1000 @ 1 bit 2.8Mhz.
Transfer Info: Korg Mr-1000 Usb > Windows XP > Audio Gate, Bit depth & Sample rate conversion, > CD wave > Flac
Taper: human mic stand 
Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY 05/30/2009 - 05/30/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99206 ] 0  06/01/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps CCM4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Benchmark AD2K>Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
Location: FOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP 50' From Stage, 7' High
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 9.0>CD Wave>flac(16)
Recorded By: Z-Man 
Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY 06/01/2009 - 06/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99283 ] 0  06/04/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Neumann km184> v2> Bus-mod. Tascam HD-P2 (24 bit/48 kHz)
Transfer: CF> Samplitude Pro 7.0> cdWave> FLAC Frontend 
Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY 06/03/2009 - 06/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99284 ] 0  06/04/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Neumann kmr81i> SX-PR> 722 (24/48)
Transfer : CF > Vegas > CDWave > Flac16 
Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY 05/31/2009 - 06/01/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99236 ] 0  06/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps CCM4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Benchmark AD2K>Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
Location: FOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP 50' From Stage, 7' High
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 9.0>CD Wave>flac(16)
Recorded By: Z-Man 
Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY 06/01/2009 - 06/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99285 ] 0  06/04/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Neumann km184> v2> Bus-mod. Tascam HD-P2 (24 bit/48 kHz)
Transfer: CF> Samplitude Pro 7.0> cdWave> FLAC Frontend 
Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY 06/03/2009 - 06/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99286 ] 0  06/04/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: akg c480b/ck61 > oade bcm marantz pmd 671 > WAV (24/48k)
Transfer: wav > Audacity 1.3.2 > wav (44.1k) > xACT > flac8 
Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY 06/05/09 - 06/05/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99315 ] 0  06/05/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: DPA 4017>Hydra Silver XLR>Sound Devices 722 (24/96)
Location: LOB @ 10'
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Audacity 1.3>CD Wave>flac(16) 
Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY 06/05/2009 - 06/08/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99387 ] 0  06/08/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: KMR81i > SX-PR > 722 (24/48)
Location: Directly in front of Slim @ 10' (thanks Slim!)
Transfer: CF > Vegas > CDWave > Flac16
Recorded by robert krall 
Wakarusa Festival – main stage, Mulberry Mountaintop, AR 06/07/2009 - 06/12/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99469 ] 0  06/12/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Milab VM-44 Link -> Lunatec V2-> Korg MR-1000 (1bit/2.8MHz DSD)
Location: fob, dfc, 9’ high
Transfer: Korg MR-1000 ->AudioGate (16/44) -> CD Wave -> FLAC  
Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park, Live Oak, FL 06/07/2009 - 06/11/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99458 ] 0  06/12/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: AKG 480/ck61 > Audio Magic Hyper Conductor XLR > Edirol R-44 (24/48)
Recorded by Alex Leary 
Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park, Live Oak, FL 06/09/2009 - 06/11/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99459 ] 0  06/12/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Rode NTG1's -> Fostex FR2-LE 24bit@ 48 kHz
Tracked & downsampled with Nero Wave Editor 3 
Great Stage Park, Manchester, TN 06/15/2009 - 06/17/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99585 ] 0  06/18/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: CA-11>STC-9000>Edirol R-09 @ 16/44.1
DFC FOB near the rail; mics about 7' high; about 80'(?) from the stage
SD>HDD>Winzip>MegaUpload>HDD>Winzip>Sony Soundforge>CDWAVE>Flac Frontend (level 8 )
Taped by MSTaper Jr.>transferred by MSTaper 
Great Stage Park, Manchester, TN 06/20/2009 - 06/22/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99702 ] 0  06/23/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Josephson c42mp (NOS) > V3 > Korg MR-1000 (24/96)
Location: FOB/DFC/7.5 ft.high
Transfer: MR-1000 > PC > Audio Gate > wavelab 6.0 fades/norm/dither/track > FLAC v1.2.1 (L6) as build in TLH v2.4.1 (Build 160)
Taped & Transferred by: Daniel Kopp 
Puistoblues Festival, Järvenpää, Finland 06/28/2009 - 06/28/2009 ffp  [ zip for 99848 ] 0  06/28/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Taper: Sami Ollas (aka Borlag) Source: Church Audio STC-11 > ST-9100 > Edirol R-09 (24Bit/48KHz) Location: 2nd row Warren's side, mics on collar (stealth) Transfer: Edirol R-09 (24Bit/48KHz) > USB 2.0 > Adobe Audition 3.0 > R8Brain (dithering/downsampling) > CDWave Editor > FLAC 1.2.1 lvl6 with TLH 2.4.1 (build 160) 
Rothbury Music Festival, Rothbury, MI 07/11/2009 - 07/17/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100177 ] 0  07/18/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Milab VM-44 Link -> Sontronics Sonora preamp-> Korg MR-1000 (1bit/2.8MHz DSD)
Location: fob, slightly left of center, 9’ stand 
Peoria Riverfront, Peoria, IL 07/08/2009 - 07/15/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100142 ] 0  07/15/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Neumann km184's(FOS ~35'/DFC/top of first stepup from dance floor/6.5' high) > Sound Devices Mixpre > Korg MR-1(24/96) > Audiogate(Resample/dither to 16/44.1) > CDWave(Tracking) > FLAC(16/44.1/Level 8) Recorded By: John F. Seeded By: John F. 
Peoria Riverfront, Peoria, IL 07/11/2009 - 08/05/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100486 ] 0  08/05/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 24 BIT Neumann km184's(FOS ~35'/DFC/top of first stepup from dance floor/6.5' high) > Sound Devices Mixpre > Korg MR-1(24/96) > Audiogate(Tracking) > Traders Little Helper(encode to FLAC 24/96/Level 8) 
Simon Estes Ampitheatre, Des Moines, IA 07/11/2009 - 07/15/2009 flac.ffp  flac.md5  [ zip for 100143 ] 1  03/03/2012 Add
Gov't Mule: flac1648; AKG C1000s cardiod nos -> Nady Pre-> Marantz PMD 660(16/48k Line in)
by: taperchef & Liz
Location: Right side of sbd on lawn 6ft stand
Transfer: Marantz PMD 660(16/48) -> CD Wave - 2 disc 
Fraze Pavilion, Kettering, OH 07/12/2009 - 07/14/2009 flac_md5  [ zip for 100131 ] 0  07/15/2009 Add
Fraze Pavilion, Kettering, OH 07/12/2009 - 07/14/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100133 ] 0  07/15/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Neumann AK40/LC3/KM100 > Apogee MiniMe > SD 702 [24/48]
Location: FOH, center, DIN 7' high
Transfer: CF card > Wavelab 5 > CDWave > FLAC 
Renaissance Theatre, Mansfield, OH 07/14/2009 - 07/15/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100141 ] 1  07/15/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source : BusMan BSC1-K4(subcard) > Fostex FR-2LE
Location : front row balcony ROC
Record Format: 24-bit,48 kHz
Conversion : Fostex FR-2LE > Macbook >WAVE editor > FLAC
Edit : normalized to 0.9, fades added, dithered and resampled to 16bits/44.1KHz and tracked with Wave Editor.
Final Format : 16-bit, 44.1 kHz 
Renaissance Theatre, Mansfield, OH 07/14/2009 - 07/17/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100170 ] 0  07/18/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 24 BIT Source : BusMan BSC1-K4(subcard) > Fostex FR-2LE
Location : front row balcony ROC
Record Format: 24-bit,48 kHz
Conversion : Fostex FR-2LE > Macbook >WAVE editor > FLAC
Edit : normalized to 0.9, fades added, dithered and resampled to 16bits/44.1KHz and tracked with Wave Editor.
Final Format : 24-bit,48 kHz 
Crossroads, Kansas City, MO 07/15/2009 - 07/25/2009 flac-md5  [ zip for 100309 ] 0  07/27/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source- MBHO603a/ka200(FOB,DIN,DFC)>R-44@24/44.1
Lineage- Wavelab(DSP,dither,tracking)>Flac 
Crossroads, Kansas City, MO 07/15/2009 - 07/25/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100310 ] 0  07/27/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: AKG480/ck61> Grace Lunatec V3 (24b-48khz)> MicroTrack MT2
Conversion: Wavelab5(Tracks/fades)> resample / dither (44.1kzh-16b)> Flac level6
Source/Conversion: Phil@FlacMusic 
Crossroads, Kansas City, MO 07/16/2009 - 07/25/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100311 ] 0  07/27/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: JW Mod AKG 461s > W-Mod+UA-5 > R-09HR @ (24/48)
Location: FOB / DFC / DIN 90° @ 10 ft. / approx. 50 ft. from stage
Lineage: Edirol R-09HR > Steinberg Wavelab 5.0 > .Wav > .Flac16
Taped, Transferred & Seeded by: kcmoejoe 
Crossroads, Kansas City, MO 07/16/2009 - 07/25/2009 flac-md5  [ zip for 100312 ] 0  07/27/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: AKG 463's (DFC FOB DIN) > Phatcables > Mackie Onyx > JB3 (@16/48)
Lineage : Samplitude 10 Pro (DSP,Dither,tracking) > Flac
Recorded, Tracked, Mastered by momule 
Wesner Amphiteatre, Apply Valley, MN 07/19/2009 - 07/25/2009 flac-md5  [ zip for 100308 ] 0  07/27/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Microtech Gefell M200 > van den Hul silver > FiveFish TS-2 (analog) > Darktrain Silver > sd722 @ 24/48
Location: - DFC - 9' - clamped to SBD scaffolding
Mic Config: DIN (90 degrees 20 cm)
Transfer: CF > USB 2.0 > PC 
Wesner Amphiteatre, Apply Valley, MN 07/16/2009 - 07/25/2009 ffp  flac-md5  [ zip for 100313 ] 0  07/27/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Sennheiser e 614’s > Marantz PMD660 (Oade Mod)
Wavelab 5.0
Recorded by Mike Mahoney (mpmgumby AT 
Wesner Amphiteatre, Apply Valley, MN 07/18/2009 - 07/25/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100314 ] 0  07/27/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Busman BSC1's (Wide Cards)>Busman Mod HD-P2, 24/48
Format: 16-bit, 44.1 kHz, Soundforge (dither, resample)
Samsung 8gb CF>Soundforge>WAV
Taped and transferred by Cliff Morse
Row C Seat 6 (sound from the stage, not stacks) 
Mishawaka Amphitheater, Bellevue, CO 07/19/2009 - 07/28/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100335 ] 0  07/29/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Beyerdynamic MC930 > Kind Kables > Fostex FR2LE
CONVERSION: FR2LE > Sound Forge 9.0 (Waves L3 Multimaximizer) > CD Wave (tracking) > r8brain (convert to 16/44.1) > Foobar 2000 (tagging) 
Mishawaka Amphitheater, Bellevue, CO 07/19/2009 - 08/11/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100619 ] 0  08/12/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 24 BIT SOURCE: Beyerdynamic MC930 > Kind Kables > Fostex FR2LE
CONVERSION: FR2LE > Sound Forge 9.0 (Waves L3 Multimaximizer) > CD Wave (tracking) > Foobar 2000 (tagging) 
Sloss Furnance, Birmingham, AL 07/24/2009 - 07/25/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100306 ] 0  07/27/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: DPA 4023(DIN)->Sonosax SX-M2 + DPA 4028(NOS)->AETA PSP-3->Sound Devices 744t(24/48)
Location: FOB/DFC
Transfer: 744t->HDD->Wavelab 5.01b->CD Wave->Flac 16
Recorded and Transferred by: Chris Hall 
Sloss Furnance, Birmingham, AL 07/24/2009 - 07/25/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100307 ] 0  07/27/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps CCM 4 Lg (ORTF) > Aeta PSP-3 > Sound Devices 702 (24/48)
Location: FOB / DFC
Transfer: CF > HD > Wavelab > CD Wave > FLAC
Taped, Transferred & Seeded by Dennis Tyler
Sloss Furnance, Birmingham, AL 08/25/2009 - 08/27/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100902 ] 0  08/28/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Schoeps MK21(nos) > kcy > Schoeps VMS5U + Schoeps MK4(ortf) > kcy > Schoeps VMS02IB > DarkTrain > Busman Mod R4 Pro
Location: FOB
Lineage: Edirol R4 Pro @ 24/48 > HD > Wavelab 5 > CDWave > TLH 
The Fillmore, Charlotte, NC 07/25/2009 - 07/25/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100315 ] 0  07/27/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps MK4 > KC5 > CMC6 > Lunatec V3 > Marantz PMD-671
Location: Just in front of the soundboard DFC
Conversion: 24 bit 48 k wav files resampled to 44.1 with Sound Forge 6.0 at highest quality settings and dithered to 16 bit, split into tracks with CD Wave, fades at beginning & end of sets with Sound Forge 6.0, FLAC files generated with FLAC front end.
Recording & conversion by Robbie Dunn 
The Fillmore, Charlotte, NC 07/26/2009 - 07/26/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100317 ] 0  07/27/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Team Dirty South Recording. [fob@sbd/6'roc/[email protected]'] Peluso cemc6/ck21 [nos] -> BMp2+ UA-5 + Peluso P Stereo [cards/75 deg] -> R-44 [24/48] -> Wavelab 5.0 [mtx/fades] -> CD Wave 1.98 -> Wavelab 5.01a [UV22HR/Resampler 192] -> FLAC [6].
recorded by: Chris Davis, Col. George, and Wise. 
The Fillmore, Charlotte, NC 07/29/2009 - 08/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100460 ] 0  08/04/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: DPA 4021>Sound Devices 722 (24/96)
Location: FOB, SLOC @ 11'
Recording/Tracking: Bish 
The Fillmore, Charlotte, NC 07/27/2009 - 08/06/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100515 ] 0  08/08/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 24 BIT
Source 1: 4 mic Peluso Audience Matrix
source 1: Peluso cemc6/ck21 [nos] -> BMp2+ UA-5 -> R-44 [24/48]
Source 2: Peluso P Stereo [cards/75 deg] -> R-44 [24/48]
Location: fob @ sbd / 6' roc / stand @ 8.5'
Transfer: R-44 -> Wavelab 5.0 [mtx/fades] -> CD Wave 1.98 -> FLAC [6] 
Masquerade Music Park, Atlanta, GA 07/28/2009 - 07/28/2009 ffp  flac-md5  [ zip for 100334 ] 0  07/29/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps MK21(nos) > kcy > Schoeps VMS5U + Schoeps MK4(ortf) > kcy > Schoeps VMS02IB > DarkTrain > Busman Mod Edirol R4 Pro
Location: FOB/DFC
Lineage: Edirol R4 Pro @ 24/48 > HD > Wavelab 5 > CDWave > TLH
Tape and Transfer: Jeff Hatcher 
Masquerade Music Park, Atlanta, GA 07/28/2009 - 07/31/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100386 ] 0  08/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: DPA 4017>Hydra Silver XLR>Sound Devices 722 (24/96)
Location: FOB, DFC @ 12'
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Audacity 1.3>CD Wave>flac(16) 
Masquerade Music Park, Atlanta, GA 08/04/2009 - 08/05/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100484 ] 0  08/05/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: source: AKGck63 ~> JKLabs ECMS-22 ~> acero mp 2 ~> 722t (24/96)
location: fob/dfc/7 ft high/
dsp: 744t > wavelab5 > cdwave > wavelab5 > flac(8) 
Masquerade Music Park, Atlanta, GA 07/29/2009 - 08/06/2009 ffp  flac_md5  [ zip for 100514 ] 0  08/08/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: AKG 393, DIN > Edirol UA5 BM2P+ mod > optical > I-River H120
Transfer: H120 > Samplitude (levels) > CDWave (tracking) > FLAC 
Masquerade Music Park, Atlanta, GA 08/10/2009 - 08/11/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100598 ] 0  08/11/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: source: AKG c414b-ULS (omni split 4'8",sbd fence, 2'rh of dfc, approx.9')>V3 (24/96)>sd722
transfer:sd722>hd>wavelab 5.01b (downsample and dither)>cdwav splits>flacfrontend 
Masquerade Music Park, Atlanta, GA 10/10/2009 - 10/10/2009 ffp  [ zip for 101927 ] 0  10/10/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Neumann 183's 17' omni split>
722 24/96> V 3> soundforge 7.0 (16/44-1)>
cd wave> Flac 16 
Lincoln Theater Street Stage, Raleigh, NC 07/27/2009 - 07/27/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100322 ] 0  07/27/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps MK4 > KC5 > CMC6 > Lunatec V3 > Marantz PMD-671
Location: FOB DFC approximately 30 ft from the stage
Conversion: 24 bit 48 k wav files resampled to 44.1 with Sound Forge 6.0 at highest quality settings and dithered to 16 bit, split into tracks with CD Wave, fades at beginning & end of sets with Sound Forge 6.0, FLAC files generated with FLAC front end.
Recording & conversion by Robbie Dunn 
Lincoln Theater Street Stage, Raleigh, NC 07/29/2009 - 08/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100452 ] 0  08/04/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: DPA 4017>Hydra Silver XLR>Sound Devices 722 (24/96)
Location: FOB, LOB @ 11'
Recording/Tracking: Bish 
Lincoln Theater Street Stage, Raleigh, NC 07/31/10 - 08/15/2010 ffp  [ zip for 109378 ] 0  08/19/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: Source1: Audix 1290(c)
Source2: Avantone CK1(c)
Fostex MR8HD (16/44.1)>Audacity>CD Wave>TLH flac level 8
Left corner of SBD rail@12' high 
Innsbrook Pavilion, Glen Allen, VA 07/30/2009 - 08/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100448 ] 0  08/05/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Neumann KM 184's > FR-2LE
Location: FOB, DFC ~35 ft. from stage at 8 ft.
Transfer: CF Card > Audacity > CDWave > Flac 
Innsbrook Pavilion, Glen Allen, VA 07/31/2009 - 08/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100449 ] 0  08/05/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source:AKGs 481s>V3>24/96>S/PDIF> Microtrack 2
Location: FOB, DFC ~35 ft. from stage at 8 ft.
Transfer:Cf Card>DBP>Wav Merge>CD Wav>Flac 8 
National Harbor Pavilion, Oxon Hill, MD 08/02/2009 - 08/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100461 ] 0  08/04/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: AKG 480/ck61 > Audio Magic Hyper Conductor XLR > Edirol R-44 (24/48)
Transfer: R-44 > iMac. Tracked and dithered via Sound Studio, FLAC via xACT 
National Harbor Pavilion, Oxon Hill, MD 08/03/2009 - 08/04/2009 ffp  md5  [ zip for 100462 ] 0  08/04/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 24 BIT Source: Microtech Gefell m270 > E.A.A. PSP-2 > Sony PCM-D50 (24/96)
Location: Right of center, split 5', ~50' back
Transfer: Sony PCM-D50 > Sony Sound Forge 9.0 (normalized: left channel 0.1db, right channel 2.75db) > Trader's Little Helper > FLAC 
National Harbor Pavilion, Oxon Hill, MD 08/01/2009 - 09/06/2010 flac.md5  [ zip for 109727 ] 0  09/06/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: 16 bit TLM170 subcard NOS FOB (~35 from stage) -> Neve Portico +silk (hpf 30hz) -> SD722 (24/96)
post in Samplitude 8SE, dither 0.5bit triangular noise spread
recording and post by michael miller 
National Harbor Pavilion, Oxon Hill, MD 08/01/2009 - 09/06/2010 flac.md5  [ zip for 109728 ] 0  09/06/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: 24 bit TLM170 subcard NOS FOB (~35 from stage) -> Neve Portico +silk (hpf 30hz) -> SD722 (24/96)
post in Samplitude 8SE, dither 0.5bit triangular noise spread
recording and post by michael miller 
National Harbor Pavilion, Oxon Hill, MD 08/01/2009 - 09/06/2010 flac.md5  [ zip for 109729 ] 0  09/07/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: 16 bit HPF version: TLM170 subcard NOS FOB (~35 from stage) -> Neve Portico +silk (hpf 30hz) -> SD722 (24/96)
post in Samplitude 8SE, dither 0.5bit triangular noise spread
recording and post by michael miller
two verions of the 16-bit: flat and HPF -6.0@40hz,0.0@180 for the car 
Bank of America Pavilion, Boston, MA 08/01/2009 - 08/01/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100409 ] 0  08/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: AKG 391 > Edirol UA-5 digimod > Edirol R-09 (24/44.1)
Transfer: SD > WAV(24/44.1) > Audacity v1.3.7 > WAV (16/44.1) > CD Wave v1.98 > FLAC (8) 
Bank of America Pavilion, Boston, MA 08/01/2009 - 08/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100450 ] 0  08/05/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Microtech Gefell M200's>(DINa@ 7`)Sound Devices MP-2>Edirol R9HR(24/48)
Location: FOB Center Section 2 Row N
Conversion: Edirol R9hr > USB > WaveLab 5.0a > CDWav 1.71 >Flac Frontend 1.7.1 (Level 8) 
Bank of America Pavilion, Boston, MA 08/01/2009 - 08/04/2009 md5  [ zip for 100463 ] 0  08/05/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Microtech Gefell M210's(DIN)>Audio Magic Hyper Conductors>Edirol R-4 (Oade T-Mod) @ 24/96
Mic Location: at SBD
Transfer: R-4>USB>pc>Sound Forge 7(track, resample and dither to 16/44.1)> Flac Frontend 1.7.1 
Bank of America Pavilion, Boston, MA 08/05/2009 - 08/05/2009 md5sum  ffp  [ zip for 100490 ] 0  08/06/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: AKG 480/CK61 > Hydra > V3 SPDIF > R4 (24/48)
Location: FOB, LOC, 9' high"DFC in wookie central"
Transfer: R4 > ssrc_hp(to 16/44) > shntool split/flac
Recorded/Transferred by: SmokinJoe 
Bank of America Pavilion, Boston, MA 08/13/2009 - 08/14/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100661 ] 0  08/20/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 110 degrees seperated by 21 cm 14th row DFC(row n sec 2)
Schoeps MK22>KC5>CMC6>Sonosax SX-M2>Apogee Mini-me(aes out at 24 bit/96khz)>COAX>Edirol R-44
SD-HC Card>USB>Soundforge 8(normalizing,tracking,resample/dither to 16 bit/44.1 khz)>FLAC(sector alignment,Level 8) 
Bank of America Pavilion, Boston, MA 08/13/2009 - 08/17/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100724 ] 0  08/20/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 24 BIT Schoeps MK22>KC5>CMC6>Sonosax SX-M2>Apogee Mini-me(aes out at 24 bit/96khz)>COAX>Edirol R-44 
Ives Concert Park, Danbury, CT 08/05/2009 - 08/05/2009 ffp  md5  [ zip for 100491 ] 0  01/08/2015 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: OTS-FOB-2-Beyerdynamic mc930's(matched stereo pair)(DIN)> Canare Cables>Marantz-OCM-PMD661@24/48.
Recorded in front of rightside of soundboard
Mics at 12 ft high
Transfer: Card Reader>Wavlab 5.0> (waves-ultramaximizer) to dither from 24 to 16 bit in(normal mode) > FLAC 
Central Wharf, Erie Canal Harbor, Buffalo, NY 08/03/2009 - 08/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100458 ] 0  08/04/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Schoeps CCM4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Benchmark AD2K> Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
Location: FOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP 50' From Stage, 6 1/2' High
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 9.0>CD Wave>flac(16) 
Central Wharf, Erie Canal Harbor, Buffalo, NY 08/04/2009 - 08/04/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100459 ] 0  08/04/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: at835b > Edirol R4 @ 24/48
Transfer: Edirol R4 > PC > Sony Sound Forge 7.0 > 16/44 > CDWAVE > Traders Little Helper 
Central Wharf, Erie Canal Harbor, Buffalo, NY 10/01/2011 - 10/03/2011 flac.ffp  [ zip for 116233 ] 0  10/03/2011 Add
Gov't Mule: flac16; Schoeps CMC6/MK41-> Lunatec V3 (44.1khz, 16 bit) no filters -> Sony PCM-M1 DAT
Taped & transferred by: Mike Buyers
Tracking, processing and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe 
Riverplex Amphitheatre, Pittsburgh, PA 08/05/2009 - 08/06/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100495 ] 0  08/06/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Schoeps CCM4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Benchmark AD2K> Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
Location: FOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP Row L, 44' From Stage, Seat 1, 7' High
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 9.0>CD Wave>flac(16) 
Riverplex Amphitheatre, Pittsburgh, PA 01/26/10 - 01/26/2010 ffp  [ zip for 105679 ] 0  01/28/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: FOB-AKG480/ck63>Sound Devices 722 @ 24/48>Wavelab 5.0>dither,tracking,ect
Flacfronted>Flac-16 bit>DVD
Recorded by Jay Gould 
Wellmont Theater, Montclair, NJ 08/06/2009 - 08/07/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100525 ] 0  08/08/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source:Neumann SKM 140's + Scheops CMC5 mk4's ->Edirol R44
Transfer:SD card -> PC -> Audacity-> Cd Wave Editor->Flac Frontend 
Wellmont Theater, Montclair, NJ 08/20/2009 - 08/23/2009 md5  [ zip for 100802 ] 0  08/24/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source set2 - Behringer c2's > UA5 > TCD-100 Location - Front of SDBD Taper - [email protected] 
Party In The Park, Rochester, NY 08/07/2009 - 08/11/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100599 ] 0  08/11/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: at835b > Edirol R4 @ 24/48
Transfer: Edirol R4 > PC > Sony Sound Forge 7.0 > 16/44 > CDWAVE > Traders Little Helper 
Party In The Park, Rochester, NY 08/09/2009 - 08/11/2009 flac_md5  ffp  [ zip for 100609 ] 0  08/11/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Beyerdynamic MC 930's -> Busman T-mod Edirol R4
Transfer: Audition (fades/dither) -> CdWav -> flac 
F.X. Matt Brewing Co. Tour Center Courtyard, Utica, NY 08/12/2009 - 08/17/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100721 ] 0  08/20/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source : Microtech Gefell M20 > JK Labs ECMS-23 > EAA PSP2 > Edirol R-09HR (set one input level 22, set two input level 25) 
F.X. Matt Brewing Co. Tour Center Courtyard, Utica, NY 08/11/2009 - 08/17/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100723 ] 0  08/20/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 24 BIT Source : Microtech Gefell M20 > JK Labs ECMS-23 > EAA PSP2 > Edirol R-09HR (set one input level 22, set two input level 25) 
F.X. Matt Brewing Co. Tour Center Courtyard, Utica, NY 11/05/2010 - 11/05/2010 flac.ffp  [ zip for 110570 ] 0  01/08/2015 Add
Gov't Mule: flac16; AKG568eb > Oade OCM Marantz PMD661 (@24bit/48Khz)
Taper - Chris Laporte 
House of Blues, Atlantic City, NJ 08/17/2009 - 08/19/2009 ffp  [ zip for 100755 ] 0  08/21/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: DPA 4017 Shotguns (PAS) > Hydra Silver Clad XLRs > Sound Devices 722 @ 24bits/96KHz
Location: Behind boards @ 9'
Lineage: SD722 > CEP2 gain, fades, resampled, dithered to 16bits/44.1KHz > CDWave > Traders Little Helper Level 6 > FLAC16 
The Depot, Salt Lake City, UT 09/13/2009 - 09/16/2009 flac.md5  [ zip for 101358 ] 0  09/16/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: ap185s/pmd671 the mad taper 
The Depot, Salt Lake City, UT 09/13/2009 - 09/16/2009 ffp  [ zip for 101359 ] 0  09/16/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Avantone CK-1 Cardiods(X-Y 90) >Sound Devices 722>24b,96k
Location: DFC FOB 13' Above SBD clamped on balcony 
Gallatin County Fairgrounds, Bozeman, MT 09/11/2009 - 09/18/2009 flac_md5  [ zip for 101447 ] 0  09/25/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: ap185 x/y marantzpmd671 the mad taper 
Britt Amphitheatre, Jacksonville, OR 09/13/2009 - 09/16/2009 ffp  [ zip for 101357 ] 0  09/16/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Neumann skm140>Oade ACM Marantz PMD660
Location: 6' high stand, ~30 feet just right of center 
Britt Amphitheatre, Jacksonville, OR 07/16/2011 - 07/16/2011 flac24.ffp  [ zip for 114584 ] 0  07/16/2011 Add
Gov't Mule: flac24; Schoeps MSTC-64 (ORTF) -> Fostex FR-2w @ 24bit/96kHz
Transfer: BWF > Apple Mac Mini 2.53 GHz Core 2 Duo > Wave Editor (tracking, normalization, downsampling, output as FLAC level 7). Replay gain and tagging with FooBar.
Recording and mastering by Chris Hecht. 
Britt Amphitheatre, Jacksonville, OR 07/16/2011 - 07/16/2011 flac.ffp  [ zip for 114585 ] 0  07/16/2011 Add
Gov't Mule: flac16; Schoeps MSTC-64 (ORTF) -> Fostex FR-2w @ 24bit/96kHz
Transfer: BWF > Apple Mac Mini 2.53 GHz Core 2 Duo > Wave Editor (tracking, normalization, downsampling, dithering, output as FLAC level 7). Replay gain and tagging with Foobar2000.
Recording and mastering by Chris Hecht 
Crystal Ballroom, Portland, OR 09/15/2009 - 09/16/2009 ffp  [ zip for 101396 ] 0  09/18/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: ADK A51s(bussman & ADK Proshop mod, XY, ~8'high, FOB ROC 15' from stage) > Sound Devices MP-2 > Edirol R-44(@24/48) > Soundforge(normalize) > IZotope RX Advanced(resample, dither) > CD Wave > Traders Little Helper(flac level-8) 
Crystal Ballroom, Portland, OR 09/15/2009 - 09/16/2009 ffp  [ zip for 101397 ] 0  09/18/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: ADK SC-T(DIN, FOB ROC 15' from stage) >Edirol UA-5(BMP2+, coax out) > M-Audio MT1(@24/48) > Soundforge(normalize) > Adobe Audition(resample, dither) > CD Wave > Traders Little Helper(flac level-8) 
Van Duzer Theatre, Arcata, CA 12/01/2009 - 12/08/2009 ffp  [ zip for 103231 ] 0  12/08/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Recorded with ccm4's>SX-M2>R-09 16/44>pc>cdwav>flac(tlh)
4th row dfc head high,seated
Taped and transferred by Doug Lantelme 
Hawkins Amphitheatre, Reno, NV 09/18/2009 - 09/25/2009 ffp  [ zip for 101536 ] 0  09/25/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Schoeps MK4 > CMR > CM-PMD620
Transfer: Transfer: USB > Wavelab 5 > CDwave track splits > flac 
House Of Blues, Anaheim, CA 09/23/2009 - 09/25/2009 flac_md5  [ zip for 101537 ] 0  09/25/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source Sennheiser MKH-8050's (Hypers)- Busman Hybrid Mod R-4
MIc's attached to front of House rail. 8ft High. DFC 40 Ft. From Stage 
Club Nokia, Los Angeles, CA 09/27/2009 - 09/28/2009 flac_md5  [ zip for 101615 ] 0  09/29/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source-Sennheiser MKH-8050's (Hyper-Card)- Oade T. MOd PMD-661
Mic's 10Ft High DFC 50 Ft from Stage 
Club Nokia, Los Angeles, CA 10/01/2009 - 10/01/2009 gm2009-09-23-24bit.ffp  [ zip for 101701 ] 0  10/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps MSTC-64 (ORTF) > Marantz PMD-661 (Oade Concert Mod) at 24bit/96kHz
Transfer: Apple MacBook 2GHz Core Duo > Bias Peak v6.0.3 (downsampled to 24bit/48kHz, gain adjusted) > xAct v1.3 > FLAC, tagged including replay gain in Foobar2000 v0.9.6.5 
Club Nokia, Los Angeles, CA 10/01/2009 - 10/01/2009 gm2009-09-23-16bit.ffp  [ zip for 101702 ] 0  10/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps MSTC-64 (ORTF) > Marantz PMD-661 (Oade Concert Mod) at 24bit/96kHz
Transfer: Apple MacBook 2GHz Core Duo > Bias Peak v6.0.3 (downsampled and dithered to 16bit/44.1kHz, gain adjusted) > xAct v1.3 (SBEs fixed)> FLAC, tagged including replay gain in Foobar2000 v0.9.6.5 
The Majestic Ventura Theater, Ventura, CA 10/07/2009 - 10/07/2009 gm2009-09-24-16bit.ffp  [ zip for 101805 ] 0  10/08/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 16 bit Schoeps MSTC-64 (ORTF) > Marantz PMD-661 (Oade Concert Mod) at 24bit/96kHz Transfer: Apple MacBook 2GHz Core Duo > Bias Peak v6.0.3 (downsampled and dithered to 16bit/44.1kHz, gain adjusted) > xAct v1.3 (SBEs fixed)> FLAC, tagged including replay gain in Foobar2000 v0.9.6.5 
The Majestic Ventura Theater, Ventura, CA 10/07/2009 - 10/07/2009 gm2009-09-24-124bit.ffp  [ zip for 101806 ] 0  10/08/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 24 bit Schoeps MSTC-64 (ORTF) > Marantz PMD-661 (Oade Concert Mod) at 24bit/96kHz Transfer: Apple MacBook 2GHz Core Duo > Bias Peak v6.0.3 (downsampled to 24bit/48kHz, gain adjusted) > xAct v1.3 > FLAC, tagged including replay gain in Foobar2000 v0.9.6.5  
Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA 09/28/2009 - 09/28/2009 ffp  [ zip for 101616 ] 0  09/29/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Neumann KMF4i > Denecke PS2 > Modified D8 (7ft. Stand in Section)
Transfer: Modified D8 > Prodif Gold > Soundforge 6.0 (fades & Normalization) > CD wave (tracks) > Flac(8) 
Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA  - 11/27/2009 flac-md5  [ zip for 102878 ] 0  11/28/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps MK-41, 3.5" @ 90* > Schoeps KCY Active Cable > Schoeps VMS 5u > Korg MR-1000 Line in, 1 Bit @ 2.8MHz.
Recording Info: F.O.B.H. 25' center Front Drink Rail.
Tranfer Info: Korg MR-1000 usb > Windows XP > Audiogate 2.0, bit depth & Sample rate conversion > CD Wave > Flac. 
Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA 09/28/2009 - 09/28/2009 ffp  [ zip for 101619 ] 0  09/29/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Neumann KMF4i > Denecke PS2 > Modified D8 (7ft. Stand in Section)
Transfer: Modified D8 > Prodif Gold > Soundforge 6.0 (fades & Normalization) > CD wave (tracks) > Flac(8) 
Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA  - 11/27/2009 flac-md5  [ zip for 102879 ] 0  11/28/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps MK-41, 3.5" @ 90* > Schoeps KCY Active Cable > Schoeps VMS 5u > Korg MR-1000 Line in, 1 Bit @ 2.8MHz.
Recording Info: F.O.B.H. 25' center Front Drink Rail.
Tranfer Info: Korg MR-1000 usb > Windows XP > Audiogate 2.0, bit depth & Sample rate conversion > CD Wave > Flac. 
Murat Theatre, Indianapolis, IN 10/24/2009 - 10/24/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102156 ] 0  10/26/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Schoeps CCM4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Benchmark AD2K> Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
Location: FOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP 39' From Stage, 6 1/2' High
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 9.0>CD Wave>flac(16)
Recorded By: Z-Man 
Murat Theatre, Indianapolis, IN 10/25/2009 - 10/28/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102193 ] 0  10/28/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Neumann AK40/LC3/KM100 > Apogee Mini-Me > Sound Devices 702 @ 24/48
Location: FOB/DFC, 39' from stage, NOS config @ 6.5' high
Transfer: CF > Wavelab 5(fades,Resampler 192,UV22HR) > CDWave > FLAC 
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, IL 10/25/2009 - 10/26/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102171 ] 0  10/28/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Schoeps CCM4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Benchmark AD2K> Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
Location: FOB/DFC(4' LOC)/KFC/ZFC/AARP 30' From Stage, 8' High
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 9.0>CD Wave>flac(16)
Recorded By: Z-Man 
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, IL 10/25/2009 - 10/28/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102189 ] 0  10/28/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Neumann skm184(DIN/DFC/~35' FOS/1st drink rail/7' high) > Sound Devices Mixpre > Korg MR-1(24/48) > Audiogate(dither[Korg Aqua]/resample to 16/44.1) > CDWave(Tracking) > FLAC(16/44.1/Level 8) 
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, IL 10/25/2009 - 10/28/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102192 ] 0  10/28/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 24 BIT Neumann skm184(DIN/DFC/~35' FOS/1st drink rail/7' high) > Sound Devices Mixpre > Korg MR-1(24/48) > Audiogate > CDWave(Tracking) > FLAC(24/48/Level 8) 
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, IL 10/27/2009 - 10/28/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102195 ] 0  10/29/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: 16 BIT Source: (2) Neumann km84i (DINish, 70 degrees, 30' from stage, 4' LOC) > 722 (24/96 w/ 40 Hz rolloff @ 24 dB/oct.) 
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, IL  - 12/05/2017 md5  ffp  [ zip for 140116 ] 0  12/05/2017 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: SP-CMC-2 Audio Technica cardioid stereo mics > Edirol R-09 @ 16/44.1 Mastering: .WAV > Sound Forge Pro 10.0 [Waves Q10 Paragraphic Equalizer plugin (boost midrange); minor edits, normalize, & fades) > CDWav (tracking) > Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC > TagScanner 5.1 (tagging) Location: Recorded 6 feet in front of the speaker stack on the left side Recorded by: Michael Herwitt Mastered by: Dennis Orr 
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Royal Oak, MI 10/26/2009 - 10/26/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102177 ] 0  10/28/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Schoeps CCM4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Benchmark AD2K> Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
Location: FOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP 40' From Stage, 8' High
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 9.0>CD Wave>flac(16)
Recorded By: Z-Man 
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Royal Oak, MI 10/30/2009 - 11/01/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102288 ] 0  11/01/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Sony ECM-MS957>Sony MZ-M100>HI-MD PCM
Location: FOB/DFC/40' From Stage, 8' High
Transfer: MZ-M100>Sonic Stage>Nero Wave Editor(+6db)>CD Wave Editor>Flac 
Martyr's, Chicago, IL 10/25/2010 - 11/07/2010 st5  ffp  flac.md5  [ zip for 110605 ] 0  12/06/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: flac16; FM (Onkyo TX8511)>SoundBlaster (Live! 24 bit External)>wav(CD Wave Editor)>flac 
Queen Elizabeth Theatre -- Exhibition Place, Toronto, CA 10/28/2009 - 10/30/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102257 ] 0  01/07/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: 16 bitSource: DPA 4021>Sound Devices 722 (24/96)
Config/Location: ORTF/FOH/SLOC 7' stand
Transfer: 722>Firewire>Macbook>xACT(join wav files)>Sound Studio 3(fades, normalize peak, track, resample, bit depth conversion)>xACT(align on sector boundaries, encode, tag, fingerprint)>flac16
Taped, transferred & mastered: Lenny Stubbe 
Queen Elizabeth Theatre -- Exhibition Place, Toronto, CA 11/01/2009 - 11/02/2009 ffp  md5  [ zip for 102308 ] 0  11/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Sony TCD-D8 with Sony ECM 909 stereo mic mounted on a hat from row S, 3 seats from the aisle just off centre.
Conversion = DAT Mas>OpticalCable>Pioneer Stand Alone Burner PDR-609>EAC>Soundforge 9.0>CD Architect 5.2>Wav>Flac 
Queen Elizabeth Theatre -- Exhibition Place, Toronto, CA 11/01/2009 - 11/03/2009 md5  ffp  [ zip for 102347 ] 0  11/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Conversion = Handy Zoom>San Disc Card Reader>Soundforge 9.0>CD Architect 5.2>Wav>Flac 
Queen Elizabeth Theatre -- Exhibition Place, Toronto, CA 01/06/2010 - 01/06/2010 ffp  [ zip for 105310 ] 0  01/07/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: flac2496: Source: DPA 4021>Sound Devices 722 (24/96)
Config/Location: ORTF/FOH/SLOC 7' stand
Transfer: 722>Firewire>Macbook>xACT(join wav files)>Sound Studio 3(fades, normalize peak, track)>xACT(encode, tag, fingerprint)>flac24
Taped & transferred by: Lenny Stubbe 
Le National, Montreal, QC 11/05/2009 - 11/08/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102422 ] 0  11/09/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: SP-C4's (cardoid,DIN) > Canare SQ's > UA-5 > NJB3 (16bit/44.1kHz)
Location: FOB,DFC,~30'from stage,~8'stand
Transfer: NJB3>USB>HD>Wavelab>CDWAV>FLAC 
Le National, Montreal, QC 11/24/2014 - 12/14/2014 flac.ffp  [ zip for 131971 ] 0  12/14/2014 Add
Gov't Mule: flac16; AT822 (ROC, 7' up, 20' back) > DR-07 (WAV) > SD card
Lineage: SD card > CDWav > Trader's Little Helper (FLAC Level 8)
Recorded by ChrisP. Tracked and uploaded by BradM ([email protected]
State Theater, Ithaca, NY  - 11/19/2009 flac.md5  [ zip for 102651 ] 1  12/14/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Sony D7 Dat>Sony SBM-1>Nakamichi 300 Mics With CP4 Shot>Harmon Kardon CDR 20 Home Burner>EAC.
Notes:Recorded FOB (3rd Row In Front Of board). 
State Theater, Ithaca, NY 12/25/09 - 12/26/2009 ffp  [ zip for 104985 ] 0  12/26/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: 2 Neumann SKM 140’s (AK40 capsules>LC3 actives>KM100 pre’s)> Aeta PSP3(pre-amp)>canare XLR’s>(line in) Sound Devices 722 @ 96kHz/24 bit
Transfer: Sound Devices 722 master file @96kHz/24bit>firewire>Sound Forge9.0>CDWave>FLAC via FLAC 
State Theater, Ithaca, NY 11/09/2010 - 11/09/2010 ffp  [ zip for 110625 ] 0  12/06/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: flac16; AKG568eb > Oade OCM Marantz PMD661 (@24bit/48Khz)
Casino Ballroom, Hampton Beach, NH 10/31/2009 - 11/01/2009 md5  [ zip for 102289 ] 0  11/01/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: SP C-4>Oade BCM Marantz pmd 671>soundforge (fades)cd wav (tracking)>tlh>flac
recorded LOB 8' stand 
Casino Ballroom, Hampton Beach, NH 10/31/2009 - 11/02/2009 md5  [ zip for 102302 ] 0  11/02/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps MK4 > CMC6 > Sound Devices 702 24/96 at Soundboard
Dithered to 16/44.1 with samplitude 9.0 
Casino Ballroom, Hampton Beach, NH 11/01/2009 - 11/03/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102341 ] 0  11/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps MK41>KC5>CMC6>Sonosax SX-M2>Apogee Mini-me(aes out@24 bit/96khz)>COAX>Edirol R-44
SD-HC Card>USB>Soundforge 8(tracking,normalize,resample/dither to 16 bit/44.1khz)>FLAC (sector alignment,Level 8 ) 
Casino Ballroom, Hampton Beach, NH 11/01/2009 - 11/03/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102342 ] 0  11/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: flac2496: Schoeps MK41>KC5>CMC6>Sonosax SX-M2>Apogee Mini-me(aes out@24 bit/96khz)>COAX>Edirol R-44
SD-HC Card>USB>Soundforge 8(tracking, normalize)>FLAC Level 8 
Casino Ballroom, Hampton Beach, NH 11/03/2009 - 11/03/2009 md5sum  ffp  [ zip for 102346 ] 0  11/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: AKG480/CK63 > Hydra > V3 SPDIF > R4 (24/48)
Setup: DINa, 6' LOC at FOB, 10'
Xfer: R4 > audacity > ssrc_hp > cdwav > flac
Taped/transferred/seeded by: SmokinJoe 
Tower Theatre, Upper Darby, PA 11/01/2009 - 11/03/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102338 ] 0  11/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Schoeps MK4's>Nbox>Edirol R-09>SF9>CDWAV>FLAC
Recorded from 1st Row Loge by The Dude 
Tower Theatre, Upper Darby, PA 11/01/2009 - 11/03/2009 ffp  st5  md5  [ zip for 102340 ] 0  11/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: flac2496: Neumann KM184 > Lunatec V2 > Korg MR-1000 > AudioGate > 24/96
recorded and mastered by: Derek McCabe 
Tower Theatre, Upper Darby, PA 11/02/2009 - 11/03/2009 st5  md5  ffp  [ zip for 102343 ] 0  11/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Neumann KM184 > Lunatec V2 > Korg MR-1000 > AudioGate > 24/96
recorded and mastered by: Derek McCabe 
Tower Theatre, Upper Darby, PA 11/03/2009 - 11/03/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102344 ] 0  11/03/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: DPA 4021>Sound Devices 722
Location: LOB @ 10'
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Audacity 1.3 Beta>CD Wave>TLH 
Tower Theatre, Upper Darby, PA 11/03/2009 - 11/03/2009 md5  [ zip for 102354 ] 0  11/04/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Nak 100 Mics W/Shotguns > Sony Sbm 1 > Sony D-8
Tascam Da-p1 > Sony Sbm 1 > Creative Extigy Soundcard > Cool Edit Pro > Flac Frontend 
Pumpehuset, Copenhagen, Denmark 11/07/2009 - 11/18/2009 md5  [ zip for 102623 ] 0  11/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Recorded on Edirol R-09 with Core Sound Cardiod Mics 
Hof Ter Lo [TRIX Muziekcentrum], Antwerpen, Belgium  - 11/17/2009 md5  [ zip for 102604 ] 0  11/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: oktava mk-012c [matched pair] > [busman 2p+] edirol ua-5 [16 bit/ 44.1 kHz] > audacity [1st set amp +1db - 2nd set amp +2db - fades] > .wav > cdwave [tracked and converted] > .flac
mic-position ab, bob, dfc, kfc, vfb, 50 ft from stage, 8 ft high [mics fixed to stand]
Taper: Ulrich Rettinger [africolaman AT gmx DOT de] 
Hof Ter Lo [TRIX Muziekcentrum], Antwerpen, Belgium  - 11/17/2009 md5  [ zip for 102605 ] 0  11/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: church audio ca-11 > mic-in edirol r09 [16 bit/ 44.1 kHz] > audacity [amp +5db - fades] > .wav > cdwave [tracked and converted] > .flac
mic-position ab, bob, dfc, kfc, vfb, 50 ft from stage, 8 ft high [mics fixed to stand]
Taper: Ulrich Rettinger [africolaman AT gmx DOT de] 
Hof Ter Lo [TRIX Muziekcentrum], Antwerpen, Belgium 11/18/2009 - 11/19/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102653 ] 0  11/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: OKM IIr > A3 > EDIROL R-09HR (44.1/16) > USB > WAV > Adobe Audition (EQing) > CDwave (tracking) > FLAC frontend (level 6, verify, with align on sector boundaries) 
Live Music Hall, Köln, Germany  - 11/17/2009 md5  [ zip for 102602 ] 0  11/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Audience recording: OKM II-r -> R09HR (44.1 kHz, 16bit)
Taped by Heinz Wagner  
Live Music Hall, Köln, Germany 11/11/09 - 12/14/2009 ffp  st5  md5  [ zip for 103568 ] 0  12/16/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Lineage: audience recording with Sony MZ-N1 plus Sony ECM-719 microphones > Audacity/Wavelab > CD Wave Editor > Trader's Little Helper(Flac level 6) > dime ul > my dime dl on HD (> bt.etree > YOU MULE JUNKIES)
Originally seeded to Dime in two parts 
Live Music Hall, Köln, Germany 12/26/2009 - 05/02/2010 ffp  [ zip for 107403 ] 0  05/03/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: 1st set only:
OKM IIr > A3 > EDIROL R-09HR (44.1/16) > USB > WAV > Adobe Audition (EQing) > CDwave (tracking) > FLAC frontend (level 6, verify, with align on sector boundaries) 
Live Music Hall, Köln, Germany 05/22/2010 - 05/23/2010 flac.md5  [ zip for 107880 ] 0  05/24/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: FM
Livestream flash>Totalrecorder PCM 44.1 khz-16 Bit-Stereo>feurio 1.68>Wav> trader's little helper>flac level 6>sector-aligned>you 
Live Music Hall, Köln, Germany 05/28/2010 - 06/09/2010 flac.md5  [ zip for 108136 ] 0  06/10/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: FM (Part 2, 2nd set)
Livestream flash>Totalrecorder v.7.0 professional Edition, PCM 44.1 khz-16 Bit-Stereo>feurio 1.68 (tracks split)>Wav> trader's little helper>flac level 6>sector-aligned>you 
Live Music Hall, Köln, Germany 05/31/2010 - 11/07/2010 flac.md5  [ zip for 110610 ] 0  11/11/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: Lineage: DVB-S > .m2t @ 256kbps / 48kHz (technotrend budget, kaffeine) > .mp2 (projectx) > wav (audacity, normalized) > flac (48kHz) 
WUK, Wien, Austria 11/11/2009 - 11/12/2009 wav-md5  ffp  md5  [ zip for 102493 ] 0  11/13/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: AKGs-c1000s-(hypercardiod configuration) >iRiver_H120 (rockbox)
Transfer: H120 >USB >PC >Cool Edit >CDwave >FLAC  
WUK, Wien, Austria 11/12/2009 - 11/19/2009 ffp  md5  [ zip for 102658 ] 0  11/20/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Unknown gear 
WUK, Wien, Austria 11/11/2009 - 11/19/2009 md5  [ zip for 102659 ] 0  11/20/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: ECM-719 --> Edirol R-09HR --> Audacity --> CD Wave Editor --> Flac Frontend (8) 
Theaterfabrik, Munich, Germany 11/13/2009 - 11/15/2009 md5  ffp  [ zip for 102560 ] 0  11/15/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Soundman OKM IIR>Edirol R-09 @ 24/48>WAV 16/44.1>Flac Frontend>FLAC 
Theaterfabrik, Munich, Germany  - 11/17/2009 md5  [ zip for 102600 ] 0  11/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: oktava mk-012c [matched pair] > [busman 2p+] edirol ua-5 [16 bit/ 44.1 kHz] > audacity [fades] > .wav > cdwave [tracked and converted] > .flac
mic-position ab, bob [elevated sbd platform], dfc, kfc, vfb, 60 ft from stage, 9 ft high [mics fixed to stand]
Taper: Ulrich Rettinger [africolaman AT gmx DOT de] 
Theaterfabrik, Munich, Germany  - 11/17/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102601 ] 0  11/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source/Lineage: Zoom H2 (front 90°) > wav (16/44.1) > SD card > HD > CD Wave Editor (tracking) > TLH > flac (level 6)
Location: behind soundboard, dfc, attached to africolaman's mic stand (Danke, Uli!)
Taper: msp_mule (project #2009-11) = Olaf Kohaut 
Alcatraz, Milano, Italy 11/13/2009 - 11/18/2009 md5  [ zip for 102624 ] 0  11/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: oktava mk-012c [matched pair] > [busman 2p+] edirol ua-5 [16 bit/ 44.1 kHz] > optical-in iriver120 [rockboxed] > .wav > usb2 > audacity [fades] > .wav > cdwave [tracked and converted] > .flac 
Sala Apolo, Barcelona, Spain 11/30/2009 - 11/30/2009 ffp  [ zip for 102925 ] 0  11/30/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: DAUD>km184>Sound Devices 722 (24/48), XY/FOB/7' stand
Transfer: 722>Firewire>Macbook>WaveEditor(fades,eq,6db gain,track)>xACT(encode, tag, fingerprint)>flac24
Taped, transferred & edited: Daniel Barrero  
Sala Apolo, Barcelona, Spain 12/02/2009 - 12/07/2009 ffp  [ zip for 103219 ] 0  12/07/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: flac16: [This has different flac ffp's] Source: km184>Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
Config/Location: XY/FOS/7' stand
Transfer: 722>Firewire>Macbook>WaveEditor(fades, eq, 6db gain, track)>xACT(align SBE, encode, tag, fingerprint,md5)>flac16
Taped, transferred & edited: Daniel Barrero 
De Lantaarn, Hellendoorn, The Netherlands 11/25/2009 - 11/28/2009 st5  ffp  flac-md5  [ zip for 102884 ] 0  11/28/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: OM2R > Sony MZR700 > ALCrec > Wav > 3CD set > EAC > Wav > TLH(level 8) > Flac
Recorded right of center, app. 7m in front of the stage.
Taper: SpaceBandit 
The Forum, London, UK 11/22/2009 - 11/22/2009 md5  [ zip for 102763 ] 0  11/23/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: church audio ca-11 > mic-in edirol r09 [16 bit/ 44.1 kHz] > .wav > usb2 > audacity [amp +3db - fades] > .wav > cdwave [tracked and converted] > .flac 
World Cafe Live, Philadelphia, PA 12/05/2009 - 12/08/2009 ffp  [ zip for 103223 ] 0  12/08/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Neumann KM-140 -> Aeta PSP-3 -> Edirol R09-HR
Bar rail about 3 feet right of center (just behind right side of FOH) 
World Cafe Live, Philadelphia, PA 02/04/2010 - 02/24/2010 ffp  [ zip for 106282 ] 0  02/26/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: WXPN Airwaves>Sony Vaio>Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 9.0>CD Wave>flac(16)
Recorded By: Z-Man 
Orange Peel, Asheville, NC 12/12/2009 - 12/13/2009 ffp  [ zip for 103436 ] 0  12/13/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Schoeps 4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
Location: FOB/DLFC 40' From Stage, 5 1/2' High
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 9.0>CD Wave>flac(16)
Recorded By: Manofz 
Orange Peel, Asheville, NC 12/18/2009 - 12/19/2009 ffp  [ zip for 104712 ] 0  12/19/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: FM Broadcast-PMD-661 > ? > FLAC 
Asheville Civic Center, Asheville, NC 12/13/2009 - 12/13/2009 ffp  [ zip for 103469 ] 0  12/13/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Schoeps CCM4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
Location: FOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP 35' From Stage, 6' High
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 9.0>CD Wave>flac(16)
Recorded By: Z-Man 
Asheville Civic Center, Asheville, NC 12/13/2009 - 12/13/2009 ffp  [ zip for 103470 ] 0  12/13/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source: Beyerdynamic-MC930>Canare Cables>[email protected]>Nomad Jukebox 3
Transfer:Nomad explorer>wav>wavlab5.0 Fades and tracking NO D.A.E Performed> Flacfrontend(level 8)>flac16 bit
Location:3Ft.right of DFC-Inside soundboard Ring Next to center camera platform
mics on stand at 13 ft high(DIN)
Recorded By:MULETAPER 
Asheville Civic Center, Asheville, NC 12/15/2009 - 12/15/2009 ffp  [ zip for 103631 ] 0  12/17/2009 Add
Gov't Mule: Source 1: DPA4021 Cardioid (ORTF) at 15' > Silver Clad XLRs > Sound Devices 722 @ 24bits/96KHz
Source 2: DPA4017 Shotgun (PAS) at 12 '> Silver Clad XLRs > Sound Devices 722 @ 24bits/96KHz
Location: Right of Center Tapers Section.
Lineage: SD 722 > CEP2 gain, mixed sources, resampled, dithered to 16bits/44.1KHz > CDWave > Traders Little Helper Level 6 > FLAC16
Taped by D Bishop, R Graham
Transferred, mixed, tracked, encoded by R Graham
Seeded to etree by R Graham (born_cross_eyed) 
Asheville Civic Center, Asheville, NC 12/20/2009 - 12/20/2009 ffp  [ zip for 104914 ] 0  Add
Gov't Mule: source Sennheiser MKH-8050's-Oade T. MOD PMD-661
Recorded from directly in front of board on stand 7 Ft up.
Recorded, Mastered, and Seeded By Pat Myers AKA DATPAT 
Beacon Theatre, New York, NY 12/31/2009 - 12/31/2009 ffp  [ zip for 105225 ] 0  01/02/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: Source:Microtech Gefel 200>EAA PSP3>Marantz PMD620 Row A Loge Right Stack
Transfer: Marantz PMD620 > PC > Wav (via CD Wave) > FLAC Frontend (Level 8)
Taper:Freddie G 
Beacon Theatre, New York, NY 01/01/2010 - 01/01/2010 ffp  [ zip for 105238 ] 0  01/02/2010 Add
Gov't Mule: Source:Microtech Gefel 200>EAA PSP3>Marantz PMD620 Row A Loge Right Center
Transfer: Marantz PMD620 > PC > Wav (via CD Wave) > FLAC Frontend (Level 8)
Taper:Freddie G 
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